Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

BNP is as secular as BAL. There are virtually no difference in ideology between BAL and BNP, with the exception of one being extremely pro India and the other not as much. So I am not understanding on what basis you are determining BNP as Islamist? Is it because they were allied to Jamaat? In that case the same determination could be made for BAL who were allied in the 90s.

The only people who make that kind of equivalence are those in Indian Government and media. Perhaps it's time for you to change the channel.

Didn’t BNP add “bismillah” to the constitution?

And altered text books to rid it of “secular” teachings e.g. science books.
You are not happy. You are hurt. Just like the rest of your buddies.

Whether you like it or not, you have another front now that doesn't like you.
You haven't learned a single thing about India. 😄😄 You are indulged on this forum for years now. But it is useless. There are so many threads here and on old forum about India's diplomatic policies. I thought anyone can learn from it.
But I hoped much from a Pakistani citizen. You guys have never learned a thing in past, present or and future dimmed too.

India faced hardest time on diplomatic front was Russia-Ukraine war. But You see where we are now!!
Happy we are! 😄😄
We are not even thinking about a little hole like Bangladesh. We know how to deal with them. If we can deal with Taliban.. Who are these fresh born Islamists?? No one...!
Buddy learn!
Don't make yourself a joke.
No one comes to Ganges India from any border side. Trust me.
Common mate if no one has come in history, you would not have to select the user name would have been one anyway.
Common mate if no one has come in history, you would not have to select the user name would have been one anyway.

Tells me something about you and you Hindutva beliefs.
You haven't learned a single thing about India. 😄😄 You are indulged on this forum for years now. But it is useless. There are so many threads here and on old forum about India's diplomatic policies. I thought anyone can learn from it.
But I hoped much from a Pakistani citizen. You guys have never learned a thing in past, present or and future dimmed too.

India faced hardest time on diplomatic front was Russia-Ukraine war. But You see where we are now!!
Happy we are! 😄😄
We are not even thinking about a little hole like Bangladesh. We know how to deal with them. If we can deal with Taliban.. Who are these fresh born Islamists?? No one...!
Buddy learn!
Don't make yourself a joke.

We will see buddy. We wil see. You are not worth any time. It is good to see you burn though. Just lick your wounds and remain silent.
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In a world of Zionists, hindutva extremists, white nationalists being a secular Muslim is a joke that will only get you killed

Embrace your own faith, culture and don't let the titles and accusations of your enemies define how you live your life

Islam gives you belief and selv-assertiveness. It makes you understand the superficial things in this world and see through power-plays created by mortal men of power and influence.

Thats why by enemy of muslims, its seen as threat to have muslim actually being observant. For it removes the clothes of the emperor.

Islam by nature is «secular», because islam dosent care about the whims of induviduals with superioriry complexes.
Islam by nature is «secular», because islam dosent care about the whims of induviduals with superioriry complexes.

“dosent care about the whims of induviduals with superioriry complexes”

That’s not “secularism” dude! That’s the definition of socialism.

Secularism is very well defined. It’s, “not using the instruments of state to either promote or suppress (private practice) of religion”. There are of course various degrees of that.

Dictionary is your friend!

Didn’t BNP add “bismillah” to the constitution?

And altered text books to rid it of “secular” teachings e.g. science books.

Adding Bismillah to the constitution has no real value.

If you read the history of Mujib 's rule during 1972 to 1975 - you will see he has done similar things to cater to the Muslim population and impress the Gulf Royals.

Placating to the Muslim population with inconsequential moves doesn't mean implementation of Islamic Caliphate.
99% of Bangladesh is Muslim I would assume it is fair to assume they would choose a leader from their own demographic

Unsure why it would be a issue ?
A minority religion would be more protected under an Islamic government than secular one.
You can ignore religion all you want and say separate state and religion. But ignoring it won’t change reality. Bangladesh is mostly Muslim and majority of Bangladesh puts religion first.
Islam gives rights to minorities in Muslim lands. Islam gives rights to non Muslims living in Muslim countries to practice their religion and live in peace.
The first step for peaceful coexistence is accepting people’s differences.
99% of Bangladesh is Muslim I would assume it is fair to assume they would choose a leader from their own demographic

Unsure why it would be a issue ?
Turkey has a 99% Muslim population, yet it chose to be a secular country. India, with a 78% Hindu population, also chose secularism. the U.S., where the majority is Christian, decided to adopt a secular system as well.
I think Bangali people can choose what is best for them
They are smart folks

Muslim Leader I like the sound of that

Of course any minority can stand in election if they have support I am sure Bengali folks will consider it
I think Bangali people can choose what is best for them
They are smart folks

Muslim Leader I like the sound of that

Of course any minority can stand in election if they have support I am sure Bengali folks will consider it
The inferiority complex of being a converted Muslim race is why Muslims in the Indian subcontinent tend to be more radical and frequently mix religion with politics. This false bravado, along with the manufactured narratives by the Pakistani establishment about ruling India for thousands of years and claims that one Muslim is equivalent to 10 non-Muslims, all stem from the shame and inferiority complex of being a converted Muslim race.
Turkey has a 99% Muslim population, yet it chose to be a secular country. India, with a 78% Hindu population, also chose secularism. the U.S., where the majority is Christian, decided to adopt a secular system as well.

Only on paper.
No country is truly secular.
Especially not India.
Indians are crying islamist takeover in Bangladesh, while they themselves vote for a hinduistic mass murderer party into power for past 15 years!!

This debate is useless.
Its a typical sanghi tactic, their brainless bots going around and spreading filth all ove the web, including here.
Was a chinese member here a few years ago, who said there is a special place in hell for those who gave Indians internet access.
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