Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Nasrallah lives underground in a system of personal bunkers and wouldn’t be in a command centre and would use runners to deliver messages. At least that’s the standard opsec with insurgent groups.

It’s possible Nasrallah violated this golden rule. But it’s actually to HZ benefit to wait to confirm and leave Israel guessing like they did with Sinwar.

But as I said last week, dark days were ahead and this strike is something I predicted for a while.

Even Hajizadeh and Rahbar are no longer safe from Zionists. General Salami Sandwhich is because his incompetence is an asset to the enemy.
lol i laughed at salami sandwich. but yea the guy is a gift to Israelis :rofl:
HB is compromised, how can isreal know if someone dies hours after a strike unless they have people on the ground and in HB?
HB is compromised, how can isreal know if someone dies hours after a strike unless they have people on the ground and in HB?
They should "import" operational officers from iraq and yemen as gap measure.
Well, it’s a shame Nasrallah never saw his massive armaments put to uss.
Very bad news expected from Lebanon soon. @Immortals @jauk @Hack-Hook

Massive airstrike in south Beirut. By far largest strike in Beirut yet. They wanted to confirm the kill. I fear the worse... IDF to give statement in 5 minutes.
Increasingly likely that my immediate assessment 3.5 hours ago was correct.

As soon as I saw the size of the bombings in south Lebanon I knew the reason. Similar to their tactics of killing Deif in Gaza.
I am for normalization with the west and has always been. But i don’t believe the west has any intention of normalization. If Iran is hesitant to attack Israel because of a wish to normalize, it’s not going to work. If you want normalization, you have to attack, build nukes and show you have both the will and the power to **** up your enemies. They are not going to normalize because we are nice lol.

But I think it has more to do with the elite benefiting from sanctions and doesn’t wan to risk anything by going to war
They don't even view us as humans, of course they're not looking to normalize. The fundamental flaw in Iranian foreign policy is not learning, despite interacting with them for more than 1000 years, that a euroid's basic instinct is to commit extreme violence. This is why they have been successful - better ability and eagerness to carry out organized violence. Unless you learn how to play the game you are fated to lose.
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Netanyahu had just issued a statement a few days earlier that he was not aiming to kill Nasrallah.
This is the way the West has always played this game: nothing but lies come out of their mouths, and the only methods they use are surprise, assassination, and treachery.
They need to learn the reality that it is impossible to negotiate with the West.
A nation cannot move, and it cannot run away from its enemies.
So there are only two options: fight or submit.
The Arabs have submitted, Yemen continues to fight.
Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, on the other hand, are under the illusion that there is a third way, and they continue to be shot at unilaterally.
one of the biggest takeaways from today: if Tasnim News (or any other Iranian source) says someone survived an assassination attempt, they are definitely dead.
It’s better than Nasrallah is gone. Incompetence should have consequences. His incompetence led to deaths of 500+ HZ soldiers including at least top chain of command leaders + whoever died with him tonite.

He set many red lines that he failed to uphold including Beruit and strikes on top officials.

In the end, his failure to uphold red lines led to his own demise.

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