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Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2022
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Yemen's "Toofan 1" suicide boat







Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
Because Khamenei does not believe in nuclear weapons on religious grounds. He is against them. Thus it is highly unlikely iran will become a nuclear weapons power during his time. He does not wish for that to be a part of his legacy.

No there isn’t some cryptic reasons. It’s quite clear and he has been quite clear on this in numerous sermons.

Wouldn’t change much. It would make Saudi Arabia sign a mutual defense treaty with US. It would create an “Arab and Israeli NATO” on Iran’s borders.

This thinking that making nukes and you will have sanctions come off and be accepted at the table is not rooted in reality. North Korea shows that

There will be no major sanction relief: the US embargo has been on Iran since 1980s, long before any nuclear weapons program.

If sanctions relief is merely being able to sell your oil and send cash to other foreign banks and receive cash from other foreign banks then that is sad. That is a right every nation should have.
Ok, even if you are right (I don´t agree), we can do same like israelis. Just make some and deny their existence. But you don´t build 1.200 IR6 centrifugees just for Khamenei´s ban because religious matters. You have all of those for building nukes.


Jan 11, 2012
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Are you sure it didn’t follow a terminal INS route? Ie GPS goes out/Operator loses control drone continues to follow terminal route.

Again this is why ukraine and Russia use tv attenna feed. Yes, camera quality feed drops to 1980’s level but it makes it near impossible for a system to jam an TV signal vs more modern cell network feeds for off the shelf drones.
honestly terminal ins route is not precise enough for attacking such small target with small amount of explosive unless there is some sort of assistance specially as the target is not exactly a fixed one

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Wouldn’t change much. It would make Saudi Arabia sign a mutual defense treaty with US. It would create an “Arab and Israeli NATO” on Iran’s borders.
there already is a Arab-NATO-Israel alliance with Egypt and Jordan

so the trade off is (1) nuclear asymmetry with Israel (endangering Iran's existence), vs (2) slightly stronger Arab-NATO-Israel alliance (not on Iran's borders as Iraq would not join that alliance and Turkey is already in NATO)

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Ok, even if you are right (I don´t agree), we can do same like israelis. Just make some and deny their existence. But you don´t build 1.200 IR6 centrifugees just for Khamenei´s ban because religious matters. You have all of those for building nukes.
I think 1800 IR-6 in Fordow in total, just 1200 new ones to be built in these weeks (someone correct me if I am wrong)

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Question for Iranians.

Does Iran have a vision for post-war Gaza military factions, and if so, what does it entail? Does Iran believe Gaza is too limited geographically and by other factors to upgrade it's military capabilities or does Iran intend to help them upgrade their weapons systems ?

One example, is lack of attack drones in Gaza. Weak A/T systems. No loitering munitions capability for air defense. Etc.... those are just a few examples.
The situation in Gaza is fluid and yet to be determined, so Iran has to be flexible and adjust to what happens

In any scenario, it is guaranteed that Iran will continue to try to train and arm and fund the resistance in Gaza as much as possible. But Gaza is very very difficult to arm given the blockade and now Israeli control of the border with Egypt. Will the Israelis stationed there stay or leave? Will they be replaced by a strict authority, or by a lenient one that won't aggressively pursue smuggling attempts? That will be important.


Jan 11, 2012
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That's a dangerous pact. Are you mad or something?

We may join it when whole of BRICS members sign a pact similar to article 5 of NATO member states.

That produce problem
اصل‏ یکصد و چهل و سوم: ‎‎‎‎‎ارتش‏ جمهوری‏ اسلامی‏ ایران‏ پاسداری‏ از استقلال‏ و
تمامیت‏ ارضی‏ و نظام‏ جمهوری‏ اسلامی‏ کشور را بر عهده‏ دارد.
our army don't have duty of defending of other countries

فصل دهم ‎: سیاست خارجی
اصل‏ یکصد و پنجاه و دوم: سیاست‏ خارجی‏ جمهوری‏ اسلامی‏ ایران‏ بر اساس‏ نفی‏ هر
گونه‏ سلطه‏ جویی‏ و سلطه‏ پذیری‏، حفظ استقلال‏ همه‏ جانبه‏ و تمامیت‏ ارضی‏
کشور، دفاع‏ از حقوق‏ همه‏ مسلمانان‏ و عدم‏ تعهد در برابر قدرت‏ های‏ سلطه‏ گر و
روابط صلح‏ آمیز متقابل‏ با دول‏ غیر محارب‏ استوار است‏.
we can't have any obligation to any country and power

