Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

quite spectacular string of humiliating defeats

and he didn't even mention all of them

It was a nice run while it lasted. From 2003-2020 Iran went on an incredible run of accomplishments. Quite unprecedented given it’s starting position.

however, let’s be real it happened in part due to terrible American foreign policy blunders that created a massive power vacuum: removing Saddam Hussein (Iran’s #1 enemy) and Taliban as major threats. Iraq become an Iranian satellite country.

However the tide started to turn with the
Death of Tehrani Moghdamm in 2011 (likely an Israeli assassination at this point). This period marked the routine occurrence of Israeli assassinations till today.

Since the death of Solemani, it’s been Iran completely on the defensive trying to put out fires.

Then Hamas did 10/9 which at this point could have been completely done without Iranian knowledge. If so, it has caused immense damage to the Axis.

Maybe Hamas thought this would start the war they have all been spending 25+ years preparing for and the liberation of Quds, maybe Hezbollah thought once it too joined the war that one day Iran would join as well shortly after.

But appearance wise it looks like Hamas and Hezbollah jumped off the bridge and then Iran decided that it’s too dangerous and went home.

If I’m Iraqi and Syrian resistance groups, I’d be apprehensive about diving head first into this conflict because now they know that there is no back up coming from Iran outside of material and advisor assistance.

The militant groups of the Axis of Resistance is sacrificial lambs at this point to protect Iran.

Solemani would never have allowed that. He created a brotherhood and cohesive entity. Iran today has turned them into mercenary groups or at best foreign legions built to protect the host (Iran)
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It was a nice run while it lasted. From 2003-2020 Iran went on an incredible run of accomplishments. Quite unprecedented given it’s starting position.

however, let’s be real it happened in part due to terrible American foreign policy blunders that created a massive power vacuum: removing Saddam Hussein (Iran’s #1 enemy) and Taliban as major threats. Iraq become an Iranian satellite country.

in 1980 the US flew multiple helicopters thousands of KM into Iran undetected and only thanks to their bad luck (sandstorm) did their mission fail.

then from 1986-1988 Saddam used chemical weapons against Iran aided by Arab $ and Western intelligence support, and the US even blamed Iran for using chemical weapons at the UNSC.

in 1988 the US shot down an Iranian civilian airliner and sank half the Iranian Navy in a few hours.

in 1998 the Taliban executed 11 of our diplomats/journalists and we did nothing.

until 2003 Iran had no missile capable of even reaching Israel. And from 2003-2010 or so the only missile capable of reaching Israel was the Shahab-3 with a CEP in the kilometres.

Until mid-late 2010s Iran's air defences were qualitatively and quantitatively woeful, comprising s-200 batteries and Hawk batteries (and prayers).


the developments since then have been transformative and Iran gained new levels of power in the region (starting to seriously unravel since 2020: Soleimani, Fakhirzadeh, Haniyeh, Nasrallah)
I believe it is time to launch some missiles into Tel Aviv

Iran has sufficient man power,
Yamen has sufficient man power
Lebanon has sufficient man power

Iran also has heavier war heads

If you sit and wait , the fire in forest will reach your door
If you move and grab bucket of water and spill it on fire it will get extinguished

Remaining , neutral stance , will just allow Israelis to of course launch their own weapons first , they may have gathered info for past 25 years

Every hour Iran wastes to think about false promises it was given , the enemy regroups or gets refueled or gets ammo delivered

There is time for diplomacy and there is time to act
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Then Hamas did 10/9 which at this point could have been completely done without Iranian knowledge. If so, it has caused immense damage to the Axis.
Honestly, with the level which Hezbollah/Iran are compromised, giving the Iranians prior knowledge would have probably alerted the Israelis and ruin the surprise.
Well a child could tell they were lying about the ceasefire, I said back then it was a ploy to get iran to infinitely delay it’s response.

Iran also knew it’s a trap, they just didn’t want to have to respond and conduct another attack. So they were desperately looking for an off ramp and took the one the Europeans/Americans gave them: the negotiations excuse.

They never had any intention to respond or conduct their “revenge” attack.

If the destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah hasn’t made this clear in people’s mind, then they will forever stay ignorant.
Iran is up against the worlds most powerful military alliance in all humanity headed by genocidal Psychopaths!!!
The resistance has experienced decapitation strikes before yet have never been defeated. They survived and adapted to fight and they have proved it over almost a year fighting the IDF. Those hard core fighters of the resistance know why they are there and what would happen if they where not their resisting these pure demonic psychos!

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