Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Ukraine is not attacking Iranian interests in those countries

Iran is not attacking Italy, France, Germany, UK etc but they attack Iranian interests.

Israel bombs our assets and people so we send missiles to Russia to use against Ukraine?

When Iran struck Israel, who was supporting Israel physically? What about EU/Nato members bombing Houthis, or allowing US bombers to attack Iranian interests in Iraq. These people get involved in Iranian matters to appease their Jewish backers, Iran atleast is showing that it can re-pay in kind.

this is a very serious issue for Europe and will make Iran even more politically toxic than it already is. a massive order of upgraded SU-35S with AESA radar and R-37M. or TOT / local production of AL-31 (India already produces this locally under licence).

What are you expecting from Europe exactly? They put sanctions on Iran, verbally malign Iran as a rogue country, attack our interests, defend our direct enemy. Even if Iran starts supplying drones and missiles to Ukraine the Jewish client states of EU will still be sanctioning Iran. By supplying weaponry to Russia, Iran is atleast positioning itself as a geopolitical force to be reckoned which if not taken seriously can cause serious damage. If we keep on appeasing the enemy in hopes that they will have mercy on us, we will end up like Palestinians.

Coming to the military side: yes SU-35S, SU-30SM2, Upgradations of MIG-29SMT, SU-24MK2, LP of AL-222-25 all should be done. Let's exploit Russia whilewe can.
On the contrary, it's better that Iran is finally showing some balls that the price of attacking Iranian interests in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, or wherever will be much higher than a few missile exchanges.

SU-35S are a bonus.
Nothing is free especially in the current geopolitical context where no one is trustable, Russia has to deliver, even if Iran doesn't send BMs, this is not free, this is not a gift, i think it has nothing to do with making the west understand, Iran needs more fighter jets and helicopters than sending a message to the west, there are priorities

Iran has to make Russia understand that missiles and drones for use in the current war are not free and not only for "making the US understand" or a few words in the air

So i hope there is a batch of Su-35 with non-export weapons with S-400 and Mi-28 factory fresh awaiting to be delivered to Iran

Moreover i do not trust a single word of the WSJ which claimed countless of fake news about Russia/Iran since 2019 with their anonymous sources, lets see if this is another troll with anonymous sources or not, serial liars cannot be trusted, this is another "see, i was right" attempt
When Iran struck Israel, who was supporting Israel physically? What about EU/Nato members bombing Houthis, or allowing US bombers to attack Iranian interests in Iraq. These people get involved in Iranian matters to appease their Jewish backers, Iran atleast is showing that it can re-pay in kind.
which EU members bombed Houthis? current campaign is led by US and UK.

What are you expecting from Europe exactly? They put sanctions on Iran, verbally malign Iran as a rogue country, attack our interests, defend our direct enemy. Even if Iran starts supplying drones and missiles to Ukraine the Jewish client states of EU will still be sanctioning Iran. By supplying weaponry to Russia, Iran is atleast positioning itself as a geopolitical force to be reckoned which if not taken seriously can cause serious damage. If we keep on appeasing the enemy in hopes that they will have mercy on us, we will end up like Palestinians.
the costs of this are high and the rewards should be commensurate with these costs

Coming to the military side: yes SU-35S, SU-30SM2, Upgradations of MIG-29SMT, SU-24MK2, LP of AL-222-25 all should be done. Let's exploit Russia whilewe can.
AWACS would be nice as well. maybe a few upgraded A-50s. albeit expensive. A-100 would be a bit too optimistic. real shame we lost our only AWACS plane in a crash 15 or so years ago.
which EU members bombed Houthis? current campaign is led by US and UK.

- What are/were German, Danish, Italian, French, British, Greek, Dutch navies doing in the Red sea?

- Why France, UK were saving Israel from Iranian strike? directly becoming part of a conflict they had zero stakes in.

- Why EU put sanctions on Iran when Iran has never threatened them directly or indirectly?

the costs of this are high and the rewards should be commensurate with these costs

The reward is Iran telling these Jewish client states of the EU that mess with me and I will keep on empowering your biggest nightmare.

Military equipment from Russia is a mandatory bonus like I said before.

