'Israel Has Failed...': Top U.S. Magazine Says Hamas Gained Strength & Support Despite War | Watch


Oct 24, 2012
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Not when the US is no longer dominant and China becomes a peer and the strongest actor in Asia.

We are maybe 10-15 years away now from this scenario.

Terrorist entity knows the score and so is trying to get rid of the Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza as if somehow that will make their stay anything but temporary, just like the Crusader States were as well.
If China become a peer only in Asia, that mean it wouldn't dominate the middle east, let alone the world. To which the US is still going to play a dominant role in the middle east

Also, China don't care about stuff like this, they care about consolidate their own power and making money, if there are no money to be made, they probably are not going to be interested on it. Just look at how MH interpret the situation and you know how the typical Chinese think.


Oct 24, 2012
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This is why I find it amusing when people present ICJ reports in this forum as if justice will somehow be carried out and waiting quietly until its report is completed as if it will resolve the dispute.

Let's not forget that the trial of Slobodan Milošević was dragged out for years, and the dog met his end in jail from a heart attack. Contrast that with WWII, the Axis trials were sped through the system.

See my post:

ICJ wouldn't mean much, especially if you need UNSC to execute its power (So unless the US agree, there are no repercussion even if Israel were convicted of genocide) and even the ICC warrant was actually issued, it wouldn't matter to Netanyahu and the Minister of Defence, unless someone is willing to go into Israel and get them.

As I said, if ICC want to do something about this, they would have at least issued the warrant for all 8 members in the war cabinet. I mean what does it mean to issue just two warrant for the PM and the defence minster? Does that mean it's okay to carry on if they change whoever that was in charge of that 2 position?

Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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This is over-simplistic conclusion.
Israel can inflict significant damage to Iranian military & economic infra-structure using its multidimensional military capabilities.
There is some reason Israel gets away with killing Iranian Generals in Iraq & Syria.
And,US factor cant be ignored.
If you think wining means Total Occupation of Iranian lands then sure,Israel cant win.

Yes, somehow the definition of winning means you have to look under every rock in the country to find every bad guy. If you didn't find one you lost.

Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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But reality goes in another way. A protracted high intensive war without support of US, Israel would finish their storages in weeks. And loose 30% of their soldiers in some months.

..and what is the reality of the Palestinians with no support?

Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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You probably have no understanding the big picture. The Israeli lobby in the US are VERY strong. This is not about money; this is about the state of Israeli being the only country that totally depends on US and the west to survive, it is the only place where western influence is going to be asserted infinitely, not Jordan, not Iraq, and not Saudi Arabia.

Even if Israeli become a liability to the US, US will still support it no matter what. And it has been so between 1947-1968

Well that and there are some other realities


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Dec 24, 2023
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If China become a peer only in Asia, that mean it wouldn't dominate the middle east, let alone the world. To which the US is still going to play a dominant role in the middle east

Also, China don't care about stuff like this, they care about consolidate their own power and making money, if there are no money to be made, they probably are not going to be interested on it. Just look at how MH interpret the situation and you know how the typical Chinese think.

China's "One Belt, One Road" program needs a peaceful Middle East to maintain China's global trade layout.

China is a country that relies on foreign trade to sustain its economy, and we need a peaceful and stable world environment, not like the United States, which develops its economy by promoting domestic demand through war.

If China takes global leadership, the Middle East must be peaceful and no one should be allowed to start another war.

Therefore, China is most likely to support a two-state solution. Israel retreats to the 1967 borders. Palestine establishes a state with East Jerusalem as its capital. UN Blue Helmets deployed along the border between the two countries. The two countries sign a treaty recognizing each other with a permanent ceasefire.
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Oct 24, 2012
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China's "One Belt, One Road" program needs a peaceful Middle East to maintain China's global trade layout.

China is a country that relies on foreign trade to sustain its economy, and we need a peaceful and stable world environment, not like the United States, which develops its economy by promoting domestic demand through war.

If China takes global leadership, the Middle East must be peaceful and no one should be allowed to start another war.

Therefore, China is most likely to support a two-state solution. Israel retreats to the 1967 borders. Palestine establishes a state with East Jerusalem as its capital. UN Blue Helmets deployed along the border between the two countries. The two countries sign a treaty recognizing each other with a permanent ceasefire.
Setting aside how much trade actually related to the political arena (which by what you said, you claim to be a direct influence). I mean I can probably show you a million example on how trade work without hindering political issue, for example, do you know 80% of food, 90% of fuel used in Gaza was provided by Israel before Oct 7? Even tho both side have been in war for ages.

