Iraq interested in purchasing JF-17

As is, today.......this is basically what air power has been reduced to. Platforms for launching either ALCM's or Aero ballistic missiles.

It's all downhill from here on, future of manned platforms........I can see it from a mile away.

In that case something like the JF17 should be even more attractive then very very expensive 5th gen jets

Easier to maintain
Much lower fuel usage per hour costs
Easier to purchase
The plane can land and be back in the air in 15mins
As is, today.......this is basically what air power has been reduced to. Platforms for launching either ALCM's or Aero ballistic missiles.

It's all downhill from here on, future of manned platforms........I can see it from a mile away.
I mean that writing has beem on the wall for years now. Even F-35 was designed to coordinate/command drone swarms and loyal wingmen. Thats a pretty clear stepping stone to eliminating manned fighter jets. Kizilelma is another. Id imaging for PAF the next iteration of fighters need to have big radar capacity and stron situational awareness to direct drone strikes.
We used H-2 glide bombs.
All 3 were loaded from my understanding. There were pictures floating at the time of the Mirage 5s loaded. With CBUs. But TV guided H2 was selected for the strike.

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