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Rafale M Deal: India and France to Fast-Track Negotiations After Elections


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
well forget everything we have still 10-12 billion US dollars as capital expanditure ammount for big ticket purcaheses and they are not just for PAF or PLAAF but for owr own startegic goals

besides that China no matter what cannot bring its entire PLAAF or PLA might to Tibbet platue it has to keep its 80% forces on its eastern wing as it has already been locked with likes of Vietnam , Taiwan or Japan & Phillipines all backed by US Navy and Air Force with Four carrier battle groups in the area and down into indian ocean no matter how strong it gets it still has to get past Adaman Nicobar island chains even if it somehow gets a position of power in malackka startaits

and after Andaman and nicobar is Bay Of bengal and then is Indian mainland with more than 6 major air bases with Su30 MKIs which can eaily take of with full weapons & Fuel load while chinese jets on its carriers cannot forget the support systems indian fighters will have or those all kinds of long and very long range air and ground launched cruise missiles

but even if you forget all that do you really think Chinese are such fools that they will leave there secure south china sea for indian ocean to challenge india in Indian ocean or bring there air force and army in tibbet platue where deu to extreme hight and low oxygen niether there Tanks can run with full load nor there aircrafts or hellicopters ..... just to attack india to save pakistan..... really you must be smoking some real good stuff ... apun ko bhi wo eich mangta hai ;) :p

I do not understand, if you have so much money flowing around why are you still flying MIG-21s from 50 years ago? Or only ordered 36 Rafales and only 22 Apaches? Why are you still flying AN-32s? Money is a problem for all forces

Much as you may think you are master of strategy, China can redeploy airpower quickly, just like IAF can base SU-30s at different bases. Also IAF has the same problem, it will have to keep at least 50% of it's strength against PAF. Minumum.

Also, even if PLAAF kept 80% of it's Air Force in the East, that still gives it approx 100 odd J-10Cs, 50 J-20s, 50 J-11s and 50 J-16s plus around 60 JH-7s. Still pretty much enough to wipe out the IAF.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Money is not a big problem for IAF. Getting that money through Indian Bureaucratic system is the real problem and it's not going anywhere.

No money is a problem for every air force, and was in fact the reason stated for cancelling several major procurement projects. IAF chiefs themselves have stated lack of funds has hampered modernisation


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Mar 1, 2015
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No money is a problem for every air force, and was in fact the reason stated for cancelling several major procurement projects. IAF chiefs themselves have stated lack of funds has hampered modernisation

Dear You're right, I might not have explained myself clearly. What I mean is While India may have sufficient money (or maybe infinite money as some Indian thinks), acquiring them for projects like Rafael type deal, current Indian Bureaucratic system doesn't always allocate funds and definitely not in a timely manner and thus air force are not getting money despite Indian govt. have money. And All this is not going to change in at least near future.


Dec 16, 2023
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No money is a problem for every air force, and was in fact the reason stated for cancelling several major procurement projects. IAF chiefs themselves have stated lack of funds has hampered modernisation

Yasser funding is a challenge for every single nation. On the planet
USA is struggling to fund next generation fighter development with 700 billion budget

India had challenges with 80 billion budget to replace is russian legacy fleet

But these are minor try buying modern fighters with a 8 billion budget buddy ...you get my drift I think😉

Despite red tape challenges in India and running multiple modernisation plans simultaneously..

But the funding has been allocated for both Rafale M and the second batch of Tejas if India wants the second batch that is what CCS committee is all.about.

You mentioned Amca Indian mod has allocated 2billion dollars towards this project already to developed five prototypes


Dec 16, 2023
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One thing is for certain to Yasser and indeed anybody
Any serious sustainable long term.military modernisation campaign needs three things

Serious national.gdp
Strong relations with the best western nations to buy share technology
Strong sustainable internal military complex at home

India has all three in abundance now
So big projects like
Rafale purchases
Vishal super carrier
Fifth generation fighters and drones

Will happen because the resources and the connections be it France Israel USA and others have been established via smart strong diplomacy

And they are not stuck with one option they have multiple options
And the resources to go it alone too if needed..
No matter how hard it is to accept this it's the reality of modern India .
Modi ,s India


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Yasser funding is a challenge for every single nation. On the planet
USA is struggling to fund next generation fighter development with 700 billion budget

India had challenges with 80 billion budget to replace is russian legacy fleet

But these are minor try buying modern fighters with a 8 billion budget buddy ...you get my drift I think😉

Despite red tape challenges in India and running multiple modernisation plans simultaneously..

But the funding has been allocated for both Rafale M and the second batch of Tejas if India wants the second batch that is what CCS committee is all.about.

You mentioned Amca Indian mod has allocated 2billion dollars towards this project already to developed five prototypes

That does not really answer my question, as usual, many words, so little communication

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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I do not understand, if you have so much money flowing around why are you still flying MIG-21s from 50 years ago? Or only ordered 36 Rafales and only 22 Apaches? Why are you still flying AN-32s? Money is a problem for all forces

Much as you may think you are master of strategy, China can redeploy airpower quickly, just like IAF can base SU-30s at different bases. Also IAF has the same problem, it will have to keep at least 50% of it's strength against PAF. Minumum.