First of all, how you are going to "force" Israel to comply to Chinese demand if you are not using force, I mean, you would have to send in your own people to enforce this "ceasefire". If you do, then you are not talking about a peace talk, you are talking about a "Peacemaking" operation.

Secondly, it is not whether or not Chinese support a particular kind of solution, but what China can "Enforce". Nobody here is asking for China to give advice or send good vibe on a basic solution (which is now all but practically impossible, but that's another story), people are asking the Chinese to actually do something to stop this war. Wishing peace does not mean you will get peace. On the other hand, you need to ask yourself, what is Chinese leverage on the situation, and to what end the Chinese will get directly involved. Bear in mind, there are virtually no trade between China and Palestine and not really that much into Israel (US has the biggest balance of Trade).

On the other hand, how do you dominate the world if you cannot assert power? You can keep saying things all day, but without actually means to apply said thing, all are empty talks. You think people are going to stop fighting if China sanction said country for fighting?

So either trade base politics with direct involvement, or basically you are saying "Hey, let's just talk about it" Well, that had work very well for war in the past centuries.


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Dec 24, 2023
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You probably have no understanding the big picture. The Israeli lobby in the US are VERY strong. This is not about money; this is about the state of Israeli being the only country that totally depends on US and the west to survive, it is the only place where western influence is going to be asserted infinitely, not Jordan, not Iraq, and not Saudi Arabia.

Even if Israeli become a liability to the US, US will still support it no matter what. And it has been so between 1947-1968
I don't know enough about religion. Correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

I always thought it was Christian Fundamentalism, which has a large population in the US, that supported the restoration of Israel for religious reasons. They support Israel even more than the Jews.

And the plutocrats and elite groups in the US get political privileges by acquiring the identity of the so-called Jews of the Chosen People of God in various ways. In order to gain the support of Christian fundamentalists and Jewish groups, as well as to maintain their own privileged Jewish status, the entire American elite inevitably supports Israel.

These are in fact false Jews; the real Jews are the Haredi people of Israel. The Haredi do not support the restoration of Israel because Judaism believes that the Jews are atoning for betraying God. Only when the Messiah appears in the world will the Jews have paid for their sins and can be restored.

btw: The reason I say that if Israel is a negative asset to the US for a long time, it will inevitably come to an end. That's because there's not just a top-down approach to change, there's also a bottom-up approach. I certainly know that the American ruling clique will not give up on Israel, but what about the average American? Look at the U.S. withdrawal from the Vietnam War; that's the bottom-up approach.


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Dec 24, 2023
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Setting aside how much trade actually related to the political arena (which by what you said, you claim to be a direct influence). I mean I can probably show you a million example on how trade work without hindering political issue, for example, do you know 80% of food, 90% of fuel used in Gaza was provided by Israel before Oct 7? Even tho both side have been in war for ages.

First of all, how you are going to "force" Israel to comply to Chinese demand if you are not using force, I mean, you would have to send in your own people to enforce this "ceasefire". If you do, then you are not talking about a peace talk, you are talking about a "Peacemaking" operation.

Secondly, it is not whether or not Chinese support a particular kind of solution, but what China can "Enforce". Nobody here is asking for China to give advice or send good vibe on a basic solution (which is now all but practically impossible, but that's another story), people are asking the Chinese to actually do something to stop this war. Wishing peace does not mean you will get peace. On the other hand, you need to ask yourself, what is Chinese leverage on the situation, and to what end the Chinese will get directly involved. Bear in mind, there are virtually no trade between China and Palestine and not really that much into Israel (US has the biggest balance of Trade).

On the other hand, how do you dominate the world if you cannot assert power? You can keep saying things all day, but without actually means to apply said thing, all are empty talks. You think people are going to stop fighting if China sanction said country for fighting?

So either trade base politics with direct involvement, or basically you are saying "Hey, let's just talk about it" Well, that had work very well for war in the past centuries.
If China can bring peace to Saudi Arabia and Iran, it must have the means to restore peace to the entire Middle East. The reason the Israeli government is so wild is because they have the support of the United States. Without US support, they would be well behaved.

Humans should learn to live in peace and all wars should stop. Mankind should unite to get rid of gravity's imprisonment of human freedom and move into space for a better future.


Oct 24, 2012
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If China can bring peace to Saudi Arabia and Iran, it must have the means to restore peace to the entire Middle East. The reason the Israeli government is so wild is because they have the support of the United States. Without US support, they would be well behaved.