AWACS would be nice as well. maybe a few upgraded A-50s. albeit expensive. A-100 would be a bit too optimistic. real shame we lost our only AWACS plane in a crash 15 or so years ago.

Russia can't handle such large orders right now. They are barely keeping up with their requirements.

By the way, Iran can produce AWACS at home, manned or unmanned but IRIAF's budget is a joke.
On the contrary, it's better that Iran is finally showing some balls that the price of attacking Iranian interests in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, or wherever will be much higher than a few missile exchanges.

SU-35S are a bonus.

Correct view of things.

Ukraine is not attacking Iranian interests in those countries

Israel bombs our assets and people so we send missiles to Russia to use against Ukraine?

this is a very serious issue for Europe and will make Iran even more politically toxic than it already is. a massive order of upgraded SU-35S with AESA radar and R-37M. or TOT / local production of AL-31 (India already produces this locally under licence).

Incorrect view of things.

Europe has caused massive financial losses for Iran by supporting sanctions and supporting the Syrian Civil War that indirectly caused thousands of Iranian deaths on the battlefield.

So this is necessary payback.

While Ukraine traditionally was a good arms supplier to Iran (we owe the KH-55 and the previous Iran-140 project to them). That was a different government and different mindset. Like Shah government vs Khomeini government. Night and Day.

Lastly, Iran still needs hard currency and gold. They are under sanctions and suffering contrary to what the pro-incompetence crowd says, Iran still needs capital.

And the only way that Iran can get Russia to replace the decades (centuries?) of mistrust is by taking the first step. Now if Russia never reciprocates (ToT, big ticket items, etc) then Iran can say it tried.

But Iran is watching US/NATO supply more and more lethal long range weapons and is beginning to match US/NATO.

This is quite different than early days of war when even the talk of tanks and offensive weaponry was ruled out by US and NATO. We have come a long way with US now talking about longer range missiles and F-16’s already been delivered on top of the short range missiles and cruise missiles they already get.

Iran is merely copying the US/NaTO
if it's not upgraded su-35s then it's a very bad deal considering how seriously Europe will take the issue of Iranian missiles being used in Europe (they are already preparing a new sanctions package)
The Russian plane that landed recently might've been one of the loads to transport these back to Russia.
Lastly, Iran still needs hard currency and gold. They are under sanctions and suffering contrary to what the pro-incompetence crowd says, Iran still needs capital.
that's a very short sighted view. Russia is not capable of resolving Iran's economic issues. only sanctions relief with Europe and the US is. and Iran exporting ballistic missiles to Russia crosses a European red line and makes that ultimate economic relief harder to achieve.

maybe there's no hope of reconciliation with the West but Pezeshkian's platform suggests otherwise
The lingering SU35 deal is beyond understanding, even after Iran helped Russia on all active and passive fronts. Or any joint venture production ...
The lingering SU35 deal is beyond understanding, even after Iran helped Russia on all active and passive fronts. Or any joint venture production ...
Yeah I never got that either I know Russia is busy on the offensive and defensive in Ukraine and Russia but I would think by now as much as iran has helped to keep Russia afloat they would have sent something by now he’ll even the parts with technology transfer if Russia doesn’t have the capability to produce such systems during the ongoing war
Russia has to understand that they cannot ask for resources, ammunition, drones and now potentially missiles, which puts Iran in a very bad spot internationally for its image by supporting and fueling the war, potentially breaks international law by sending 500+ km range missiles, taking massive sanctions from the west for it just for the sake of Russia winning the war, this is not free this is not a personal gift for Putin in exchange of nothing

Even 24 Su-35 is not enough at all for all for this, when only drones were sent i would understand for only a squadron of Su-35, but now this is the next level with ballistic missiles (and not MRLS)

I really hope Iran will get a license to produce Su-5 with access to R-37M as well as air defense systems and helicopters with a license to produce them legally

People should also remember that Ukraine never attacked Iran or its interests or threatened Iran with total destruction with WMDs, the west hides behind Ukraine as their proxy in Europe, they are the real threats, not Ukraine, so all of this is 100% for Russia interests, Russia has to deliver once and for all, Iran paid, Russia doesn't deliver, this is not normal unless something is unveiled and delivered in a reasonable amount of time
that's a very short sighted view. Russia is not capable of resolving Iran's economic issues. only sanctions relief with Europe and the US is. and Iran exporting ballistic missiles to Russia crosses a European red line and makes that ultimate economic relief harder to achieve.

maybe there's no hope of reconciliation with the West but Pezeshkian's platform suggests otherwise

You are incredibly naive if you think Pezeshkian can broker Iran’s reintegration into the [western] economy.

