Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Iran executes four accused of sabotage, links to Israel's Mossad​

Dec 29 (Reuters) - Iran executed on Friday four people, including a woman, whom it accused of being "saboteurs" with links to Israel's Mossad intelligence service, the Mizan news agency affiliated to the judiciary said.

The executions took to five the number of people put to death this month in a decades-long shadow war that has seen Iran accuse Israel of attacks on its nuclear effort, charges the latter has never confirmed or denied.

"Four members of a sabotage team associated with the Zionist regime ... were executed this morning following legal procedures," the news agency said, accusing them of "extensive" actions, guided by Mossad officers, targeting Iran's security.

Friday's executions in West Azerbaijan province followed Iran's mid-December execution of a fifth accused Mossad agent in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan.


Iran showcases its reach with militia attacks across Middle East​

BEIRUT — The Gaza war has given Iran the opportunity to showcase the capacity of its newly restructured network of allied militias, demonstrating Tehran’s strategic reach while allowing it to keep a distance from the fight, according to members of the groups and military analysts.

On any given day since the Oct. 7 Hamas assault on Israel, one or other of these militias has carried out an attack somewhere in the Middle East — and on some days several in different places. The Houthis in Yemen are targeting ships in the Red Sea; Kataib Hezbollah and other Iraqi groups are hitting U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria; and Lebanon’s Hezbollah is engaged in daily exchanges of fire with Israeli forces across the Israel-Lebanon border.
Israel assassinates top Hamas official (Saleh Arouri) via drone strike in Beirut

Iran has zero deterrence against this campaign of targeted assassinations of leaders of the Axis of Resistance, and now Hezbollah's deterrence faces a grave threat. Quite frankly, they must escalate to a very serious level and accept the cost of this, otherwise Israel will become emboldened and Hezbollah will lose even more deterrence over time.

Arouri was considered the head of the Resistance in the West Bank and the number 2 official in Hamas overall (behind only Sinwar).

Nasrallah recently promised a "severe reaction" to any Israeli assassination in Lebanon - now he must deliver

“For any Israeli assassination against a Lebanese, Palestinian, Iranian person or anyone else, that is carried out on Lebanese territory — there will be a severe reaction and we will not be silent about it,” Hassan Nasrallah said.

“We will not allow a return to assassinations in Lebanon and we will not accept changes to the rules of conflict. Israel must understand this,” Nasrallah continued.
Let's see if Hezb has the balls that Iran should have had.
Yemenis are built different though

Would not be surprised if an US helicopter crashes from the coast or worse

PS this is an attempt to bring Lebanon (in its whole) into the war and risk Israel taking parts of Lebanon, Lebanese firefighter department and police said that Lebanon is not ready for a war economically and humanitarian (this means there are no firefighters and Israel could put Lebanon into rubble), just for struggling on the ground like Gaza

Never underestimate Zionist capability to carpet bomb
A lot talk about retaliation and military power without listening to the firefighting and economic department.

An Israeli carpet bombing campaign on Lebanon would be another human disaster, Israel at war only carpet bombs, they have hatred against all muslim and if they were capable, they would slaughter and kill all arabs and muslims

And their propaganda will say it is because of HZ and Iran and play the victims exactly like Nazi germany invading Poland
A lot talk about retaliation and military power without listening to the firefighting and economic department.

An Israeli carpet bombing campaign on Lebanon would be another human disaster, Israel at war only carpet bombs, they have hatred against all muslim and if they were capable, they would slaughter and kill all arabs and muslims

And their propaganda will say it is because of HZ and Iran and play the victims exactly like Nazi germany invading Poland
What do you do when your opponent has complete capacity to carpet bomb your cities indiscriminately.

Really the only way is mutual assured destruction, which would mean Hezbollah would have to have developed the capability to create similar damage to Israeli's cities. This is a difficult task but do-able.

In any case, Lebanon will be destroyed, and Israel will be damaged. Israel can only deter its opponents by threatening indiscriminate bombing.

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