Iraq interested in purchasing JF-17

Nope, Iraq's reserves are in strict control of CIA & can be use with pentagon consent.

Current Iraq F-16 has a support problem. The United States has not delivered the main air-to-air missiles to Iraq 😂. Dumb Iraqis should be looking into JF-17 Block 3. A lightweight multi role jet good full weapons suits as well as low maintenance.
Politics & pressure plays a huge / sometimes overwhelming part in which fighter aircraft is picked. The U.S in particular uses it to control client states. Once you operate their stuff which is very attractive both from performance and cost (fms) perspectives — they own your butt.
Current Iraq F-16 has a support problem. The United States has not delivered the main air-to-air missiles to Iraq 😂. Dumb Iraqis should be looking into JF-17 Block 3. A lightweight multi role jet good full weapons suits as well as low maintenance.

Kindly refer to my previous post, as mentioned earlier any big ticket acquisitions (defense related) needs Pentagon consent hence Chinse or Russian origin weapons have very less or NIL chance.

PAF is eyeing 12 Iraqi F16s since years on barter deal with JF17s but couldn't materialized it because of the stated fact.
Kindly refer to my previous post, as mentioned earlier any big ticket acquisitions (defense related) needs Pentagon consent hence Chinse or Russian origin weapons have very less or NIL chance.

PAF is eyeing 12 Iraqi F16s since years on barter deal with JF17s but couldn't materialized it because of the stated fact.

Not only Americans 😂

France has offered to Baghdad Government it will release Iraqs frozen assets on one condition it be Used to buy french Rafael jet 🥴
I am waiting to see something official like Arab news, Dawn News, or BBC reporting this.

However seeing the opening post video, the news video seems credible.
American and Europeans have enjoyed a monopoly on defense sales across the globe. They can go to any extent in order to keep their hold on the global market. New entrants can possibly break in only while working diligently and patiently. They need to use smart marketing techniques for essentially finding or even creating opportunities for themselves by exploiting the global geostrategic changes the world is currently going through.

Buying/selling fighter planes is not a one-time business transaction. It entails the real alignment of strategic interests of the two countries. I think, Pakistan and China need to create synergy in their efforts for selling these planes.
Nobody wants to buy warplanes or warships or tanks guys.

Even the thudd whulld dalit catching onto da reality quickly no? that these are all legacy weapons now. Even talibunny or Daesh/ ISIS dalit would refuse to buy legacy weaponry, if offered.

Nobody wants any of this.

Everybody wants drones, stealthy cruise missiles, Hypersonic ballistic missiles and AI weapons now.
Nobody wants to buy warplanes or warships or tanks guys.

Even the thudd whulld dalit catching onto da reality quickly no? that these are all legacy weapons now. Even talibunny or Daesh/ ISIS dalit would refuse to buy legacy weaponry, if offered.

Nobody wants any of this.

Everybody wants drones, stealthy cruise missiles, Hypersonic ballistic missiles and AI weapons now.
Respectfully, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

You think too much in terms of WW2 mass attack infantry. If it was that easy then Israel would’ve gotten overrun in a few weeks. The IAF has ensure advantages to the Israeli military.

Having a potent Air Force stopped the Indians from fully attacking Pakistan in 2019. Same reason why Hezbollah hides its weaponry underground due to fear of the IAF. Same reason Syria was ably to win the civil war using Russian air power.

How many nations have hypersonic weaponry at their disposal? What’s stopping the Iranians from going HAM at the Israelis (still waiting on that retaliation).
They were never going to purchase JF-17s from the Pakistanis. Pakistanis aren’t sincere to their own, and you’d think the Iraqi will trust them in keeping the supply chain open in case of embargo by the US? You need serious financial power and influences to sell your weapons. What protection does Pakistan offers? It’s a sleazy country where quality control doesn’t exist.
Do I really need to go & get Screenshots or links to similar News/Topics on [PDF 1.0] regarding the same Air Force and the same Jet...?!!

And what became of the Azerbaijan deal...

My question is, how many orders can we (actually) take up..., before realizing that we can't actually accomplish that goal?
Nobody wants to buy warplanes or warships or tanks guys.

Even the thudd whulld dalit catching onto da reality quickly no? that these are all legacy weapons now. Even talibunny or Daesh/ ISIS dalit would refuse to buy legacy weaponry, if offered.

Nobody wants any of this.

Everybody wants drones, stealthy cruise missiles, Hypersonic ballistic missiles and AI weapons now.
It's worth noting that the PAF itself has started giving HALE UAVs (like the Bayraktar Akinci) the bomb truck role, likely taking over from the Mirage III/5s. In fact, these UAVs could also launch 60-120 km-range precision-guided glide bombs and <500 kg ALCMs.


The PAF also said that it was studying its stealthy UCAV options, and it wouldn't surprise me if it becomes one of the first (if not the first) export customer of the Bayraktar Kızılelma. Clearly, Baykar is marketing the product to the PAF:

It's worth noting that the PAF itself has started giving HALE UAVs (like the Bayraktar Akinci) the bomb truck role, likely taking over from the Mirage III/5s. In fact, these UAVs could also launch 60-120 km-range precision-guided glide bombs and <500 kg ALCMs.

View attachment 61096

The PAF also said that it was studying its stealthy UCAV options, and it wouldn't surprise me if it becomes one of the first (if not the first) export customer of the Bayraktar Kızılelma. Clearly, Baykar is marketing the product to the PAF:

View attachment 61101
Our mirages are now relegated to launching the Babur ALCM's now basically. Penetrating contested airspace not an easy task. I believe eventually this role will go the JF-17's down the road. In a decade or so the PAF has to go the way of what the bigger powers are doing already. Unmanned aircraft, drones and ballistic/ cruise missiles. Almost all IDF airstrikes now over Sy-Raaq involve their own reworked Scalps/ storm shadows. It is a pioneer this thing. Its in very high demand because it works. Uki's also using the Scalp/ storm shadow successfully against the Russians. Small, stealthy and so accurate.
Listen to me……Irans goin invade the northern part of Israel and force a capitulation.

When that happens, half da members here will disappear, outta shame!

You understand me? Don’t you?

When that happens I will accept my "failed" assessment openly and openly apologize---.

But the truth is iran would stay inconsequentail---.

When that happens I will accept my "failed" assessment openly and openly apologize---.

But the truth is iran would stay inconsequentail---.
Its already happened. Yesterday a 100 rockets fell on Israel. And killed god knows how many. Are you joking? Our gubment can't open its gob on Israel or we'll be denied IMF funds. And here you are talking like a high school fail auntie?

What have you done for Al-Balastinian?

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