Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Are Iranians actually ready for the start of a war between Iran and US and Israel that may come from Iran attacking Israel?

Iran seems to be in a very sensitive but critical situation now- keep doing nothing and its alliance and philosophy in the region could crumble, but strike ISrael forcefully to reset it, and that may risk a regional war. Iranian leaders say they are prepared for war, but are they really?
I was listening to one of the typical brain diarrhea YouTubes (see below). They mentioned something I'm hearing more and more: Iran's internal perception of itself as a power is below that which opponents perceive of her. Opponents are engaging Iran as a power and Iran doesn't seem to have understood or come to terms with it. BTW, I've posted this before and, although long, it's worth watching. It's not your typical disorganized brain dump:


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