Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Russians built turbofan engines back in the 1950s and 1960s and it took them only 10 years to design and build RD-33 turbofan engine back in the 1970s.

On the other hand, Indians were unable to build their Kaveri turbofan engine after 36 years of trying, despite having access to 21st century computer programs, advanced equipment and open literature about engines.

But you should not compare Indian engineers with talented Iranian engineers many of whom studied in the West.

In the end the best drone India can design and build looks like this (lol):
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Russia did that on the backs of Nazi scientists. Let’s be real, both America and Russia owe their space programs and much of their military modernization to Nazi scientists and the massive resources they reaped from winning WW2. Also jet engines were less powerful and complex back when they first originated. As you can see Iran didn’t have too much problem reverse engineering the 1950’s J-85.

You can have all the equipment in the world and even the blueprints to F-35 engine. You still won’t be able to reproduce it. It’s not that easy as a few computer simulations and a some equipment that can make crystallized turbine blades and a blueprint and poof you did it.

Jet engines with high reliability, long hours to overhaul, as well fuel to power efficiency are notoriously difficult to build especially when starting at a new design. If they were easy every major developed nation would build them. Instead even the ones that do get heavy parts and assistance from US companies (Boeing/Rolls Royce). It’s similar to the monopoly that Siemens has in gas turbine industry to power power plants.

Iran has struggled to even replicate the engine in Kh-55 at a economic cost and efficiency of the Soviet cruise missile. It ended up moving away from Soumar and making 2 different CMs using its own traditional microjet line (tolou)

While that is funny. It’s misleading and important to point that out. This was a private company in India, not the military. It’s really not too different when Basij R&D arm rolls out it’s pet projects every year and everyone on social media makes fun thinking that slapping ERA on a M60 tank is the best we can do.

Given that India has sent a probe to the moon, it seems highly unlikely they couldn’t build decent drones.

In fact a simple google search can you show different drones:

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It’s important we don’t fall into the same propaganda trap where the West picks and chooses certain “news items”, to make the “brown” race(s) look inferior to the white man.
The website says that an unknown jet was seen in one of Iranian airbases according to a sat image.

The op also speculates that it might be the unmanned version of Q-313 that was promised to be unveiled soon. It was seen on the HESA's runway.

Well, we are waiting. Hurry up
The website says that an unknown jet was seen in one of Iranian airbases according to a sat image.

The op also speculates that it might be the unmanned version of Q-313 that was promised to be unveiled soon. It was seen on the HESA's runway.

Well, we are waiting. Hurry up
The supposed Q-313 on the runway was a photoshopped satellite image.

slow production but at least there is production

video of first test flight in May 2023:

No, no. I can´t be in production still. You need at least two flyable prototypes. And then fly some hundreds of hours, and during that time you need to do static test to check the resistance of the wings and fuselage with a third prototype.

Anyway if it is a second prototype that means that any kind of ToT are being underway (probably TV3-117 engines). With this aircraft IRIAF and even IRIN can refurbish all light and tactical aircraft, ASW and even any further ELINT or AEW capability can be achieved. It is very good news.
No, no. I can´t be in production still. You need at least two flyable prototypes. And then fly some hundreds of hours, and during that time you need to do static test to check the resistance of the wings and fuselage with a third prototype.

Anyway if it is a second prototype that means that any kind of ToT are being underway (probably TV3-117 engines). With this aircraft IRIAF and even IRIN can refurbish all light and tactical aircraft, ASW and even any further ELINT or AEW capability can be achieved. It is very good news.
I would be more impressed with a gunship especially for their borders would make a lot more sense
This Shahed 238 has now become my favorite drone. That RAM coated dark blue/ black body, thick glass nose with that glowing red FLIR/ image processor behind it is totally sinister lookin no? its got a mind of its own....... :p (y) ...I like this thing:

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Yes is very bad ass. I look this, it s the ghost from Iran.
The website says that an unknown jet was seen in one of Iranian airbases according to a sat image.

The op also speculates that it might be the unmanned version of Q-313 that was promised to be unveiled soon. It was seen on the HESA's runway.

Well, we are waiting. Hurry up

We have to see qaher 313 flying, no more taxi test... we eager to see this drone version, and shut the mouth of a lot of people here and there saying this project was dead and had not sense. Iran needs demoralize them.

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