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Is India Relevant?


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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and 4 biwi thing remove ka kya fayda hoga to you and me ?

let them have at it, I say.. freedom of religion

I guess you did not follow my convo with Guru above or there is a problem in my communication that precludes comprehension on your part.

1) Where are the extra women coming from, in a normal 1:1 male female population ratio, community wise.

2) If NRR remains same for Hindu woman and Muslim woman, and Hindu man impregnates one womb, and Muslim man 4, what is the NRR for the Muslim community vs the Hindu?

Cheers, Doc


Jul 1, 2024
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Same can be said about those Persians lost to 3000 years if war with the Greeks, the Romans and the Byzantines, and finally to the Arabs.

Point is clear. Persia never had the geographic strategic depth or the population suze buffer that India did.

The Muslim expansion into India simply never got enough time, because of the Marathas and then the British. Ironically who used Hindus (and Muslims) to wrest India from Maratha Hindu rule.

The Muslims got a great deal in the form of Pakistan as consolidation completely free of cost.

But they are not satisfied. Not when Hindu India still stands. Large and rich and proudly pagan polytheist idol worshipping masses.

What they could not do by force they will now hope to do by insidious creep of outbreeding you.

As I always tell the kid @Sharma Ji ... UCC only shackles Hindus. Not rhe Muslims.

I wonder how many of you are equally oblivious of what stares you in the face.

Cheers, Doc
It was muslims and then Brits who «created» modern Indi in the first place. There was no «India» before that. Only a large swath of land with princely states and regional powers competing with eachother.

The Marathas wouldnt really last that long anyway. They were crushed by Abdali and again by brits. Which lends support to the assuption that Marathas gained terroritory due to collapse of Mughal central power.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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It was muslims and then Brits who «created» modern Indi in the first place. There was no «India» before that. Only a large swath of land with princely states and regional powers competing with eachother.

The Marathas wouldnt really last that long anyway. They were crushed by Abdali and again by brits. Which lends support to the assuption that Marathas gained terroritory due to collapse of Mughal central power.
So why the the Magesthenes wrote a book named INDICA almost 2300 years ago or Christopher colombus must have gone to Find Americas but named the natives of new new land as red Americans... did he ?? ;) :p

well the first attack by Bin quasim started in around 712 AD who was send to kill the remaining family of Prophet which was given refuge by Raja Dahir but then he could only gain control of few costal towns in Sindh after defeteing raja Dahir but not before loosing more than twice to Raja Dhair

but anyway Bappa Rawal dragged owt Arabs from entire MUltan and sariki belt and Sindh and gave them such a thrashin that for another 300 years that untill 996 no Arab or central asian attack Indian sub Continent till in 996AD Mahmood Ghaznavi attacked and kept doing it till 1026 AD but after thrashing at Battle of Bharaich no Afghan or Arab or turk came to India till 1190 when Mohd Ghuri attacked India and finally defeted last Hindu King of Dehli in 1192 AD

so from 712 till 996-1026

from 1026 till 1190

and after death of Aurangzeb in 1707 within 18-20 years Marathas had destryed entire Mughal empire from outskirts of delhi from whats called Meerut till Agra to Kanpur to Awadh and rohail Khund to malwa to Gwalior and Bhopal to Indore to Surat and Baroda and Ahemdabad to Hydra bad deccan

while between 1731 till 1761 till Ahemad Shah Abdali defeted marathas in 1761 but after he went back Marathas regrouped again and within six years became even more powerfull and in Punjab , Sindh and KPK/NWFP sikhs while Rajpoots and Jaats in Rajasthan and Gujrat destroyed last sherdds of so called Muslim might in Hindustan/India and until Marathas were finally British defeted in 1848 while sikhs were defted by British in 1846

so India was never under a single Mughal or for matter Muslim rule and always faced fierce ressitence from Sanatnies fighting for there Dharma who even kept fighting from British even after 1857 revolt of independence from Bengal till KPK in Pakistan today but what did Muslims and Muslim Leuge or there feudal elite or mullah/ullema did or those Muslim awaam did ;) :p