Humans should learn to live in peace and all wars should stop. Mankind should unite to get rid of gravity's imprisonment of human freedom and move into space for a better future.
The issue here is, did Iran and Saudi actually at peace? They weren't shooting at each other does not mean they are at peace, there were no running war between Iran and Saudi Arabia like ever since 1955, so what does that even mean? I mean Trump made a peace deal with the Taliban and US withdraw from Afghanistan, does that mean Taliban stop hating the American all of a sudden? Or the hostilities between the US and Taliban simply gone? On the other hand, I can say the opposite is true the reason why Iran is no longer at war with Iraq is because of US Intervention, the reason why Iraq is no longer at war with Kuwait is because of US intervention, the reason why Jordan is no longer at war with Israel is because of US intervention. See what I did here?

Second, lol, again. How do you enforce peace if you do not have the mean to enforce it, that's why your previous argument is flaw and only works if either or both side really want to seek peace, because if one side not, then it will be ignored. And that is usually the case. Or either that or you had to have a way to enforce peace process, otherwise it would just be talks.


Oct 24, 2012
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I don't know enough about religion. Correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

I always thought it was Christian Fundamentalism, which has a large population in the US, that supported the restoration of Israel for religious reasons. They support Israel even more than the Jews.

And the plutocrats and elite groups in the US get political privileges by acquiring the identity of the so-called Jews of the Chosen People of God in various ways. In order to gain the support of Christian fundamentalists and Jewish groups, as well as to maintain their own privileged Jewish status, the entire American elite inevitably supports Israel.

These are in fact false Jews; the real Jews are the Haredi people of Israel. The Haredi do not support the restoration of Israel because Judaism believes that the Jews are atoning for betraying God. Only when the Messiah appears in the world will the Jews have paid for their sins and can be restored.

btw: The reason I say that if Israel is a negative asset to the US for a long time, it will inevitably come to an end. That's because there's not just a top-down approach to change, there's also a bottom-up approach. I certainly know that the American ruling clique will not give up on Israel, but what about the average American? Look at the U.S. withdrawal from the Vietnam War; that's the bottom-up approach.
This has nothing to do with religion, it's not Christian fundamentalism that pushes the Jewish - American relationship. In fact, traditionally Jews are more in favor of altruistic Democratic party in the US rather than the Christian fundamentalism GOP


Again, as I said, your lack of geopolitical knowledge in general really eats into your words here. The motivation of Jewish lobby is nothing about religion, but everything has to do with being in a "promised" situation, the American influence is only able to spread unchecked in Israel but not anywhere else in the Middle East. The geolocation between numerous US foes in the region make Israel the jewel of the US much like what Singapore to the British before WW2.

The Geopolitical relationship is a mutual benefit between the Jewish Lobby and the American politician which cannot be replicated anywhere in the middle east, that is what and why the US basically have unconditional support of the Jewish population, I can further explain in detail, but this would have been seriously off topic, and so I digress.


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Dec 24, 2023
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This has nothing to do with religion, it's not Christian fundamentalism that pushes the Jewish - American relationship. In fact, traditionally Jews are more in favor of altruistic Democratic party in the US rather than the Christian fundamentalism GOP

View attachment 51043

Again, as I said, your lack of geopolitical knowledge in general really eats into your words here. The motivation of Jewish lobby is nothing about religion, but everything has to do with being in a "promised" situation, the American influence is only able to spread unchecked in Israel but not anywhere else in the Middle East. The geolocation between numerous US foes in the region make Israel the jewel of the US much like what Singapore to the British before WW2.

The Geopolitical relationship is a mutual benefit between the Jewish Lobby and the American politician which cannot be replicated anywhere in the middle east, that is what and why the US basically have unconditional support of the Jewish population, I can further explain in detail, but this would have been seriously off topic, and so I digress.

I personally have a religious question for you as well.

Why does Christianity use the crucifix as a logo?

I don't think God would like the crucifix, for reasons you know.
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Oct 24, 2012
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I personally have a religious question for you as well.

Why does Christianity use the cross as a logo?

I don't think God would like the cross, for reasons you know.
It's not a cross, it's a crucifix

And even non-religious people like me knows it's because it denoted the faith of Jesus, which he died for our sin and being crucify by the non-believer

Are you honestly don't know why it represent Christianity?


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Dec 24, 2023
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It's not a cross, it's a crucifix

And even non-religious people like me knows it's because it denoted the faith of Jesus, which he died for our sin and being crucify by the non-believer

Are you honestly don't know why it represent Christianity?
Wait a minute, I can't understand this logic. Jesus was crucified in crucifix, why do you think Jesus would like crucifix?Would JFK be happy if someone honored him with a pistol?

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