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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Discussions


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
It is also terrifying how much casualties there would be on a CH technical issue or a shoot down

At least 20 deaths if not more

Iran should get Rosoboronexport products, it is just a matter of willing to spend money, nothing else, if way smaller states such as Azerbaijan Republic have modern Russian equipment, Iran can have the same in mass for every single of their soldiers from border guards and customs to special forces.

Easily for at least 500k troops, level 3 armor, modern helmets and cameras, sights for AK and other equipment, don't tell me such a country can't afford that even from China, this is not like buying ATGMs or missiles, but proper equipment for its personnel, excluding weapons

This is a question of being lucid and willing to do a massive standardization and willing to spend a little, nothing else


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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honestly pretty depressing that this is the equipment of our 'special forces'

Yep. We’ve seen well equipped Iranians, however, this is an excellent messaging opportunity that Iran, as usual, is blind too.

Not a messaging problem but an equipment problem.

The Iranians you see fully equipped are usually the equivalent of Tier 1 operators. The best of the best. Few and far between.

NOHED’s performance in Al-EIS, Syria walking into Al-Queda trap without drones above or even artillery support shows you that this isn’t a “messaging” opportunity.

If in the middle of war you send your vaunted forces straight into a village without proper surveillance and allow them to get surrounded that singles major operational problems. Do you think US would send Navy Seals or Green Berets into a village with zero air support or recon?

Any simple drone could have seen the ambush and if a MALE drone armed with 4-6 missiles provided decent covering fire for retreat for NOHED.

But this is the same country that 7+ years after that incident couldn’t find their President in their own country after 24 hours and all their “drones” were mapping the Indian Ocean. While people here boast Iran has “tens of thousands” of drones (yea right).

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Not a messaging problem but an equipment problem.
it wouldn't be hard to equip one unit for these games

But this is the same country that 7+ years after that incident couldn’t find their President in their own country after 24 hours and all their “drones” were mapping the Indian Ocean. While people here boast Iran has “tens of thousands” of drones (yea right).
that was indeed embarrassing, all our only SAR drones out in the middle of the Indian Ocean at the same time... wtf?


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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it wouldn't be hard to equip one unit for these games

Hard no. Red tape and ineptitude? Yes.

Same reason why 5+ years ago there was criticism of IDF when they did an incursion into Gaza and an entire APC full of soldiers was hit by an RPG leading to many casualties. The APC was from 1960’s and the criticism was why send such a outdated APC into a warzone.

Only when events like that happen [in western nations] do they take action. In Iran however they say “martyrdom” and move on.

that was indeed embarrassing, all our only SAR drones out in the middle of the Indian Ocean at the same time... wtf?

These “generals” are talking to the village idiots of Iran. They forget that it is not 1980 and that everything they say gets transferred around the world in real time by news agencies and OSINT. And while you may convince your small domestic audience in Iran of whatever story you craft, most people know better when you lie.

The drone thing is peculiar and I still try to grasp what happened in that 24 hours. Perhaps it could
Be due to very low amounts of SAR equipped drones as well as terrible radio coverage in those mountains to send a ground control drone into. Another reason why the powers that be in IRGC need to get sat comms up and running instead of treating space like it’s a high school science project.

But of course Iran can’t tell the whole world it’s weakness: the lack of Sat comm and datalinks makes it’s drones useless outside of ground station coverage area and ideal altitude/conditions/topography.

Nonetheless, it does make it laughable all the people here who talk about “black projects” and “super duper secret Iranian projects” like hidden fighter jets and this and that. Yet they asked Turkey to send a drone to find the leader [executive branch] of their own country.

Another gross incompetence moment in history. Add that to 2020 where they shot down their own airliner because they didn’t know planes can fly near *checks notes* an international airport


Jan 11, 2012
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It is also terrifying how much casualties there would be on a CH technical issue or a shoot down

At least 20 deaths if not more

Iran should get Rosoboronexport products, it is just a matter of willing to spend money, nothing else, if way smaller states such as Azerbaijan Republic have modern Russian equipment, Iran can have the same in mass for every single of their soldiers from border guards and customs to special forces.

Easily for at least 500k troops, level 3 armor, modern helmets and cameras, sights for AK and other equipment, don't tell me such a country can't afford that even from China, this is not like buying ATGMs or missiles, but proper equipment for its personnel, excluding weapons

This is a question of being lucid and willing to do a massive standardization and willing to spend a little, nothing else
the ch-47 have higher capacity inside it than Russian equivalent while the Russian one have more lift capability if its carried under it not inside it. that is one thing that make it more interesting for armies


Jan 11, 2012
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it wouldn't be hard to equip one unit for these games

that was indeed embarrassing, all our only SAR drones out in the middle of the Indian Ocean at the same time... wtf?
indeed doing the life critical task of mapping ocean waves


Full Member
Dec 16, 2023
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the ch-47 have higher capacity inside it than Russian equivalent while the Russian one have more lift capability if its carried under it not inside it. that is one thing that make it more interesting for armies
Ever heard of the Mi-26?


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Ever heard of the Mi-26?
Mi-26? Mi-28? Ka-52? what is that?

Our pilots are fine to use flying coffins exposing them at 20 people dying at once if there is a malfunction, meanwhile our fleet of 0 Touphan will solve the problem no Mi-28 needed just Rosoboronexport propaganda IAIO and PANHA will do everything for us including developping 4th gen fighter with AESA radars!


Jan 11, 2012
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Ever heard of the Mi-26?
they are not the same class

Mi-26? Mi-28? Ka-52? what is that?

Our pilots are fine to use flying coffins exposing them at 20 people dying at once if there is a malfunction, meanwhile our fleet of 0 Touphan will solve the problem no Mi-28 needed just Rosoboronexport propaganda IAIO and PANHA will do everything for us including developping 4th gen fighter with AESA radars!

does those russian helicopter have what you want or do they have less crash report?


Jan 11, 2012
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Ever heard of the Mi-26?
they are not the same class

Mi-26? Mi-28? Ka-52? what is that?

Our pilots are fine to use flying coffins exposing them at 20 people dying at once if there is a malfunction, meanwhile our fleet of 0 Touphan will solve the problem no Mi-28 needed just Rosoboronexport propaganda IAIO and PANHA will do everything for us including developping 4th gen fighter with AESA radars!

does those russian helicopter have what you want or do they have less crash report?


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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indeed doing the life critical task of mapping ocean waves
Unlikely. Or better monitoring enemy movements. Regardless, the plight planning was an utter disaster. Literally.


Jan 11, 2012
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Unlikely. Or better monitoring enemy movements. Regardless, the plight planning was an utter disaster. Literally.
Sar radar for that ? Why not use e/o more effective a lot easier to interprete

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