Jul 1, 2024
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So why the the Magesthenes wrote a book named INDICA almost 2300 years ago or Christopher colombus must have gone to Find Americas but named the natives of new new land as red Americans... did he ?? ;) :p

well the first attack by Bin quasim started in around 712 AD who was send to kill the remaining family of Prophet which was given refuge by Raja Dahir but then he could only gain control of few costal towns in Sindh after defeteing raja Dahir but not before loosing more than twice to Raja Dhair

but anyway Bappa Rawal dragged owt Arabs from entire MUltan and sariki belt and Sindh and gave them such a thrashin that for another 300 years that untill 996 no Arab or central asian attack Indian sub Continent till in 996AD Mahmood Ghaznavi attacked and kept doing it till 1026 AD but after thrashing at Battle of Bharaich no Afghan or Arab or turk came to India till 1190 when Mohd Ghuri attacked India and finally defeted last Hindu King of Dehli in 1192 AD

so from 712 till 996-1026

from 1026 till 1190

and after death of Aurangzeb in 1707 within 18-20 years Marathas had destryed entire Mughal empire from outskirts of delhi from whats called Meerut till Agra to Kanpur to Awadh and rohail Khund to malwa to Gwalior and Bhopal to Indore to Surat and Baroda and Ahemdabad to Hydra bad deccan

while between 1731 till 1761 till Ahemad Shah Abdali defeted marathas in 1761 but after he went back Marathas regrouped again and within six years became even more powerfull and in Punjab , Sindh and KPK/NWFP sikhs while Rajpoots and Jaats in Rajasthan and Gujrat destroyed last sherdds of so called Muslim might in Hindustan/India and until Marathas were finally British defeted in 1848 while sikhs were defted by British in 1846

so India was never under a single Mughal or for matter Muslim rule and always faced fierce ressitence from Sanatnies fighting for there Dharma who even kept fighting from British even after 1857 revolt of independence from Bengal till KPK in Pakistan today but what did Muslims and Muslim Leuge or there feudal elite or mullah/ullema did or those Muslim awaam did ;) :p
you «santanites» were a mish mosh of countless cultures and ruled by countless petty Rajas who regularly had warfare and mass murder of eachother. The marathas, which essentially were band of thugs, murdered countless bengalis.

Greek had little idea of present day India. In their mind and interaction India was the land of the river Sindh (present Pakistan). West europeans just copied the greek names and lumped entire subcontinent in one box, when they tried to circumvent middleeast in order to reach the lucrative spice market.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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you «santanites» were a mish mosh of countless cultures and ruled by countless petty Rajas who regularly had warfare and mass murder of eachother. The marathas, which essentially were band of thugs, murdered countless bengalis.

Greek had little idea of present day India. In their mind and interaction India was the land of the river Sindh (present Pakistan). West europeans just copied the greek names and lumped entire subcontinent in one box, when they tried to circumvent middleeast in order to reach the lucrative spice market.
but point is the idea that was in minds of ancient greeks about so called INDIA was with same Europeans after rennasance period in 14th centuarry and they dint go to find Pakistan or Bangladesh But India and that was land of so called HINDUS

and we even today very much Sanatnies which they call HINDUS just like my forefathers in times of Greeks 2300 years ago or when Europeans first came to India in 1498 still worshiip same gods and have same cultuar and eating habits like them forfathers but look at yourself you lost your ... khair sannu ki ;) :p


Jul 1, 2024
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but point is the idea that was in minds of ancient greeks about so called INDIA was with same Europeans after rennasance period in 14th centuarry and they dint go to find Pakistan or Bangladesh But India and that was land of so called HINDUS

and we even today very much Sanatnies which they call HINDUS just like my forefathers in times of Greeks 2300 years ago or when Europeans first came to India in 1498 still worshiip same gods and have same cultuar and eating habits like them forfathers but look at yourself you lost your ... khair sannu ki ;) :p
what you on about
The brits had their capital in Bengal for a reason

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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what you on about
The brits had their capital in Bengal for a reason
and that reason was control of trade of TEA , OPIUM and NEEL/Indigo from Calcutta port and later in cox Bazzar which were nearest to Malakka straits to control trade routes to Indo China ...... it was all about startegy and when that was past they changed it early 1900s to New delhi ...... now think about why and hwo ;) :p


Full Member
Jul 15, 2015
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I agree with author there are any things Pakistan can do to fox economy so India is irrelevant in that sense. So having good relations with India can help speed up process of economic betterment but not necessity.

