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Is India Relevant?


Dec 25, 2023
If we were sure of just 1.5 million of them. Sure. But when the time comes, millions of Punjabis will flood in, as they already do.
lets cross the bridge when we arrive there.. my only point was that there is no need to surrender the claim unilaterally. I dont see the other side uttering such conciliatory tones, so why should we be eager to.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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lets cross the bridge when we arrive there.. my only point was that there is no need to surrender the claim unilaterally. I dont see the other side uttering such conciliatory tones, so why should we be eager to.

The claim will always be there and used to beat Pakistan with and squeeze them where and when we can. Economically. Diplomatically.


Jul 6, 2024
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First, the basics. How is India relevant to Pakistan? Can India assist in addressing Pakistan’s grave economic issues in any possible way? Can India help in improving Pakistan’s human development indices, unemployment, and illiteracy? Can India help Pakistan in getting rid of IPPs? Can India assist in attracting FDIs for the SIFC? Will there be a joint India-Pakistan Commission to eradicate poverty, extremism, and terrorism from the region? Will India convince the US to let the Pak-Iran gas pipeline project succeed?
The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO. India has too many problems of its own to be of any relevance to anyone else. Let them work on it in peace.

As far as Pakistan goes, its not even a country anymore. Its government has been "deleted". What is left with a gang which is looting poor victims stuck there. So no point of even considering them.
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