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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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It’s been 13 years. That engine is already obsolete in the world of tech.
for a SLV or ICBM it is not obsolete if it can perform its job

main bulk of American Russian Israeli ICBMs use old engines from the 1960s-70s. this team was far ahead of the curve in Iran and performed miracles for their time and available equipment


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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You make a false assumption that Iran has stood still.

I am inferring this obsession with Ghaem needs to end. Iran has more advanced engines as satellite imagery of burn marks outside of Shahrud have shown.

Yet people here sit and talk about Qaem as if it was Iran’s Avangard.

Let’s move on people. Tehrani is dead and different teams have picked up the mantle and moved in their own directions.


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Jan 18, 2024
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for a SLV or ICBM it is not obsolete if it can perform its job

For an SLV it’s a stupid design. Cryogenic engines are future of SLVs and large SLVs are the future as you can see with SpaceX, Blue Origin, UAL, and others. He had an SLV design in mind to take 13 tons to LEO that was his next project. Not sure who took that project on or if it went to dustbin.

And again Ghaem for ICBM is a stupid design. Look at your typical ICBM and the diameter it is and the TELs they require to keep them road mobile (a key component for any survivability). Ghaem wouldn’t have made a good ICBM. If your goal is to build an advanced one thst is. Or else if your goal is to to slap enough stages together to build a missile to reach ICBM, well that can be done already.

main bulk of American Russian Israeli ICBMs use old engines from the 1960s-70s. this team was far ahead of the curve in Iran and performed miracles for their time and available equipment

Apples and oranges.

America and Russia started building missiles in 50’s a whopping 50 years before Iran started the Shahab-3 mass production line. Van Buren the father of Nazi’s BM program and the V-1 and V-2 missiles was their head of development after his capture. So adding his knowledge means America really had BM tech knowledge dating back to 1930’s from captured Nazi scientists. Iran still isn’t that close to Minuteman engine tech btw.

Russia has upgraded their ICBMs with Avangard and America is in the process, but it’s expensive process and not a dire need.

Lastly, for Russia and America (America in particular) missiles are not the obbessive central component of their defense doctrine like it is for Iran. Both those former countries really on the troika doctrine (land, sea, and air) to deliver their nuclear weapons, thus ensuring MAD doctrine remains intact via second strike capability. Hence they aren’t in a rush to upgrade their ICBM missiles like for example NK is.

Iran nearly their entire defense doctrine relies on Axis of Resistance and their BM/CM arsenal.

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