Is India the next super power


Dec 16, 2023
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I did not realise just how much India has changed since 2014

Well on their way to becoming the third most important country on the planet

Look at the infrastructure mannnn wow


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Oh dear Lord,, nooooo



Senior Member
May 6, 2015
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I did not realise just how much India has changed since 2014

Well on their way to becoming the third most important country on the planet

Look at the infrastructure mannnn wow

It was super power 5000 years ago, it is a super power today (since 2011), and yes it will be a super power for at least next 5000 years .


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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The list is endless for India with multiple issues from communalism, poverty, rape etc etc

India is 1.4 billion and growing, it's population is HIGHER THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD

Compare 1.4 BILLION indians to 90 million Germans, or 70 million French, or 65 million British

If you subtract the entire population of the USA from India you still have 1.1 billion indians left over

THe main reason India is on any of lists of economy is because it's MASSIVELY OVERPOPULATED and the sum total of this massive population often beats other countries by anything from 1 to 1.3 billion people

The same manufacturing economic miracle that happened in China, WONT happen in India
That time has passed, today their are multiple options for investment and the west and world realize they made a mistake with China, and won't repeat it in India to make another monster they can't deal with

India is hated in its own region

It's population are fantasy driven and have a panache for fantasy history that never happened

The consequences of 1000 years of defeat, humiliation have created a MASSIVE chip on the shoulder of indians especially Hindus and a massive mental burden that makes them dangerous for South Asia

It is vital that Pakistan and other South Asian nations prepare militarily to keep India in its box and going mental claiming oceans and islands or something else crazy


Jun 23, 2011
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I did not realise just how much India has changed since 2014

Well on their way to becoming the third most important country on the planet

Look at the infrastructure mannnn wow

Frankly India has good things going on but don’t start insinuate India is a world beater using a random utube video. Be sensible and let’s not hold delusions of grandeur


Dec 16, 2023
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If population was sole determining factor in multi trillion gdp
Then surly 250 million Pakistanis would do more than just 350, billion dollars gdp...

It's not as simplistic as population

Established political governance
Business acueman

Don't just say population


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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If population was sole determining factor in multi trillion gdp
Then surly 250 million Pakistanis would do more than just 350, billion dollars gdp...

It's not as simplistic as population

Established political governance
Business acueman

Don't just say population

It's mostly just a issue of massive overwhelming population

The vast majority of indians are poor, their is massive inequality, caste system, communalism

But add up all the wealth of indians regardless of how poor the majority are and you end up in the top 5

It's just how it is,

India for all it's mess, at least has a stable-ish government system and that in of itself has sparked development

But showing a couple of pictures of some buildings or some infrastructure is pointless, you can do that with any nation in the world

India will indeed grow
But then it's growth will slow down and it will level out and their is a question mark over whether they can actually produce enough jobs for its massive population

Pakistan itself is underdeveloped, and hindered by its political situation, if it resolves that then their will be quick development
Because it's population is young, it has 240 million people and hasn't used its resources or even properly focused it's economy on fulfilling domestic need let alone exports

India will remain a regional power that it's region feels threatened by, anything above that is delusions of grandeur by India
But these delusions are dangers especially with hindutva in the government


Dec 16, 2023
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Firstly it's not Indians claiming they are super power or a regional power .These references made by western think-tanks or organisations . The Y tube clip is not Indian source

Secondly I would not describe a $1.9 trillion dollars spent on infrastructure as a couple of buildings which is what modi has spent last five years...

Finally focusing on hundreds of millions in poverty is matched by the hundreds of millions of Indians that are middle class and working and paying taxes and buying cars and computers and goods on a scale that even the whole of Europe can't match..

India is building shopping malls ports airports and infrastructure on scale that nobody is matching bar china ...

That is not the work on few hundred thousand but the biggest middle class population. On the planet


Jul 25, 2013
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I did not realise just how much India has changed since 2014

Well on their way to becoming the third most important country on the planet

Look at the infrastructure mannnn wow

Why you dont live in Superpower India? Instead you are currently living in England.


Dec 16, 2023
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One more thing this nonsense of India will level out ...
Of course it will level out just like china will level out and Pakistan or Indonesia will level out...that remark means nothing ...

It's at what point it is this
Most analysts predict India will level.out in fifty years time about the time it over takes USA as the second or largest gdp on the planet

Did not say richest or highest per capita but yes the second largest gdp on around 2050..

Coming back to India threatening the region that is Pakistani inferiority complex at play... unfortunately that complex is going to get worse with each trillion dollars India adds to it's gdp
It will.not go away it will get even more deep rooted

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