Also, even if PLAAF kept 80% of it's Air Force in the East, that still gives it approx 100 odd J-10Cs, 50 J-20s, 50 J-11s and 50 J-16s plus around 60 JH-7s. Still pretty much enough to wipe out the IAF.
thats because there are other priorities for us them spending on imported jet fighters or missiles case we know the actual ground realities

sure China is work shop of the world and thanks to its massive manufacturing capacity and revrse enginering it has enmassed a massive massive air force and navy and air force but then we also know its shortcommings and laibilities and enemies and choke /pressure points ;) :p

war is not just won by massive ammounts of latest weapons most important is how and when you use them and we know when and how to use whatever we have

besides instead of worrieng what China do with India as under no cicircumstances China is foolish enough to fight Pakistans war with India ;) :p

Rather worry about yourself as Pakistan is on verge of collappsse deu its crumbelling economy when it cannot even pay wages to its armed forces and beurocracy without taking IMF Loans or import food grains or life saving medicines and eadable grade cooking oil or crude oil for tranportation or power genration use ;) :p

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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That does not really answer my question, as usual, many words, so little communication
well in short we are doing the needfull and dont need to adretise owr weponarry to belittle some internet fanboi ;) :p

besides its better to stay humble and focussed than to keep challenging anyone and everyone ... thats not owr style we belive in taking everyone along and having good relations with everyone "VASUDEV KUTUMBUKAM" world is one big family

but ya there are irritants like owr eastern naibour in every family thats good for nothing and a liability for every one and thinks wporld has an obligation to nurse and feed it who dont work themselfs and are always a laibility and when they are fully hollow they cry victim ;) :p
Last edited:


Dec 16, 2023
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Two long posts that are textual diarrhea.....well done....

I see you have turned the thread of pending arrival of 26, Rafales marine for Indian navy into a argument about funding for india.s entire military organisation modernisation programme and how India cannot fight china .

Completely off topic Yasser as per your normal style

Are you seriously debating how we are funding six billion dollars for 26 Rafales

How about we start with 82 billion dollar annual defense budget
600 billion Forex
4 trillion gdp
You do realise India is the fifth most powerful economy power on earth soon to be 3rd by 2030 which is when the rafales are being delivered as it stands

Your questioning affordability of indian military it's a joke question in 2025

Are you living under a rock or plain denile


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024

I see you have turned the thread of pending arrival of 26, Rafales marine for Indian navy into a argument about funding for india.s entire military organisation modernisation programme and how India cannot fight china .

Completely off topic Yasser as per your normal style

Are you seriously debating how we are funding six billion dollars for 26 Rafales

How about we start with 82 billion dollar annual defense budget
600 billion Forex
4 trillion gdp
You do realise India is the fifth most powerful economy power on earth soon to be 3rd by 2030 which is when the rafales are being delivered as it stands

Your questioning affordability of indian military it's a joke question in 2025

Are you living under a rock or plain denile

Read the replies again peoperly, realise i was referring to additional IAF Rafales.

Then respond, you may end up looking a bit more serious then....possibly....


Dec 16, 2023
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Read the replies again peoperly, realise i was referring to additional IAF Rafales.

Then respond, you may end up looking a bit more serious then....possibly....

Why are you talking about additional MRFA in a thread clearly labelled Rafale M Indian navy
Why go off topic
Why you taking about plaaf in himlayers
Why you change the topic every single time


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Why are you talking about additional MRFA in a thread clearly labelled Rafale M Indian navy
Why go off topic
Why you taking about plaaf in himlayers
Why you change the topic every single time

Again, read the thread properly,, and see who went off topic first. No need to cry, maybe sit down, have a cup of tea and relax a bit.


Dec 16, 2023
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Again, read the thread properly,, and see who went off topic first. No need to cry, maybe sit down, have a cup of tea and relax a bit.

Well, despite India being a big economy you need to ask where the many is coming from, over next 3-5 years you will need to pay for

180 Tejas MK1A
SU-30MKI Upgrade
Tejas MK2
AMCA Development

Add to that other IAF projects like

New Transport aircraft to to replace AN-32
New refuellers

Even though payments are spread over many years, this requires quite a big acqusition budget. Another 50 Rafales (even if you have infrastructure in place) could be close to $8 Billion.

No Yasser you started this by claiming the above

I corrected you by confirming
Rafale M will be paid next five years
As will first batch Tejas
And Awacs
But Amca we allocated development funds already two billion
As for second batch Tejas and MRFA those costs begin 2030 onwards when Indian budget will upwards of 130 billion dollars per year with ease

Hence my thinking what is he talking about India is the third biggest gdp and military budget on the planet in 2030
To me very strange questions

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