Iranian Chill Thread

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Andrei Rudenko said that Russia and Iran have completed preparation of an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership. Work on drawing up the agreement lasted two and a half years, the signing of the document will take place “in the near future.”

So guys any idea how this might look? I guess we will get the obvious stuff like cooperation in the field of energy, probably agriculture, some kind of a visa free travels, some kind of a currency agreement, probably cooperation in the space sector, stuff that we already know about. But how possible is to get something new in the military sphere, join productions or something like this?
هر چه از فداکاری های سیدالشهدای خدمت بگوییم قطره ای است از دریا

دوستان کسانی که به مقدسات توهین میکنند و هسته ای و موشکی رو مزخرف میدونن شدن اعضای شورای راهبردی پزشکیان

این پیج رو حتما ببینید:


ما برای عدم سوء استفاده دشمن همه چیز رو نمیذاریم ولی شما خودتون برید ببینید
متاسفانه همین بهایی ها و یهودی های مخفی از دو قرن پیش تاحالا پدر مملکت رو درآوردن!

View attachment 55879
why you post lies, being minorities give you 1 point . why you lie about being jew gave you 10 point?

By the way Alinaqi Kashani is also well known as Haj Alinaqi Kashani.

people talked , you guys didn't become tired of spreading lies about him
اگه دروغگو تر از روحانی و ظریف هم سراغ داشتید به من بگید:


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