Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Does anyone have relatively well-informed information about how many Sukhoi 35s Iran will (hopefully) be receiving? I hear conflicting reports/news of 24 then some have mentioned about 60...thank you in advance.
Does anyone have relatively well-informed information about how many Sukhoi 35s Iran will (hopefully) be receiving? I hear conflicting reports/news of 24 then some have mentioned about 60...thank you in advance.
If and when is the 64 million dollar question
Does anyone have relatively well-informed information about how many Sukhoi 35s Iran will (hopefully) be receiving? I hear conflicting reports/news of 24 then some have mentioned about 60...thank you in advance.

Given the threats that Iran faces - they need a massive recapitialisatin of the Iranian Airforce, it will be alot lot lot more than 60...
Making the Iranian air force stronger massively will be costly and a fool's errand, as their air bases will be hit first and foremost. Iran has to have a decentralized and dispersed approach to it's air defense, which is what it has.
Making the Iranian air force stronger massively will be costly and a fool's errand, as their air bases will be hit first and foremost. Iran has to have a decentralized and dispersed approach to it's air defense, which is what it has.

If you cannot protect your own airspace - then everything that is important to you on the ground can be destroyed.
Iran has several options.
as far as I know, the su57 is exportable.
I think they have their own ideas

Northrop Grumman idea:​

Can it carry all of Iran's most modern air launched cruise missiles and glide bombs? Any updates to the cockpit like they did in the Kowsar?

If so, overhauled airframes/engines with capability for precision cruise missiles and glide bombs is an insanely deadly weapon in today's world.

View attachment 64913

Strike package (8.5 Tons)
Ya-Ali LACM (440 lbs, 700 KM) INS/SAT, possible TERCOM/DSMAC
Ghader AShCM (330 KM) Sea Skimming ARH with onboard ECM
Kowsar AShCM (65 lbs, 45 KM) Sea Skimming ARH/TV/IR
Nasr AShCM (330 lbs, 35 KM) ARH+TV
Ghassed (2000 lbs, 100 KM), INS/Sat+TV/IR Rocket Boosted
Sattar-4 (500 lbs, 100 KM) INS/Sat guided
Yasin Glide bomb (500 lbs, 50 KM) Laser guided
Zoobin (500 lbs, 20KM) TV
Bina-2 (300 lbs , 22 KM) Semi-Active Laser
AGM-65 Maverick



Onboard + external ECM/e-warfare package (Shahin ALQ-119)


Upgrade to the cockpit
New panels for Radar



They can be turned even more deadly with unjammable AESA antennas, powerful ECM, ALBM, Datalink etc.
Iran should never ever give up on Fakour-90 or its upgraded Maghsoud Long range BVR missiles.

Look at Americans, using SM-6 SAM as A2A BVR weapon with 250 KM range along side AIM-120D. BVR is not for kill, its for thwarting enemy at distance, ruining the enemy's attack mission esp if you are operating from within the IADS. A thwarted incoming enemy at BVR ranges now now has to pull countermeasures, maneuvers to dodge the BVR which exposes them to IADS.


Which also begs the question, can Sayyad-3/4 be converted into such A2A weapon? SM-6 and Sayyad-4 have similar performance so why not? We have (and are getting) powerful large fighters that can carry them.

I know years back there was talk of 9-dey missile turning into a lighter long range BVR weapon. Such a missile will be marvel considering it is lighter and can take track info from aircraft's IRST+Radar, probably will reach 150 KM easily. Decades back there was a test of integrating SM-1 on F-4.


Found it at last. I kind of lost track where it was posted to.

The image of the F-18 loaded out to max is really impressive. In the US this would be known as 'loaded for bear'.

Other nice images was that of a Kowsar cockpit layout, Shahin ALQ-119 EW pod, and the HUD. The last from China, shown in an F-4?

The last from China, shown in an F-4?


Nothing is Chinese, the F-4 upgrade is indigenous.

The first time I heard of the program was in 2011 when it was supposed to be totally a Chinese package with JL-10A radar, PL-10/12, PL5 etc. Chinese backed out and the upgrade went to the IAIO of Iran.

Lack of budget did not allow IRIAF to get the fleet upgraded to extremes but still an upgraded IRIAF F-4E/D "Dowran" is nothing short of PLAAF JH-7. Because of rampant corruption/incompetence in IRIAF the program is not what it should have been considering how effective a strike platform F-4/D is.

I personally feel that with 64 airframes in IRIAF possession and ~20 more damaged/idle ones (for spares or if some can be revived), IRIAF can get a very lethal attack arm if right amount of $ is invested in F-4E/D fleet. Even if IRIAF gets large numbers of SU-35, the fleet should be transfered to IRGC-AF, they will bring the best out of it considering how deep their SU-22M3/M4 upgrades were with datalinks, ALBM, jammers etc
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Karrar has been given a EO/IRST + double duplex datalink for Track information exchange with other aerial and IADS assets. This also means the WVR HOBS it carries "Azarakhsh" now has an extended range. Considering it can fly at 0.8 Mach at 40K feet, pulling 20 G's. This can become a very good interception force multiplier with interceptors and SAMSs


Nothing is Chinese, the F-4 upgrade is indigenous.

>> a Chinese package with JL-10A radar, PL-10/12, PL5 etc. Chinese backed out and the upgrade went to the IAIO of Iran.

What I make of this is that off-the-shelf items would have been sourced where these were to be found externally, while big-ticket items, such the JL-10A, PL-10 or even PL-12 would been produced locally.

Would also be a nod to Iran's indigenous aircraft, ordinance, and electronics industries.

Would be nice to assume that AIM7 -->Arash took something off PL-10/12, PL5. Nothing concrete of course. Would also totally be dependent on China's willingness to supply meaningful data on PL10/12.

I make the assumption that the radar in the nose of the F-4, (Bayyenat-1 PESA), was based, at least partly, on the Westinghouse AN/APQ-120, JL-10A, or an as yet to be disclosed KLJ-XX radar ToTed to Iran by China.

Why I came to this conclusion is because Bayyenat-11, which was unveiled with Kowsar in 2018 was based on Grifo-346.

Could the HUD shown on the F-4 be the same as that of Yasin and Kowsar.

>>it should have been considering how effective a strike platform... .

>>I personally feel that with 64 airframes in IRIAF possession and ~20 more damaged/idle ones (for spares or if some can be revived)

Agree with both of the above.


The first time I heard of the program was in 2011 when it was supposed to be totally a Chinese package with JL-10A radar, PL-10/12, PL5 etc. Chinese backed out and the upgrade went to the IAIO of Iran.

Lack of budget did not allow IRIAF to get the fleet upgraded to extremes but still an upgraded IRIAF F-4E/D "Dowran" is nothing short of PLAAF JH-7. Because of rampant corruption/incompetence in IRIAF the program is not what it should have been considering how effective a strike platform F-4/D is.

I personally feel that with 64 airframes in IRIAF possession and ~20 more damaged/idle ones (for spares or if some can be revived), IRIAF can get a very lethal attack arm if right amount of $ is invested in F-4E/D fleet. Even if IRIAF gets large numbers of SU-35, the fleet should be transfered to IRGC-AF, they will bring the best out of it considering how deep their SU-22M3/M4 upgrades were with datalinks, ALBM, jammers etc

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