Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

The fact you think Russia today + Iran is stronger than the USSR at its peak is absolutely insane and shows a lack of historical awareness.

And energy power? iran? On what basis?

It’s energy (oil production) is a fraction of what it was during Shah era. It’s energy fields lay decrepit needing hundreds of billions of dollars in investments.

While it’s a top 5 producer in natural gas….it’s mostly consume by its own domestic population, not even a top 12 exporter in natural gas. It has no LNG facilities.

Iran isn’t an “energy” power anymore than Venezuela is an energy power. They have energy reserves (massive ones) but don’t have the foreign capital or the tech to adequately exploit them.

Stalin was scarier for Europe
Hitler was scarier for Europe
Negative population growth is scarier for Europe

Iran is not scary for Europe. We need to not kid ourselves.

Looks like I got under your skin as always. See, you assume BS in your brain and then go on and on without even having the capability to understand what the other person is even saying.

Iran at the Russian back is a scary idea for the EU which is why there is so much noise in the EU over Iran supplying weapons to Russia, why would they waste their time otherwise? Why sanctions? why constant MSM shitting on Iran if it's such a "small deal" according to your imbecile logic? If you were right then they would have laughed it off but they did not.

Your logicless brain got lost in oil production reports for this year and that year LOL. Strategists do not run the world on these managerial level statistics, they identify threats, check their potential, and then act which is what US ruled west is doing by constantly attacking Iranian interests and sanctioning Iran. Iran with its massive hydrocarbon reserves, established military industrial complex, is a threat that Western strategists will never want to get behind Russia which is why (A) Iranian leadership is creating this bargaining chip with EU, we are no friends of Russia otherwise nor do we care who wins, too far too unimportant (B) EU specifically is reacting in return to this Iranian bait (C) Iran is escalating, first drones now missiles. Your logic is false at its foundation.

Europeans don’t want to be friends with you. Americans don’t want to be friends with you. What don’t you people get? They will never see you as their equal. They wouldn’t even see the Christian White Russians you think some brown Muslim Iranians are going to be recognized by the Anglo Saxon nations? Come on.

Where exactly did I say Europeans need to be friends with Iran? your delusional disorder is getting out of hand. I was saying Iran is finally showing its knuckles to the EU that if Iranian interests are attacked by EU machinery in Yemen or wherever then Iran will power the worst nightmare of EU. As a matter of fact I was saying that Iran should scare EU more with hints of supplying even more lethal weaponry to Russia but you somehow manifested the "friendship". Stop drinking man.

World is not run on Brown and Red and White skin logic. Same Brown Semite Jews/zionists rule the ivory-skinned Caucasians to the point that the majority of western countries prioritize Israeli defense over their own. How did Brown Semites enslave whites? lol some white American probably called you a racial slur and you manifested that into a "global strategy" but that is not how it works.

And by the way, I know how European mentality works. It's very different from the US.

You guys will sign a deal then get backstabbed because the West wants you gone. They want Russia gone. They want China gone. And they will take their time even if it takes 100+ years. They will slowly chip away at the fabric of your society and try 100 different ways to eventually weaken you and sway you to become their satellite, just like they did to Ukraine, a 35 year project. Just like they did to Japan. Just like they did to Germany/Austria. Just like they did to [south] Korea. Just like they did to Iraq/Libya.

Iranian leadership's incompetency is not Western victory. The rest of your post is just irrelevant gibberish.

Go ahead and supply it. 2000 Alma’s won’t turn the war anymore than the 10,000+ ATGMs US supplied didn’t turn the war. Or the F-16’s. Or the cruise missiles, or the patriots or the other 75B+ in arms they got. You will not win an arms race with NATO + US, USSR went bankrupt trying to do it.

You have a delusional mental disorder so I will explain one more time. Iran does not care if Russia wins the war or not, Iran and Russia are traditional rivals not allies, I am assuming you know the history. As an ethnic Azeri Turk we know what Russians tried to do to Iran for centuries. But that threat is gone, what I care about is Iran showing strategic level deterrence to EU which in recent years has shown aggression towards Iran in recent years at Israeli behest. Sanctions on Iran, attacking Iranian interests in Red sea, defending Israel, powering Iranian enemies, EU is doing all that.

Iran supplying weapons to Russia is a strategic posturing/signaling to EU that there are ways we can hurt you if you hurt us. Who wins between Ukraine and Russia does not affect Iran, atleast not directly.

400 missiles is laughable. Go see how much munitions Russia drops on Ukraine, how many cruise missiles, how many BMs. 400 is like pissing straight into the wind. They fire 10,000+ artillery shells a day alone.

