'Israel Has Failed...': Top U.S. Magazine Says Hamas Gained Strength & Support Despite War | Watch

MS Sandhu

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Dec 16, 2023
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Agreed, with US support and EU silence... they can damage.
But reality goes in another way. A protracted high intensive war without support of US, Israel would finish their storages in weeks. And loose 30% of their soldiers in some months.
So there is necessary a war in Taiwan to keep US busy and let Israelis at their fate... to put an example.
US war machinery is huge.It is busy in Ukraine but still able to churn out massive ammunition for Israelis.
Even if we take US out of equation, Israel has other allies that can supply it ammunition & Oil i.e India, Azerbaijan,etc.


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Oct 21, 2006
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And when the dust will settle?
Even if the dust settles now,the destruction Israel brought to Gaza it will take another 20 years for rebuilding Gaza.So this means deterrence for Israel for next 20 years from Gazan Side.
It’s generally a sudden event, when it unexpectedly happens. Just like what happened to the pretorian republic of South Africa.

The colonialists just packed up and left all of a sudden. And their 16 nuke bombs were carted out da back door very quietly too. 90% of the Dutch left for Canada, Australia UK and the Netherlands.

It all died away with a whimper. 😢

Irans hoping for such an outcome.

MS Sandhu

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Dec 16, 2023
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It’s generally a sudden event, when it unexpectedly happens. Just like what happened to the pretorian republic of South Africa.

The colonialists just packed up and left all of a sudden. And their 16 nuke bombs were carted out da back door very quietly too. 90% of the Dutch left for Canada, Australia UK and the Netherlands.

It all died away with a whimper. 😢

Irans hoping for such an outcome.
The ideal environment for such a condition was well those 60s & 70s time when whole Arabia was blood thirsty of these Israelis.


Mar 26, 2024
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They haven’t failed the whole idea of rescuing hostages was a cover up for genocide. What they did in Gaza was to test the world’s response there using it as a measuring stick for future adventures like attacking Lebanon going into Syria and maybe even Sinai.
Now there attacking Lebanon
if anything this genocide has showed is the world complicity.
The reply by countries like Spain etc doesn’t mean much when you have open trade.
Had Egypt Jordan and Saudi cut off trade with Israel the casualties in Gaza would have come down allot. And Israel would have stopped its bombing


Oct 24, 2012
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Anyone see the latest Israeli disabled casualty figures from the Gaza war? It makes for very grim viewing. No wonder there are daily protests to end the war.
A friend of mine in the Pentagon told me (And I remember mentioning it in the old forum) before this war Israeli are accepting a figure of 12,000 casualties (dead and wounded) and projecting somewhere between 150,000-300,000 Palestinian casualties.

I don't think the war is done for both sides, unless UN started grow a pair and sending Peacekeeper to Palestine.


Oct 24, 2012
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They haven’t failed the whole idea of rescuing hostages was a cover up for genocide. What they did in Gaza was to test the world’s response there using it as a measuring stick for future adventures like attacking Lebanon going into Syria and maybe even Sinai.
Now there attacking Lebanon
if anything this genocide has showed is the world complicity.
The reply by countries like Spain etc doesn’t mean much when you have open trade.
Had Egypt Jordan and Saudi cut off trade with Israel the casualties in Gaza would have come down allot. And Israel would have stopped its bombing
Nah, it ain't gonna matter.

Everyone knows this war is what the Israeli way to exact revenge, I believe I called it Operation Body Count in the last forum before it kicks off. They don't have any plan to remove Hamas nor anything to do with Gaza once this is over, they just basically went in there to kill people. Trade or no trade, getting the hostage back or not, it wouldn't change a thing.

And you know why Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet? That's because if he didn't you are going to see even more far right element to join and that is the sentiment in Israel now, and they demanded Israel to do more in Gaza and that is the people that's going to replace Benny Gatz...They ain't going to stop

And as I predicted before this, nobody is going to care enough to stop them, 9 months on, you have around 40,000 dead (if Hamas number is believable) and probably 3 to 4 times wounded. And even if Israeli pullout and stop tomorrow, people are going to keep dying in Gaza because basically there are nothing left in it, and they won't turn back on water, fuel and food to Gaza.