اصل‏ یکصد و پنجاه و سوم: هر گونه‏ قرارداد که‏ موجب‏ سلطه‏ بیگانه‏ بر منابع
طبیعی‏ و اقتصادی‏، فرهنگ‏، ارتش‏ و دیگر شؤون‏ کشور گردد ممنوع‏ است‏.
we can't allow another country war dictate our wars


Jan 11, 2012
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Igla? Isn't also misagh based on Igla? How can it miss everytime they fire a manpads on flying piece of metal such as Apache and CH-53

Ansarallah landed many shots on Saudi/UAE aircrafts and choppers, although it may be from different platform, but they hit a lot of aircrafts made from every corner of the globe

Mithaq-1 based on QW1 or Igla
Mithaq-2 based on QW1-m
Mithaq-3 upgraded version believed to be based on QW-18


Jan 11, 2012
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QW which is also based on Igla?

Those "Iglas" they have are probably Misaghs
No they are not . Qw18 have a lot more advancement. Even mithaq2 have advancement over basic island. Fir example an island must be fired from behind the target while mithaq 2 and 3 don't need that also miithaq 3 can't be fooled with flare it use a dual band infrared sensor also when it's infrared sensor say to it it's near target , then it check it with the help of a laser detector

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 21.33.18.png

looks like Israeli helicopter fired flares to escape from the MANPAD

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Hezbollah's surveillance footage over Haifa reveals many military sites, including multiple Iron Dome and David's Sling sites

Iron Dome sites:

32.861719, 35.078534
32.885545, 35.087460
32.892719, 35.079822

Davlid's Sling sites:
32.892510, 35.079944
32.892187, 35.079806

Air defence missile / rocket motor storage:
32.873347, 35.085485 [this entire area]
32.870458, 35.081266

Missile control and guidance factories:
32.877608, 35.092616
32.878680, 35.087174
32.862332, 35.089615
Last edited:


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
That produce problem

our army don't have duty of defending of other countries

we can't have any obligation to any country and power

we can't allow another country war dictate our wars
He didn't said Iran should have such a pact, but that it shows how Russia won't deliver any weapons, again the comparison is too hard, there are already multiple factual evidence such as no weapon beside 2 Yak and some S-300PMU2 battalion only delivered since multiple decades

Such a pact is an act of high treason and very dangerous, as both signatories will have to defend militarily eachothers which can be terrible for both involved in this, if you read the pact with China, this is a complete humiliation and very dangerous for the country with less capabilities (NK in both case)

Again if the US strikes NK, i still doubt Russia would do anything, they would only send weapons, but there are basically 0 chances that the US strikes first NK as for Iran, so the pact has a PR side on it
No they are not . Qw18 have a lot more advancement. Even mithaq2 have advancement over basic island. Fir example an island must be fired from behind the target while mithaq 2 and 3 don't need that also miithaq 3 can't be fooled with flare it use a dual band infrared sensor also when it's infrared sensor say to it it's near target , then it check it with the help of a laser detector
So Misagh vs Igla, Misagh should be able to intercept flying piece of metal such as Apache, A-10, ac-130

IOF fields their Apache with a massive number of ECM and electronics, i wonder if Saudis had the same Apache than what IOF fields today


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Guys please don't promote warcrime
People supporting the resistance rejoices over Israel saying that the electricity and water supplies can be cut by Hezbollah

But never listens to Lebanon firefighting department saying that if there is a carpet bombing campaign by those savages, they would not be able to operate and save people life

Lebanon and its people are the only ones who will pay a heavy price with their lives from Zionist savage carpet bombing, unless Hezbollah have a special plan to target civilians only and in mass (do a massacer by aiming at shelters and crowded areas)


Jan 11, 2012
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He didn't said Iran should have such a pact, but that it shows how Russia won't deliver any weapons, again the comparison is too hard, there are already multiple factual evidence such as no weapon beside 2 Yak and some S-300PMU2 battalion only delivered since multiple decades

Such a pact is an act of high treason and very dangerous, as both signatories will have to defend militarily eachothers which can be terrible for both involved in this, if you read the pact with China, this is a complete humiliation and very dangerous for the country with less capabilities (NK in both case)

Again if the US strikes NK, i still doubt Russia would do anything, they would only send weapons, but there are basically 0 chances that the US strikes first NK as for Iran, so the pact has a PR side on it
So Misagh vs Igla, Misagh should be able to intercept flying piece of metal such as Apache, A-10, ac-130

IOF fields their Apache with a massive number of ECM and electronics, i wonder if Saudis had the same Apache than what IOF fields today
Mithaq 3 should have better chance.
mithaq-2 should have better chance compared to sa-16 or igla-1 comparing to sa-18 I doubt it be better probably same performance

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