Bigger point is relations with Pakistan at this point and time does not help India at all so no improvement in relations needed from Indian side.


Jul 1, 2024
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and that reason was control of trade of TEA , OPIUM and NEEL/Indigo from Calcutta port and later in cox Bazzar which were nearest to Malakka straits to control trade routes to Indo China ...... it was all about startegy and when that was past they changed it early 1900s to New delhi ...... now think about why and hwo ;) :p
not only that
Bengal was the economic powerhouse of the sub continent. Bengal at that time had already proto-industrialized. All that slowly vanished when brits took over. Brits were a colonizer in its purest meaning.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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I agree with author there are any things Pakistan can do to fox economy so India is irrelevant in that sense. So having good relations with India can help speed up process of economic betterment but not necessity.

Bigger point is relations with Pakistan at this point and time does not help India at all so no improvement in relations needed from Indian side.
well he should forget what will happen to India and think where is Pakistan headded towards and look what there own masters of the economy have to say on it ;) :p


Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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not only that
Bengal was the economic powerhouse of the sub continent. Bengal at that time had already proto-industrialized. All that slowly vanished when brits took over. Brits were a colonizer in its purest meaning.
well i guess you dont read history or read it with a baised attitude of religion and regionlism

Bengal was industrial hub in that era cause in early 18th centuary it was the only area that was close to all economick activty from bulk of british revenue from china and indo china that came from tea trading and opium and indigo

but to safegurd and expand that they needed ships and seamen and clerks which they started devloping/making in calcutta as bringing everything from across the globe was very very slow and expensive

and Indians specially Hindu Indians and Parsis and jews had already started gettingenglish style education in a big way and british needed arms and ammo , groceries o uniforms and boots to utilities and minor spare parts and ship repair facilities and even manufacturing at smaller scale as there were constant accelarations with Dutch and french over control


Full Member
Jul 15, 2015
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well he should forget what will happen to India and think where is Pakistan headded towards and look what there own masters of the economy have to say on it ;) :p

Oh don’t take me working Pakistan is in dire financial stress and good relations with India would help form reducing defense expediting to trade but reducing defense is not warranted by powers in question.


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Jun 11, 2024
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We know Indians like most people from the subcontinent are of chocolate complexion but before some of you gloating here and loving yourself are reminded that it's not just only some Pakistani politician or diplomat talking about normalising relationships, infact your Netas have been wishing for the same over the years. Besides despite Indians always boxing above weight and claiming their competition and goals are with likes of China, Korea, Japan, at the end of the day, your benchmark is always Pakistan alas there are likely more Indians crawling on a Pakistani forums than Pakistanis themselves.
So better climb down from your high horse.



Dec 25, 2023
And the people that come with it.
3rd and 4th generation Pakistanis.

Cheers, Doc
I am not talking of any forcible takeover.. Only when Kashmiris themselves want to willingly be part of India.
Till now, Indians have been keen to convert LOC to border whereas Pakistanis have been mostly wanting entire Kashmir. So India has been at the backfoot in these negotiations, as we cannot give anything more. Hence, we should claim what is legally ours and wait. Anyways, there is no one to negotiate with on the other side.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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I am not talking of any forcible takeover.. Only when Kashmiris themselves want to willingly be part of India.
Till now, Indians have been keen to convert LOC to border whereas Pakistanis have been mostly wanting entire Kashmir. So India has been at the backfoot in these negotiations, as we cannot give anything more. Hence, we should claim what is legally ours and wait. Anyways, there is no one to negotiate with on the other side.

The willing people are still 3rd and 4th generation Pakistanis.

They've been born into a well entrenched ecosystem.

Remember in 1971 we were faced with a similar choice. And we chose correctly.

That was just 24 years of the ecosystem.

One generation out.

Now its 77 years. The people who were once undivided Indians are all dead.

Cheers, Doc
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