In fact, when I made the prediction back in Oct last year, I don't think they are going to follow their plan they told the US, but well, even I am shocked to see the world (the West, Middle East or even China and Russia) did nothing but just talk....


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Oct 21, 2006
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Yesterdays Indian theme for Middle East war was k irani’s have somehow recruited thousands of talibunny khotay to fight against israheel! :p

Today’s Indian theme is that the US has cut off israheeli weapon supply! :p

Tomorrow’s theme will be that Pakistan has decided to back Ukraine against imam Putin :p

Day after tomorrow Indian theme will be that ghazwa e Hind has been started via Myanmar and somehow Pakistan is behind it in cahoots wid da US.

Indian news is junk news:



Full Member
Mar 20, 2022
US war machinery is huge.It is busy in Ukraine but still able to churn out massive ammunition for Israelis.
Even if we take US out of equation, Israel has other allies that can supply it ammunition & Oil i.e India, Azerbaijan,etc.

Even harder time to do that, if not impossible to do that when USA spiral down into total bankruptcy and need to crawl on elbows and knees 3 times sincerely around Tiananmeng square begging and begging Xi Dada for alms


With the spiralling and impending bankruptcy of USA, can USA even project power within USA borders?

Washington has been adding to the national debt at an alarming pace. Not so long ago—beginning in the late 1990s—the federal government’s budget was actually in surplus, at least for a time. This year, it will be some $1.9 trillion in the red, the Congressional Budget Office forecast just this week.

Only a dozen years ago, the aggregate government debt amounted to about 70% of the nation’s gross domestic product. This year, it will be about equal to the entire gross domestic product (and by some measures higher when additional government accounts are included). By 2028, it is forecast to reach a record 106% of GDP, matching the record hit during the heavy spending to finance World War II. By 2034, barring changes in tax and spending policy, it is projected to hit 122% of GDP, the highest level ever recorded.

This red ink can have painful, if hidden, consequences. The CBO projects that the weight of the debt will reduce income growth by 12% over the next three decades, as debt payment crowds out other investments.


🇺🇸📉 “Any great power that spends more on debt service than on defense will not stay great for very long. True of Habsburg Spain, true of ancien régime France, true of the Ottoman Empire, true of the British Empire, this law is about to be put to the test by the U.S. beginning this very year.”


Dec 26, 2023
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Anyone see the latest Israeli disabled casualty figures from the Gaza war? It makes for very grim viewing. No wonder there are daily protests to end the war.
There is absolutely no doubt that Israel's reputation has suffered greatly in terms of public relations. IMO, it is truly remarkable that people from all corners of the world have expressed their disgust towards Israels's atrocities. Furthermore, this conflict has revealed just how divided the Jewish community in itself is.

I really wonder, what was the end goal of Netanyahu's regime here?

This war has had a profound impact on the political awareness of a whole new generation across the globe. It is unprecedented to witness such widespread opposition to Israel, spanning from Latin America to Africa, Asia, and even the Western World. It is important to remember that ordinary citizens in the US and Western Europe have become increasingly critical of blindly supporting Israel.

The future remains uncertain. That's for sure but it is possible that in 50 years, historians will view this war as the catalyst for the downfall of Isarel's reign.

Never before have I seen such widespread disdain for Israel in the US.

The ordinary individuals who face difficulties in affording their basic necessities like groceries and rent are questioning why the US government is able to allocate billions of dollars and resources towards an unjust war in a distant land, while there seems to be a lack of resources to support the American people. This situation has sparked a sense of awakening, as the unwavering support for Israel has dwindled to a phenomenon exclusive to the political elites.

Looking back at history, this could be seen as the beginning of the downfall.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
As long as US and Europe are no. 1 and 2 economies in the world, there's no losing for Israel. In fact even if you look at the BRICS, Israel has its tentacles firmly embedded there through Russia and India. Unless the clash of civilization predicted alliances around China/Muslim countries happens, Israel will continue to win.


