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Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations


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Dec 25, 2023
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Waiting for confirmation

A drone of similar design was shot down in Odessa. I vaguely remember when I saw his photo on a pro Ukrainian channel a few days ago, but I didn't save it.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
I was thinking all that time that Arash was jet powered, until seeing the fans on picture above


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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Question for Iranians.

Does Iran have a vision for post-war Gaza military factions, and if so, what does it entail? Does Iran believe Gaza is too limited geographically and by other factors to upgrade it's military capabilities or does Iran intend to help them upgrade their weapons systems ?

One example, is lack of attack drones in Gaza. Weak A/T systems. No loitering munitions capability for air defense. Etc.... those are just a few examples.

That's a good question. If we continue with current strategy and sprinkle in past history, the resistance will grow. I believe Jordan and Bahrain are clear candidates. As for Gaza, The Resistance's ring of fire will be turned up and down for the foreseeable future--until Zionia eventually vacates. Their strategic situation is simply not sustainable. Now that's just Gaza. I'm not sure what 'post Gaza' is yet but it doesn't look good for Zionia. Meanwhile, Iran will wield its nuclear state status more aggressively.

Note the real goal is relieving the US of its duties in West Asia which includes Zionia. That's the real ball we should keep our eye on.


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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Because Khamenei does not believe in nuclear weapons on religious grounds. He is against them. Thus it is highly unlikely iran will become a nuclear weapons power during his time. He does not wish for that to be a part of his legacy.

No there isn’t some cryptic reasons. It’s quite clear and he has been quite clear on this in numerous sermons.

Wouldn’t change much. It would make Saudi Arabia sign a mutual defense treaty with US. It would create an “Arab and Israeli NATO” on Iran’s borders.

This thinking that making nukes and you will have sanctions come off and be accepted at the table is not rooted in reality. North Korea shows that

There will be no major sanction relief: the US embargo has been on Iran since 1980s, long before any nuclear weapons program.

If sanctions relief is merely being able to sell your oil and send cash to other foreign banks and receive cash from other foreign banks then that is sad. That is a right every nation should have.
As usual, unstudied, unaware, and manifestly incorrect. Missing fiber to boot. I suggest loading up on some salad. I can give a few suggestions if you're nice.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
MSM much lately?
Why is there a Doge meme on the background of the image? Added? This does not look like an official paper/graph

Edit: I got blocked by this account for asking a source backing up the chart
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Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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MSM much lately?

Sorry my Quds officers and sources on the ground were not available for comment. Maybe you can try asking yours.

Last I checked one of you posted a laughable AI generated crater on the US carrier as “proof” it was struck. But of course no rigour analysis is needed on here to post pro-resistance leaning news. Even if it is blatantly fake.

Why is there a Doge meme on the background of the image? Added? This does not look like an official paper/graph

Edit: I got blocked by this account for asking a source backing up the chart

Numbers don’t matter as much as getting a rough idea of the weapons used by Houthi’s and broken down by type.

It can help extrapolate how much production is going on.

Nobody expects OSINT (wether pro West or pro resistance) to get the exact number of anything correct. They are merely pulling and scraping news articles and Houthi announcements.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Please brothers be careful when you all send something here, there is also a PDF rule to filter OSINTs and the alarming level of fake news posted by a lot of them

- Look at the osints profile and his history

- His date of signing up to twitter, if it is after Russia Ukraine war, this is highly likely to be a trash osint

- No source on a claim, in this case i personally send a message asking for a source, osint that are serious will send you a link (meshkat immediately gave to me a link), if no answer or blocking, stay away from them, a real osint interacts with his community and specially when it concern reliability of the claim

- Search yourself about the news, if nothing appears on reliable press agency like AFP/Reuters and state media, this is highly likely to be a self made claim/lie

- Stay away from anonymous sources, this is a well known method made to pass lies as something legit, unless it is a good quality analysis based on real facts but some of them are anonymous, this is likely serious but not 100% legit, a real osint isn't scared of precise analysis and writing more than twitter 180 characters

This place wants to be different than the old PDF, having our own moderators, barely any trolls, it should also be cleaned of fakes, the old PDF didn't check these cases


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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this news about the Taliban sending fighters to Israel is nonsense, are they going to fight with Shia militias in Syria or Hezbollah in Lebanon? and they will get taken apart on the way there. I call BS

Here is the source

Draw your own conclusions.

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