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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Discussions


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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Well if you believe THIS FELLOW[and I wouldnt],then its all a big SCAM.....

I honestly dont know where he gets this sh!t from....

This gun was unveiled 4 years ago. Which means it’s production began over 6 years ago!

Of course anything related to or connections to IRGC or the ruling IR establishment means Babak hates it, yet he will praise a subpar F-14AM upgrade package as revolutionary because it’s his beloved Shah era airforce (in his mind).


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022


large calibre guided rockets with 22 tube launchers

like Fajr-5C on steroids

NK crucially needs and have a lot and good performances MRLS because of SK they would do the main performances on SK islands and close land like they did in 2010 crabs island

As well as good artillery

In the case of Iran besides a war on Baku or UAE or strikes on grouplets, they are less important to mainland Iran (besides exporting to hezbollah) but fajr-5c used by Jeezbollah would do massacres on Israeli positions


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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NK crucially needs and have a lot and good performances MRLS because of SK they would do the main performances on SK islands and close land like they did in 2010 crabs island

As well as good artillery

In the case of Iran besides a war on Baku or UAE or strikes on grouplets, they are less important to mainland Iran (besides exporting to hezbollah) but fajr-5c used by Jeezbollah would do massacres on Israeli positions
SK suffers from the same economies of scale dilemma as the rest of the ‘west’. They’re screwed. Add NK nukes on top of that and SK is triple screwed.

NK clearly has a military advantage.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
SK suffers from the same economies of scale dilemma as the rest of the ‘west’. They’re screwed. Add NK nukes on top of that and SK is triple screwed.

NK clearly has a military advantage.
SK is simply a US henchman like Japan with futuristic projects such as futuristic tanks and missiles/"6th gen fighter' that will never be achieved or produced (same as the Polish PLZ "future tank")

Meanwhile NK seems to produce a ton of short and medium range missiles, but we still do not know their air defense and drone productions, their air force is also literally worse than Iran, so naturally they rely on missiles, artillery and mass ammunition production

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