Elite Member
May 27, 2015
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According to a report in the U.S.-based Foreign Affairs magazine, Hamas has strengthened despite military efforts, with its popularity and appeal growing over nine months of conflict while adding that Israeli military has misunderstood the sources of Hamas' strength. Click to know more

But we know the source of Israeli strength I.e. USA and Israeli bankers.


Oct 24, 2012
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There is absolutely no doubt that Israel's reputation has suffered greatly in terms of public relations. IMO, it is truly remarkable that people from all corners of the world have expressed their disgust towards Israels's atrocities. Furthermore, this conflict has revealed just how divided the Jewish community in itself is.

I really wonder, what was the end goal of Netanyahu's regime here?

This war has had a profound impact on the political awareness of a whole new generation across the globe. It is unprecedented to witness such widespread opposition to Israel, spanning from Latin America to Africa, Asia, and even the Western World. It is important to remember that ordinary citizens in the US and Western Europe have become increasingly critical of blindly supporting Israel.

The future remains uncertain. That's for sure but it is possible that in 50 years, historians will view this war as the catalyst for the downfall of Isarel's reign.

Never before have I seen such widespread disdain for Israel in the US.

The ordinary individuals who face difficulties in affording their basic necessities like groceries and rent are questioning why the US government is able to allocate billions of dollars and resources towards an unjust war in a distant land, while there seems to be a lack of resources to support the American people. This situation has sparked a sense of awakening, as the unwavering support for Israel has dwindled to a phenomenon exclusive to the political elites.

Looking back at history, this could be seen as the beginning of the downfall.
It's not hard to see at all that Netanyahu end game is his political survival. He is doing this by pleasing the right/far right in Israel Cabinet. If he stops this war now, the right/far right will chew him up and send him off, he might end up in jail if this is the case. There was time he probably is going to survive this if he comes out ahead with the conflict, again, if I was in charge of this war, I wouldn't do what they had done, you need a lot of surgical operation for high density area. Netanyahu went in basically saying "F All"

What he is doing is basically stirring the plot, make it hard for a peace deal to come thru, and portraying himself as being "forced" to continue this war, the culmination point of this war had achieved probably 6 months ago, any further operation from then on will NOT improve the strategic situation for Israel, the only matter is how many house is going to be destroy and how many people will be killed had this going forward. And very likely he is doing this to basically wait out all the election in the west. We have France Election coming July 7 and British July 4, then the US in Nov 3. More specifically he is basically waiting on his mate Trump to get reelected and send him the support he needs to basically heavy hand the Palestinian.

The problem is this will most not be going to do anything to Israel in the long term, because at the end of the day, it will just got blamed on a single person alone, that's Netanyahu, and what people failed to see is that while the world has been talking a lot about Palestine, not much had actually done, and you probably could guess why, that's because it was a election year, that's why people are talking, but this will subside after the election, which mean by then it would have been back to normal. The only 2 things that was done in this case is the ICC arrest warrant and the ICJ court case, but those aren't likely to come out of anything. ICC warrant is directed at Netanyahu, not a wholesale arrest of the entire Israeli cabinet, which if they are accusing of the state of Israel of wrongdoing, they would have done that instead of just the minister of Defence and the Prime Minister. On the other hand, ICJ case is going to drag on for a long while, it would be years before any judgement being handed out (It would have been 5+ years as they are still deliberating the Myanmar case), and the outlook of the charge is not great, it's generally very hard for any country to have convicted of Genocide. And the track record for a positive outcome is not really that good. For example, ICJ ruled the 1991 Yugoslav-Bosnia war was not a genocide, and that war seen more civilian dead than this war and in a manner that more open and overt than what the IDF is doing....


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
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The future remains uncertain. That's for sure but it is possible that in 50 years, historians will view this war as the catalyst for the downfall of Isarel's reign.
sure bro, but this genocide is a filthy stain that Islamic world will never be able to wash off, western students had more guts than all of our militaries combined. Nobody expected coward Muslim leaders to fight the Zionists but it hurts to know that many of them secretly supported Israel.

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