Your brain is caught in numbers again. 200 TBMs resulted in a week of media maligning and sanctions on Iran. 400 or 600 or 800 missiles are steps on the escalation ladder. You would not understand it but this is how threat is generated and sustained. Iran could have given Russia some 400 Glide vehicles if it wanted but no its carefully raising the stakes, bit by bit. Not showing all its cards at hand. Being a staunch critic of IRI's incompetency, I must say I am liking this approach by Iran. Not sure what your problem is.

JCPOA was one man (Obama) trying to restart the slate. The world has changed so much since 2015.
Iran, Russia, and China are radioactive. There is political desire to negotiate with these powers only domination even if it takes decades.

Don’t be naive. Under Obama they told Russia they were placing missile interceptors in Poland to intercept “Iranian BMs” which was just an elaborate excuse to continue the Russia weakening project and moving more chess pieces into place. Putin knew it, but was too stubborn to make the necessary sacrifices. Again in 2014 he fell for their lies when Merkel convinced him to sign the Minsk accords when Russian forces were steamrolling a post revolution Ukraine army.

And what happened? US and NATO trained Ukraine to get ready for this current war and now Russia is stuck in quagmire just like Iran was stuck in Iran-Iraq war.

Will Putin drink the poisoned chalice and come to negotiating table just like Khomeini did after a fruitless decision to continue the war?

We shall see. But make no mistake, iran and Russia are labeled for deletion. Don’t make the same mistake Ghaddafi and Saddam and other did thinking you can be friends with them. You are in their way to world domination. Only 3 countries remain: Russia, China, and Iran. They will be eliminated one way or another if the US has their way.

ROFL. You think one man decides American strategic policy for 5 years and then someone else comes and changes it completely? they are not stupid that they will hand over the system to puppet show characters like senile Biden or reality TV star Trump. American deep state policies are consistent regardless of whichever Democrat or Republican is sitting in the Oval Office. JCPOA was a strategic move by the US to keep Iran out of Russo-Chinese clenches exactly when Russia was showing signs of strategic aggression (Donbass war) and Ukraine was actually vulnurable. Russia did not capitalize the momentum it had at that time it did not attack ukraine and instead went for Minsk accords, a stupidity. It did not openly support the Iranian nuclear/military stance either, another blunder by Russians from their POV. Solemani's assassination + US withdrawal from JCPOA pushed Iran into Sino-Russo camp.

Iran has strategic level importance, we are not friends of Russia/China and we are not friends of US/EU either. We have our own interests and right now our interests align with Russia somewhat.

can this be mass produced in a cost effective way? very interesting weapon. warhead doesn't look like it could be 4.5 tons but if that's what they say then it probably is. allegedly 300km range. accuracy looks great in this test although reports say the KN-23 missiles (this class) North Korea exported to Russia have had horrible reliability issues.

looks like one stage missile without separating warhead. and no visible plasma on warhead suggests terminal velocity < mach 5. so not exactly pioneering tech and not a great weapon against a state with strong ABM systems, but other than Israel that doesn't apply to any of Iran's neighbours.
OK, I know a lot about North Korea, which is geographically close to where I live.
Its missiles are the latest model of Hwasong 11D with a warhead weight of 4.5 tons is a fact.
It is a huge single-stage rocket, a larger version of Iskander, and if it were to carry a smaller warhead of about 500 kg, it would have a range of over 1000 km.
It is a guided missile with a large warhead developed to counter a huge bunker buster that South Korea is developing to attack North Korea's underground positions.
Like Iskander, its thick body is designed to evade ABMs by gliding and maneuvering at a low altitude.
Like the Iskander, it has a unique shape because it is unstable when gliding through the atmosphere if it is too long, and it is more convenient to maintain speed if it has a certain weight, so there is no great advantage in making it a detachable type.
Since it is a highly advanced missile designed to evade ABM, it is not cost-effective, and it would not be easy for the Iranian military industry to produce a comparable missile.
IRGC unveiled a new BM
View attachment 66167

Apparently 1,000 Km range.
It is mentioned that its warhead is a high explosive seperable version.

Achieveing highest possible accuracy with the least moving parts has always been IRGC's missile strategy which enables them to evade ABM assets of the enemy.

Qiam missile was pioneer of this strategy.
It is mentioned that its warhead is a high explosive seperable version.

Achieveing highest possible accuracy with the least moving parts has always been IRGC's missile strategy which enables them to evade ABM assets of the enemy.

Qiam missile was pioneer of this strategy.

Looks like an old missile only being revealed now.

What use is a 1,000KM missile for Iran, Houthi, and Iraqi militias? It’s distance is too short for Israel. And the likelihood of Iran attacking US interests in the Persian Gulf with this passive dovish leadership is low.

For HZ it is overkill, not that iran can get a missile that large into Lebanon undetected.

Seems like utility is an export missile to Russia or Venezuela.

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