IRGC Shahid Bagheri

How difficult it will be for US/Israel to sink this?
How difficult it will be for US/Israel to sink this?

Sink? Might be harder given its size. Severely Damage? Not hard.

Not very difficult. F-22’s and F-35’s can drop stand off munitions from 50KM+ and it will be on the drone carrier and it’s anti air defense to play defense and stop them all.

It cannot reliably engage such low observable aircraft, hence why it needs to be in a battle group with dedicated air defense destroyers/cruisers/frigates whatever size you want.
Sink? Might be harder given its size. Severely Damage? Not hard.

Not very difficult. F-22’s and F-35’s can drop stand off munitions from 50KM+ and it will be on the drone carrier and it’s anti air defense to play defense and stop them all.

It cannot reliably engage such low observable aircraft, hence why it needs to be in a battle group with dedicated air defense destroyers/cruisers/frigates whatever size you want.
Depend on inside it
You see if the compartment inside it are still like a tanker I don't think sinking it be a very hard task
Arabian Sea
Also, the Indian Ocean.

People do not pay attention to the fact that the Indian Ocean is very large and is the main threat to Iran at the present time(America attack)
Well, not many are keen to fight the US openly due to obvious reasons but a drone carrier has many uses in regional conflicts if not beyond. A drone carrier is a useful platform on many counts that might also allow a regional power to fight another regional power from a distance to a certain extent.

For countries that do not have an aircraft carrier, a drone carrier provides the basis to understand this type of platform and how to use it.
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Which ones of our drone fleets are going to be stationed on this thing?
Which ones of our drone fleets are going to be stationed on this thing?
If there is no new drone my guess is mohajer-6 or Ababil-5 perhaps with some modification to carry a parachute to help it reduce speed while landing , to the list you can add some suicide drones like Arash-1/2 and Shahed-131/136
well maybe also karrar
If there is no new drone my guess is mohajer-6 or Ababil-5 perhaps with some modification to carry a parachute to help it reduce speed while landing , to the list you can add some suicide drones like Arash-1/2 and Shahed-131/136
well maybe also karrar

It makes no sense to me, what purpose will these high RCS slow ISTAR/MALE platforms serve in open sea? They can sure track commercial targets at best. A wheeled and A2A-armed Karrar (that can land back) makes more sense.
It makes no sense to me, what purpose will these high RCS slow ISTAR/MALE platforms serve in open sea? They can sure track commercial targets at best. A wheeled and A2A-armed Karrar (that can land back) makes more sense.

Iran hasn’t had an innovative drone since 2011 when it captured RQ-170. I sometimes wonder if it would even have a flying wing design today if it were not for that American blunder.

Everything is just a variation of either Predator drone or RQ-170 or the old drone families (Karrar, Ababil, Mohajer) and the latest Mohajer(Mohajer 10) shown off was…..another predator clone

Most drones are still prop and a few turbo props. Still haven’t transitioned to micro jet or jet engine design much less a stealth bomber drone.

This sector of Iran’s industry has stagnated terribly
Iran hasn’t had an innovative drone since 2011 when it captured RQ-170. I sometimes wonder if it would even have a flying wing design today if it were not for that American blunder.

Everything is just a variation of either Predator drone or RQ-170 or the old drone families (Karrar, Ababil, Mohajer) and the latest Mohajer(Mohajer 10) shown off was…..another predator clone

Most drones are still prop and a few turbo props. Still haven’t transitioned to micro jet or jet engine design much less a stealth bomber drone.

This sector of Iran’s industry has stagnated terribly

If we go by logic, Shahed-171 can be a legit choice. Its jet powered so can have the speed and altitude, its stealth/Low RCS, can carry internal weapons and can land back on the carrier.

I never understood why they never worked on this platform with same amount of enthusiasm as other conventional MALEs like Shahed-129/149, Kaman-22 etc.

With a single Owj-90 or two Jahesh/Tolue-14 turbofans, they can even make a decent A2A/e-warfare platform out of Shahed-171.

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