They already threw out Russia just like they did Iran years earlier, they are beginning to tighten the screws on China if it doesn’t fall in line.

If you think they did that to Russia because of Ukraine war, you are incredibly naive. They were going to continue their hegemony on Eastern Europe and if Russia dared intervene then today’s reality faced them. But Putin eventually realized that he cannot reason or broker with these animals and decided to save Russia from future doom and stopped the Ukraine project.

No one in US Congress will support an Iran deal which means enforcement becomes DOA. And after 10/7 attacks, Israeli support is at an all time high and Iran is the boogeyman even more.

Without some type of war or agreement between Iran and Israel, there will be no Iranian integration into western economy
You are incredibly naive if you think Pezeshkian can broker Iran’s reintegration into the [western] economy.
full reintegration no, some sanctions relief yes

They already threw out Russia just like they did Iran years earlier, they are beginning to tighten the screws on China if it doesn’t fall in line.
China is the EU's third largest trading partner. Iran doesn't need to trade with EU USA directly (much), just to remove spectre of sanctions on ex-EU/US FDI

If you think they did that to Russia because of Ukraine war, you are incredibly naive. They were going to continue their hegemony on Eastern Europe and if Russia dared intervene then today’s reality faced them. But Putin eventually realized that he cannot reason or broker with these animals and decided to save Russia from future doom and stopped the Ukraine project.
I do think the sanctions imposed since the Ukraine war were a result of the Ukraine war

No one in US Congress will support an Iran deal which means enforcement becomes DOA. And after 10/7 attacks, Israeli support is at an all time high and Iran is the boogeyman even more.

Without some type of war or agreement between Iran and Israel, there will be no Iranian integration into western economy
we don't need full integration. Support for diplomatic solution with Iran is probably strong enough to survive under a Democratic administration and Republicans will fall in line with Trump (not that his maximalist demands would ever lead to a deal).

a war with Israel is not likely to help. nor will sending ballistic missiles to Russia
Ukraine has said that if Iranian missiles kill Ukrainian civilians then Iran will pay the price (threatening to attack Iran somehow)

Ukraine also claims to have drones with 1800km range and has been hitting targets deep inside Russia on a daily basis now, causing major damage
Now we can only wait to see if remains of missiles will show up in Ukraine

All of this is just about trusting the WSJ and their anonymous sources, nothing else
full reintegration no, some sanctions relief yes

China is the EU's third largest trading partner. Iran doesn't need to trade with EU USA directly (much), just to remove spectre of sanctions on ex-EU/US FDI

I do think the sanctions imposed since the Ukraine war were a result of the Ukraine war

we don't need full integration. Support for diplomatic solution with Iran is probably strong enough to survive under a Democratic administration and Republicans will fall in line with Trump (not that his maximalist demands would ever lead to a deal).

a war with Israel is not likely to help. nor will sending ballistic missiles to Russia

You going to give up parts of your nuclear program for “limited sanctions relief” AND make a deal with the weak democrats? Sounds exactly like something Iran would do!

Was pouring concrete in Arak reactor not enough? You need another boneheaded move to add to your wall of accomplishments?

How is that “redesign” going by the way? How much are the Europeans and Americans helping you? You know how much tens of millions (potentially) hundreds of millions of dollars you lost per year by not having that heavy water to sell on foreign global markets?

The real sanctions relief that would turn Iran around: full SWIFT integration, foreign investment into Iran and not just energy sector, western (European) purchase of Iranian oil

None of that is happening without a major massive peace deal between Iran and Israel. Or American collapsing as a superpower. Pick one.

That’s the bottom line. You can argue, reality won’t change.

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