Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Iran, Russia, and China are radioactive. There is no political desire to negotiate with these powers only domination even if it takes decades.
Agree. This rhetoric reminds me of Marandi who claimed the West needed to resume the JCPOA more than Iran did because the West was about to face a "hard winter". Instead Europe faced the mildest winter in decades and Iran faced the massive Mahsa Amini protests/riots.
I wouldn't take too much stock in these. I recall a similar minor announcement with NK years ago. I bet it's been very significant (both ways).
I kind of know what you mean...but soon after the NK-related announcements, some serious hardware was shipped from NK to Russia, and those "gifts" weren't free.
The fact you think Russia today + Iran is stronger than the USSR at its peak is absolutely insane and shows a lack of historical awareness.

And energy power? iran? On what basis?

It’s energy (oil production) is a fraction of what it was during Shah era. It’s energy fields lay decrepit needing hundreds of billions of dollars in investments.

While it’s a top 5 producer in natural gas….it’s mostly consume by its own domestic population, not even a top 12 exporter in natural gas. It has no LNG facilities.

Iran isn’t an “energy” power anymore than Venezuela is an energy power. They have energy reserves (massive ones) but don’t have the foreign capital or the tech to adequately exploit them.

Stalin was scarier for Europe
Hitler was scarier for Europe
Negative population growth is scarier for Europe

Iran is not scary for Europe. We need to not kid ourselves.

Europeans don’t want to be friends with you. Americans don’t want to be friends with you. What don’t you people get? They will never see you as their equal. They wouldn’t even see the Christian White Russians you think some brown Muslim Iranians are going to be recognized by the Anglo Saxon nations? Come on.

You guys will sign a deal then get backstabbed because the West wants you gone. They want Russia gone. They want China gone. And they will take their time even if it takes 100+ years. They will slowly chip away at the fabric of your society and try 100 different ways to eventually weaken you and sway you to become their satellite, just like they did to Ukraine, a 35 year project. Just like they did to Japan. Just like they did to Germany/Austria. Just like they did to [south] Korea. Just like they did to Iraq/Libya.

Go ahead and supply it. 2000 Alma’s won’t turn the war anymore than the 10,000+ ATGMs US supplied didn’t turn the war. Or the F-16’s. Or the cruise missiles, or the patriots or the other 75B+ in arms they got. You will not win an arms race with NATO + US, USSR went bankrupt trying to do it.

400 missiles is laughable. Go see how much munitions Russia drops on Ukraine, how many cruise missiles, how many BMs. 400 is like pissing straight into the wind. They fire 10,000+ artillery shells a day alone.

JCPOA was one man (Obama) trying to restart the slate. The world has changed so much since 2015.

Iran, Russia, and China are radioactive. There is political desire to negotiate with these powers only domination even if it takes decades.

Don’t be naive. Under Obama they told Russia they were placing missile interceptors in Poland to intercept “Iranian BMs” which was just an elaborate excuse to continue the Russia weakening project and moving more chess pieces into place. Putin knew it, but was too stubborn to make the necessary sacrifices. Again in 2014 he fell for their lies when Merkel convinced him to sign the Minsk accords when Russian forces were steamrolling a post revolution Ukraine army.

And what happened? US and NATO trained Ukraine to get ready for this current war and now Russia is stuck in quagmire just like Iran was stuck in Iran-Iraq war.

Will Putin drink the poisoned chalice and come to negotiating table just like Khomeini did after a fruitless decision to continue the war?

We shall see. But make no mistake, iran and Russia are labeled for deletion. Don’t make the same mistake Ghaddafi and Saddam and other did thinking you can be friends with them. You are in their way to world domination. Only 3 countries remain: Russia, China, and Iran. They will be eliminated one way or another if the US has their way.
What you said was right about shitholes like the USSR. USSR in nature was just like USA and other world bully states except that they openly denied God and opposed healthy competition and dynamic society. They had no ideological base among their nations specifically USSR. You cannot keep an state integrated by pointing a gun to nation's heads. USA is already doing the same to its European and Asian vassals. Besides US mainland is a racist shithole not even Dutch are safe from Anglo racism.

When was the last time you heard about US soldiers raping Japanese and German women in their countries?

USSR was a savage state that from Tajiks, Uzbeks, Azeris, Armenians, etc... wanted their identity and homeland back.

Comparing USSR to Iran is basically wrong. Iran wants cost effective solutions, USSR preferred gigantic numbers only. Iran has allies that will stand with Iran to the last drop of blood in Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, and every corner of Islamic world. Iran will never go the Soviets path, we value our allies.
What you said was right about shitholes like the USSR. USSR in nature was just like USA and other world bully states except that they openly denied God and opposed healthy competition and dynamic society. They had no ideological base among their nations specifically USSR. You cannot keep an state integrated by pointing a gun to nation's heads. USA is already doing the same to its European and Asian vassals. Besides US mainland is a racist shithole not even Dutch are safe from Anglo racism.

When was the last time you heard about US soldiers raping Japanese and German women in their countries?

