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Is India Relevant?


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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well @nahtanbob here you have your answer in the nutshell as thats the actual nerrative of Pakistani nation as a whole which is not going to change and until that changes there can be no buissness or so called reconcilation

Pakistanies are a so called QUOM/Nation living in past with a always waiting or dreaming for some so called Messiah that will save there nation and make them great once again and make them rule over india and maybe the world

once it was Jinnah they then started looking it in Ayub Khan then Z A Bhutto then Zia Ul Haq and then Nawaz Shrief and now from diffrent COASs to finally they narroed in on Imran Khan ;) :p

Some people are in dreamland. One of these days they might wake up.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Does it bother you as much that most Muslims in the world do not get representation in their government? Representative government is a very Western (and alien, for Islam) concept. None other than the great President of Turkey has stated that democracy is a streetcar, you get off when you reach the destination.

He could not fix a damn thing in UK or Pakistan. He wants to tell the world how to live. Welcome to deluded world of PDFer


Dec 25, 2023
Talking with Pakistan establishment makes no sense.

Will Pakistan handover pak kashmir and gilgit baltistan to india?

Will India will handover Indian parts of Kashmir to Pakistan?

Will both countries will leave their parts of Jammu and Kashmir and declare a free country after combining both the parts?

Answers Is a hell "Big No"..

So why the hell talk is needed on Jammu and Kashmir? Already wasted 75 years, don't need to waste our paid tax for such useless talks.

There is only one solution - make LOC as permanent borders, should be accepted by both, but sure - both sides will not accept it due to political and in Pakistan, military leadership reasons.
making LOC as permanent border was a solution when India was low in strength.. now India will just bide its time for entire Kashmir to willingly come to India


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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making LOC as permanent border was a solution when India was low in strength.. now India will just bide its time for entire Kashmir to willingly come to India

And the people that come with it.
3rd and 4th generation Pakistanis.

Cheers, Doc


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
making LOC as permanent border was a solution when India was low in strength.. now India will just bide its time for entire Kashmir to willingly come to India
Don't Be a fool as similar to the some people from the cross border

Don't believe on so called politicians who talks those nonsense.


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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making LOC as permanent border was a solution when India was low in strength.. now India will just bide its time for entire Kashmir to willingly come to India
You really think so? I am sure Indian leaders are smarter than that.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Some people are in dreamland. One of these days they might wake up.
well sure some will wake up but you can wake those who are sleeping but cannot wake those who are programmed to be sleeping or pretending to be sleeping or for that matter living in a false world built on false nerrative and denayl about the actual facts and realities and what duties they have towards there families , society nation or world ;) :p

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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India is an irrelevant country. It doesn't produce anything of use. Pakistan should immediately ban import of all medicines from India.
please please do it and please dont import indian veggies or cosmetics or shaving essentials or autoparts wia Dubai


Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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And the people that come with it.
3rd and 4th generation Pakistanis.

Cheers, Doc
gret point there is no need to get back so called POJK or its people in india it will be a massive massive laibility and a nightmare for iltellegence and secuirty apparatuss

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Via Dubai? That's like me buying my veggies via Bombay. Would be too expensive.
well thats whats happenning they are actually buying there stuff on paper from Dubai though its send from Gujrat /Maharashtra & Konkan belt wia sea route they are just paying thrice the ammount of duties ;) :p

waise no indian supplier of RAW material for Pharma is ready to retart supply as they have not paid earlier deus in tune of around 2 billion USD ;) :p

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Via Dubai? That's like me buying my veggies via Bombay. Would be too expensive.
Fruit market me dekho, lots of 'produce of USA/China' stuff .. green apples, oranges, cherries from south Africa etc.. disheartening.

@Guru Dutt aap bhi check karna, chepi lagi hoti hai ki kahan k hain.. jabki hamare Kashmir, Himachal me acche ugte hain.. pta ni kya chakkar hai.

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