Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Another BM launched by Houthi’s another interception

Still Houthi’s doing more than either HZ or Iran in the escalation ladder
Another BM launched by Houthi’s another interception

Still Houthi’s doing more than either HZ or Iran in the escalation ladder
Show us the intercept image. All we saw in the sky was at least 6 Israeli defensive missiles missed the target
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A critical analysis of Ansarullah’s strike on Tel Aviv. Note, there’s somewhat an information blackout which is a high indication of the strike’s success. Ignore others’ reference less negative comments as I’m sure you’re doing anyway.

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Another BM launched by Houthi’s another interception

Still Houthi’s doing more than either HZ or Iran in the escalation ladder
not clear if it was intercepted or disintegrated during reentry, but seems unlikely that it was successful

Israel claim it was intercepted with an Arrow missile and never entered Israeli airspace, which seems like a flat lie

the images also show a lot of interceptors fired which is a bit strange for one missile

ideally Yemen would sustain a higher rate of fire but that's obviously difficult. they fired around 500 BMs in total into Saudi Arabia during the many years of the Saudi war.

but if Israel fires 3 interceptors per missile and has c. 300 Arrow interceptors and c. 500 David's Sling interceptors (this is total inventory, amount deployed at any one time is much lower), only 100 of these missiles from Yemen and 200 from Hezbollah would be enough to seriously deplete their inventories and give Iranian missiles a much higher success rate

200 from Hezbollah is pretty reasonable considering it only needs SRBMs with range <200km. these are relatively cheap (< $200,000).

100 from Yemen is a bit more challenging given the 2000km+ range required and inherent complexity and cost with the larger missiles. But Palestine-2 (low grade KS-2) is a promising missile, even if it seems to break down during reentry due to lower cost materials etc, Israel still fires multiple interceptors at them.
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View attachment 67637
Show us the intercept image. All we saw in the sky was at least 6 Israeli defensive missiles missed the target

Show me the warhead impact site.

You can order satellite photos of anywhere in the world it’s 2024 not 1994. No such as thing as “information blackout” when OSINT can order a satellite image of any point in Israel in last 24 hours. And no Israel cannot stop image dispersion (as some will soon claim).

not clear if it was intercepted or disintegrated during reentry, but seems unlikely that it was successful

Israel claim it was intercepted with an Arrow missile and never entered Israeli airspace, which seems like a flat lie

the images also show a lot of interceptors fired which is a bit strange for one missile

ideally Yemen would sustain a higher rate of fire but that's obviously difficult. they fired around 500 BMs in total into Saudi Arabia during the many years of the Saudi war.

but if Israel fires 3 interceptors per missile and has c. 300 Arrow interceptors and c. 500 David's Sling interceptors (this is total inventory, amount deployed at any one time is much lower), only 100 of these missiles from Yemen and 200 from Hezbollah would be enough to seriously deplete their inventories and give Iranian missiles a much higher success rate

200 from Hezbollah is pretty reasonable considering it only needs SRBMs with range <200km. these are relatively cheap (< $200,000).

100 from Yemen is a bit more challenging given the 2000km+ range required and inherent complexity and cost with the larger missiles. But Palestine-2 (low grade KS-2) is a promising missile, even if it seems to break down during reentry due to lower cost materials etc, Israel still fires multiple interceptors at them.

Show me the impact site. When Iran launched its missiles, impact sites were available within 24 hours.

Houthi’s launched another attacked this time at coalition warships, if truth (both sides can be lieing) then the lack of critical hits means that per your point without mass saturation attacks the lethality per missile is low

But again at least Houthi’s have the guts to do these attacks where as Iran/HZ hide behind “strategic patience” as there commanders get picked off one by one.

Even Israel knows the Houthi’s are warriors and is taking a cautious escalation approach since they cannot seem to figure out how to contain the Houthi’s
Hezbollah has ballistic missiles and only fired 1 in this entire conflict

what is more escalatory than these huge bombings of Hezbollah's underground HQ in Beirut, the daily assassinations of top commanders, the mass bombing of towns in the south and Beqaa? What are they waiting for?
Hezbollah has ballistic missiles and only fired 1 in this entire conflict

what is more escalatory than these huge bombings of Hezbollah's underground HQ in Beirut, the daily assassinations of top commanders, the mass bombing of towns in the south and Beqaa? What are they waiting for?

If they don't respond decisively now, then we can assume they never will.

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