Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

In a world where extremism doesn't exist you can point fingers at so called Islamists

But in a with hindutva scum, Zionists trash, white supremacists you a healthy dose of islamic zealotry to deal with these animals

Hindutva extremists are a threat to the entire region and it's important Bangladesh defends itself and prepares

I am glad that the region is waking up. Hindutvatis are losing allies in their neighborhood one by one. Yet they can only point fingers at others. Let them cry rivers. The reality speaks for itself.
That’s my fear!!!

One Muslim’s, Muslim, is another Muslim’s Kafir!!
Don't you think the hatred Pakistani Muslims had for Bengali Muslims was also fueled by anti-Hindu sentiment? Bengali language, culture, traditions, food, and even physical appearance were often perceived as being associated with Hindus.
I am glad that the region is waking up. Hindutvatis are losing allies in their neighborhood one by one. Yet they can only point fingers at others. Let them cry rivers. The reality speaks for itself.

The world is changing,, accusations of your enemy means little when you live in the information age

You can see the enmity, hatred and extremism, so the **** would you push secular liberalism amongst Muslims when our enemies are extremists

We should show them real zealotry and extremism and be proud of it

The next population after Bangladesh, is the Indian Muslims themselves, hundreds of millions of them
Don't you think the hatred Pakistani Muslims had for Bengali Muslims was also fueled by anti-Hindu sentiment? Bengali language, culture, traditions, food, and even physical appearance were often perceived as being associated with Hindus.

Did Modi teach you all these lies at his monastery?

I can feel your pain thousands of miles away.
Don't you think the hatred Pakistani Muslims had for Bengali Muslims was also fueled by anti-Hindu sentiment? Bengali language, culture, traditions, food, and even physical appearance were often perceived as being associated with Hindus.

Let’s not derail this thread.

Using my definition of Islamist - both BNP and Jamat are Islamist parties.

Both want to use the instruments of state to promote and enforce religious diktats.
Did Modi teach you all these lies at his monastery?

I can feel your pain thousands of miles away.
If I'm lying, then can you explain what fueled your hatred towards Bengali Muslims, if not the hatred for Hinduism?
Keep telling yourself fairytales. Fact is that you lost yet another country in the region. You now have multiple countries in immediate vicinity who don't trust you because of your radical leader Modi. Everything else you say is irrelevant. It is quite apparent why your countrymen are crying day and night all
over the Internet to garner sympathy. It is hilarious that you lot are also expecting the same on PDF.

I know why you log into PDF and react on these topics. You feel hurt and angry. 😁
Lol. We don't want trust of Terrorists and Terrorist sympathizers.
Im petty happy personally that Bangladesh is grabbed by Islamists.
I trust them.
Im just worried about our BSF guys. They gotta load of work to do now.
You finally join!! Where have you been??!!

I think you are grossly underestimating!

Religious is not the same as "Islamist" who wants state enforced religion.

Of course way more than 5% of BD'shis are religious.
If I'm lying, then can you explain what fueled your hatred towards Bengali Muslims, if not the hatred for Hinduism?

Bengali Muslims we were fine with, political differences backed by a list for power led to division

Hindus we just generally hate either way/anyway
If I'm lying, then can you explain what fueled your hatred towards Bengali Muslims, if not the hatred for Hinduism?

Today BD is again seeking relations with Pakistan. You cannot separate two brothers.

You guys are putting a lot of effort into the lies. It won't get you anywhere.
Let’s not derail this thread.

Using my definition of Islamist - both BNP and Jamat are Islamist parties.

Both want to use the instruments of state to promote and enforce religious diktats.

BNP is as secular as BAL. There are virtually no difference in ideology between BAL and BNP, with the exception of one being extremely pro India and the other not as much. So I am not understanding on what basis you are determining BNP as Islamist? Is it because they were allied to Jamaat? In that case the same determination could be made for BAL who were allied in the 90s.

The only people who make that kind of equivalence are those in Indian Government and media. Perhaps it's time for you to change the channel.
BNP is as secular as BAL. There are virtually no difference in ideology between BAL and BNP, with the exception of one being extremely pro India and the other not as much. So I am not understanding on what basis you are determining BNP as Islamist? Is it because they were allied to Jamaat? In that case the same determination could be made for BAL who were allied in the 90s.

The only people who make that kind of equivalence are those in Indian Government and media. Perhaps it's time for you to change the channel.

That is pretty much the only difference between the two parties, however I would say that there is a spectrum of pro-Indian views within AL.

BNP also has some pro-India elements although these are not as influential as the not so pro-Indian elements in BNP.
Lol. We don't want trust of Terrorists and Terrorist sympathizers.
Im petty happy personally that Bangladesh is grabbed by Islamists.
I trust them.
Im just worried about our BSF guys. They gotta load of work to do now.

You are not happy. You are hurt. Just like the rest of your buddies.

Whether you like it or not, you have another front now that doesn't like you.

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