USSR was a savage state that from Tajiks, Uzbeks, Azeris, Armenians, etc... wanted their identity and homeland back.

Comparing USSR to Iran is basically wrong. Iran wants cost effective solutions, USSR preferred gigantic numbers only. Iran has allies that will stand with Iran to the last drop of blood in Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, and every corner of Islamic world. Iran will never go the Soviets path, we value our allies.
iran is an angel!
Nothing is scarier for EU states (not the US) than the Russian Tyrant now backed by not just its own but also a large and effective Iranian military Industrial complex. An energy and industrial power at the Russian back is something more dangerous than the USSR on its own ever was for the EU so they never want this.

Russia and Iran are not fully strategically aligned yet, so the EU still has a lucrative chance to pull Iran out of the Russian grip. I say our leadership has pulled a smart move here to show the EU how much dangerous Iran can be at a global strategic level if it's not respected as a rising powerhouse. They can talk to Iran, and offer it something to keep it out of the Russian alignment otherwise next time some 2000 Almas, some 400 Kheibar-Shikans/Fattah HGVs, some SAM Missile-358 or Majid AD will find their way into Russian hands.

One massive factor behind JCPOA was keeping Iran out of the Russian influence if we connect it with the timeline of Donbass conflict. Now the stakes are 20 times higher.
The EU have now proved themselves to be nothing more than Vassal states of the U.S. There is no way in hell that the EU will ever improve their relations with Iran without U.S approval.
Sana'a | September 15 | Al Masirah Net: The Joint Meeting Parties blessed the qualitative military operation of the Yemeni Armed Forces that targeted a military target in the occupied Jaffa region with a hypersonic missile that all the enemy's defenses and its agents failed to intercept.

The Joint Parties confirmed in a statement on Sunday that the advanced qualitative operation thwarted the Zionist deterrence system, terrified the Zionists, forced them to flee to shelters, and confused the enemies' calculations.
The statement pointed out that the operation, in return, raised the morale of free peoples and Palestinian resistance factions, which blessed it and considered it a qualitative shift that will have important effects on the course and outcomes of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, as stated by the spokesman of the Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida.
The statement read: "A single Yemeni missile that bypassed the enemy's systems and traveled a distance of more than 2,000 km and was not intercepted or shot down indicates the advanced technology that the Yemeni armed forces now possess."
The statement congratulated Sayyed Leader Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the President and members of the Supreme Political Council, the President and members of the Government of Change and Construction, and all the sons of the great Yemeni people on the success of the unprecedented million-person events of the Prophet's birthday in the capital, Sana'a, and various governorates.

Maybe Iran introduced something new in the Kheibar Shekan since the April attack.

In April Iran launched 110 and only 6 weren't stopped.

This time, Houthis launched one, and they needed 20 interceptors.

I remember April videos, those missiles (I think) in the final stage of flight, it falls in zigzag to avoid air defenses.
In April Iran launched 110 and only 6 weren't stopped.

Stop using Wikipedia as your source for such nonsense claims.

If Iran fired 110 Kheibar Shekans in April 2024, Israel would be burning to this day.
Stop using Wikipedia as your source for such nonsense claims.

If Iran fired 110 Kheibar Shekans in April 2024, Israel would be burning to this day.
Well something bigger than houthi attack was stopped in April and now not, why.

A Yemeni military spokesman released a video of a missile fired toward Tel Aviv.
The shape of the missile is clearly very similar to the fattah-1,
The announcement of the two-stage solid fuel rocket and high maneuverability almost certainly indicates that an Iranian fattah-1 missile was used.
It is not the expected kheibar shekan.
Iran took a big gamble by using Yemen as a proxy.
But while it did threaten Israel's air defenses, the fact that it was at least partially intercepted and did not cause any damage seems to be no small blow to Iran's deterrent capabilities.
Even with hypersonic missiles, which no one expected, there was a limit to how far Israel's solid air defense network could be penetrated.
Of course, the fattah-1 was a powerful missile compared to the April attack, in which only about nine missiles landed in a saturation attack using dozens to a hundred rounds, but it was not enough.
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A Yemeni military spokesman released a video of a missile fired toward Tel Aviv.
The shape of the missile is clearly very similar to the fattah-1,
The announcement of the two-stage solid fuel rocket and high maneuverability almost certainly indicates that an Iranian fattah-1 missile was used.
It is not the expected kheibar shekan.
Iran took a big gamble by using Yemen as a proxy.
But while it did threaten Israel's air defenses, the fact that it was at least partially intercepted and did not cause any damage seems to be no small blow to Iran's deterrent capabilities.
Even with hypersonic missiles, which no one expected, there was a limit to how far Israel's solid air defense network could be penetrated.
Of course, the fattah-1 was a powerful missile compared to the April attack, in which only about nine missiles landed in a saturation attack using dozens to a hundred rounds, but it was not enough.

Fattah - 1 and Kehibar Shekan-2 are very similar missiles.

Given the build quality of the Houthi variant it looks more to be a modified localized K-2 then an higher end F-1

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