Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

..and 'some must learn the concept' of a cornered animal lashing out viciously. Which is exactly what we're witnessing.
yeah . Just how many high ranking official those blind lashing outs killed ?
looks like the rockets are aimed at mostly empty areas and small villages to the east of Haifa, not Haifa itself.

if this is the entirety of the response, it's a very weak one. and it won't deter Israel from continuing to escalate. time will tell.

rocket launches are continuing (including Fajr-5). hopefully to Haifa or Tel Aviv this time.

Ineffective, too little too late. This would have been an appropriate escalation response 3 months ago, not today after 2 leaders of HZ killed, hundred+ soldiers killed, pager attack, etc etc
Mention 1 single military objective since the war started 11 months ago that Israel has achieved. You make it sound like the resistance has done nothing - even creating over 100K IDPs from northern Israel is a war achievement, its a loss Israel has never taken in its modern wars.
The resistance has done plenty. My point is that the Resistance is not fighting just Israel by it's self and that the resistance is the underdog when it comes to the Zionist world order's combined intelligence apparatus. This is war and there will be losses when you are up against the "greatest military alliance in human history". The whole point of the axis of resistance is to protect themselves from the Zionist colonialists in a way that does not destroy their own populations in the process. If the resistance lashes out with an all out attack that treaters Israel too strongly as many here in this forum are calling for it will either end in a bigger regional war that bring in the U.S to directly engage with Iran and or result in Israel striking back with their nuclear arms. The Resistance was designed to defeat a much more powerful opponent through a long process of derailing the Zionist plan of pacifying the region for Israeli dominance in the region and its Greater Israel plan. The IDF is exhausted after 10 months of grueling ground combat against a ghost fighters in Gaza whom the Israelis have not managed to degrade their fighting ability even in the north of Gaza that the Israelis have been operating in from the beginning of the ground operations. Israel is in no shape to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon when they can't beat the Palestinian resistance under its nose in Gaza and no amount of assignations will change the situation because the resistance is not a concept for a leader to dictate to its minions but rather a understanding of the people of the region that the Israel project is nothing but a foreign threat that only wants to take everything in its path there for there will always be people who are willing to take charge to fight this evil.

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