Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations


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Dec 23, 2023
Iran isn’t coming back to “international” community anytime soon. Hate to break it to you.

Unless Iran is willing to sign a deal with a REPUBLICAN US President then any improved relations with Iran is as realistic as a unicorn.

The only dumb enough Republican to sign a deal with Iran will be Trump. The republicans control America just like the conservatives control Iran. Trying to sign diplomatic deals with democrats is what has lead to Iran being burned time and time again. After all the only successful deals with US were the Reagan era deals (a Republican).
Iran can in few weeks have the nuclear bomb and then drive along one of those parades... IRGC can put into a K4 missile in probably less than a month.

So why Khamenei doesn´t order it?

There is a reason, and you can read it between lines.

All of us wants Iran to build nuclear devices, but you cannot do a show-off and an spectacle with russians and north-koreans signing a tri-partite pact and after it ask the UN, EU or US a sanction relief.


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Jan 18, 2024
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I'm sure if Iran had a defense pact with Russia, you would already nag about it everywhere and say how much Iran is a puppet of Russia, classic scenario from the very same people

Again, I never mentioned getting a defense pact. Your reading comprehension level is below a elementary school student.

What has Iran gotten from Russia in the past 20 years? A 1980’s TOR-M1 (that ended up shooting down our own airliner)? A 2008 era S-300 (that is getting blown up left and right in Ukraine, Russia, and also Tabriz)?

Where do you think North Korea learned to jump massively in Ballsiric Missile tech? Leapfrogging Iran in a matter of years after a disastrous liquid Tapedong program that went no where?

It was long theorized that Russia was providing North Korea with advanced ICBM engine tech and this defense treaty merely confirms that suspicion.

MY POINT: Iran has gotten the absolute MINIMUM from Russia or China in last 20 years. Been routinely backstabbed or betrayed.

That is my point. Shame I have to spell it out so openly for you.

Lower down your internet ego and claims that everyone is coping with everything you say then people will talk with you seriously

Says the guy asking Iran to hit Israel after Rouhani’s chopper went down even if they weren’t involved. Saying it “doesn’t matter” and that Iran needs to show action.

Your opinion is all over the place and you have left the world of rationale thought the past few months. So quite frankly don’t care what you or some other delusionalists think on here.

If it weren’t for me this place would be one big orgy of “everything is awesome”.


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Jan 18, 2024
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Sucks for those in Iran that Iran in any shape or form can unilaterally do things to get a hug from the US. Shrug. They’ll be the ones paying not me.

Probably the only rationale thing you said all month, salad shirazi ye man.

People of Iran are the ones suffering from the economic blockade.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Again, I never mentioned getting a defense pact. Your reading comprehension level is below a elementary school student.

What has Iran gotten from Russia in the past 20 years? A 1980’s TOR-M1 (that ended up shooting down our own airliner)? A 2008 era S-300 (that is getting blown up left and right in Ukraine, Russia, and also Tabriz)?

Where do you think North Korea learned to jump massively in Ballsiric Missile tech? Leapfrogging Iran in a matter of years after a disastrous liquid Tapedong program that went no where?

It was long theorized that Russia was providing North Korea with advanced ICBM engine tech and this defense treaty merely confirms that suspicion.

MY POINT: Iran has gotten the absolute MINIMUM from Russia or China in last 20 years. Been routinely backstabbed or betrayed.

That is my point. Shame I have to spell it out so openly for you.

Says the guy asking Iran to hit Israel after Rouhani’s chopper went down even if they weren’t involved. Saying it “doesn’t matter” and that Iran needs to show action.

Your opinion is all over the place and you have left the world of rationale thought the past few months. So quite frankly don’t care what you or some other delusionalists think on here.

If it weren’t for me this place would be one big orgy of “everything is awesome”.
I said lower down your posts oozing condescendence and egoism on every single one of them then people will talk normally to you

Of course you will still deny your non-stop condesendance and contempt against everyone even those that agrees with you on this forum and tell them that "they are coping", you are on an internet forum and no one contacted you, not in the parliament or in an IRGC meeting

I agree with mostly everything besides the condescending tone, this is the main problem, i effectively said that Russia takes Iran for an idiot multiple times and that nothing has been delivered besides 2 trainer jets and S-300 battalion for three decades


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Jan 18, 2024
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Hezbollah uses FPV drone for first time to destroy Israeli 'Drone Dome' system

Where was this located that the FPV traveled that far.

It’s rare to find FPVs that can travel that far out of line of sight. Usually you need a ground based station. I know FPV is a general term for “forward” point of view. But usually it means quadcopters and cheap hand or mortar launched drone.

Also the camera quality is very good which again points to ground based station. Where as in Ukraine, both sides use TV(antenna). That’s why the video quality look like something out of a 1980’s TV.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Where was this located that the FPV traveled that far.

It’s rare to find FPVs that can travel that far out of line of sight. Usually you need a ground based station. I know FPV is a general term for “forward” point of view. But usually it means quadcopters and cheap hand or mortar launched drone.

Also the camera quality is very good which again points to ground based station. Where as in Ukraine, both sides use TV(antenna). That’s why the video quality look like something out of a 1980’s TV.
they claim it was in the Metula site which is 500m from the border


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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they claim it was in the Metula site which is 500m from the border

Theoretically if an operator stands on a good elevation (like the Lebanon border region) you can probably get 6 miles+ using off the shelf drones like DJI, especially if you have LOS still (which the cameraman filming the impact does).

So it is possible.


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Jan 18, 2024
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Given that usually 2 patriot interceptors are fired per target: It would take only 250 missiles to destroy a years supply.

Which means theoretically 1000 Iranian missiles should be able to reduce an enemy air defense shield to borderline collapse.


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2022
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Hezbollah's suicide quadcopter attack on Israel's Drone Dome system
This system is used to deal with and disrupt drones.



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