'Israel Has Failed...': Top U.S. Magazine Says Hamas Gained Strength & Support Despite War | Watch


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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If China become a peer only in Asia, that mean it wouldn't dominate the middle east, let alone the world. To which the US is still going to play a dominant role in the middle east

Also, China don't care about stuff like this, they care about consolidate their own power and making money, if there are no money to be made, they probably are not going to be interested on it. Just look at how MH interpret the situation and you know how the typical Chinese think.

When you become on top, you NEED to get involved.

Does not matter whether you want to or not.

Making money without getting involved won't work.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Problem is your not taking on Israel

Your taking on the USA and it's western order

Israel on its own would have collapsed decades ago
What's kept it afloat, even in the last 9 months of chaos
Is Zionist control and Influence in the west
And about a hundred BILLION in free financial and military support

That doesn't count the absolutely massive, self defeating diplomatic currency the USA has spent on protecting Israel

That's the problem and the war has to be fought in these countries to change and break the hold Zionists have

That's where the youth and university students who are the leaders of tomorrow come in

Convincing Gen Z means changing the future, even within the next 10 years as the old racist bastards die off
direct aid:- about a hundred BILLION in free financial and military support
Indirect aid :- Investments by corporate organisations is another $100 billion


Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
..and what is the reality of the Palestinians with no support?
What a question... Who cares?. So sorry I am between pessimistic and ironic.

We are talking about the result of that military operation (because un front of Israel there was not an army). It is strategical defeat that show weakness in front of others regional powers. (Heavy reliance in US military stockpile, sensitive economy unlike the russian example and poor training in mobilized troops, to tell some weak points).

But if you still are asking about palestinian people, let me tell you that the Genocide started many years ago, Gaza were closed in a closed concentration camp where they even weren't allowed to import concrete for building. Israel sistematically destroyed their airport and other critical infraestructure. They used to enter just with Apaches (and years ago Cobras) just for very well calculated crimes against peace, like extrajudicial executions and over civilian retaliations just reinforcering the HamΓ‘s message.

This tread It is about military result of the campaign. But If you are interested in my oppinion about the West Bank also, I can tell you some recent events about the Palestian people. But again, Who cares?, US?, EU?, Saudi Arabia?, ...NATO?.

Excuse me because long post.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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direct aid:- about a hundred BILLION in free financial and military support
Indirect aid :- Investments by corporate organisations is another $100 billion

Exactly so under normal circumstances, Israel could financially ruin itself and be unable to sustain any war
But then U.S will give 100 billion or so to the tiny state that covers expenses and economic fallout

Or Israel doesn't have depth of weapons making capacity,
But the U.S will send weapons loads so Israel can bomb Gaza or Lebanon

Or Israel would be crushed under international sanctions and hatred
But USA steps in, blocks every U.N resolution or confronts ICC or IcJ, privately puts pressure on multiple nations etc

Israel is nothing but a colonial apartheid outpost

It's only left standing and functioning because of the U.S and western lackeys

It also doesn't help the Arab states around it are such pusseys
Israel takes on trapped Palestinians or a militia like Hezbollah and acts big and tough
You realise how weak Israel actually is
It's lack of depth
It's easily targeted infrastructure or high value targets
It's small population with millions of Arabs or orthodox
Also it's non native population with dual citizenship
It's increasing age etc

Any neighbouring state with some basic planning could build up a force that could tear Israel apart

Instead the Arab states are pusseys and leaving the protection of Arab honour to some largely unarmed militias


Oct 24, 2012
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Wait a minute, I can't understand this logic. Jesus was crucified in crucifix, why do you think Jesus would like crucifix?Would JFK be happy if someone honored him with a pistol?
Are you serious?

The premise of god's word is "His son died for our sin" he knew it was his destiny and have his faith to accept that fate. He was crucified by the non-believer. That "cross" he bared in order to save us all from our sin is the faith that the Christianity believe.

Again, this is not about the wooden cross, it's about the symbolism of faith.


That's why Christian don't call it a cross (the thing that Jesus being crucified on) but called it a crucifix.

Hamartia Antidote

Elite Member
Nov 17, 2013
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If China takes global leadership, the Middle East must be peaceful and no one should be allowed to start another war.

LOL! China has been notably absent during previous conflicts in the Middle East...even when it directly affected your oil supplies. Now you suddenly feel the need to speak up?
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Oct 24, 2012
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When you become on top, you NEED to get involved.

Does not matter whether you want to or not.

Making money without getting involved won't work.
Again, read MH response to my post

They wouldn't do anything otherwise, you can hope all you want, that's up to you, being part Chinese myself and understand the culture, the Chinese wouldn't care unless there are profited to be made. In fact, they wouldn't care about Palestine if US wasn't supporting Israel, and IF they really are on top, then there is no reason for them to care about Palestine at all because they wouldn't care about the US if they had already beaten it.


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Dec 24, 2023
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Again, read MH response to my post

They wouldn't do anything otherwise, you can hope all you want, that's up to you, being part Chinese myself and understand the culture, the Chinese wouldn't care unless there are profited to be made. In fact, they wouldn't care about Palestine if US wasn't supporting Israel, and IF they really are on top, then there is no reason for them to care about Palestine at all because they wouldn't care about the US if they had already beaten it.

Why do you think China wouldn't care about Palestine if it defeated the US?

The Middle East is about China's energy security and trade routes for B&R, while China's core interests are clearly in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. China has a myriad of reasons to maintain peace and stability in these regions if its strength allows it to do so.

China has invested $400 billion in Iran. China supplies DF41 ICBMs to Saudi Arabia. China acquires more than a dozen ports in the Middle East, including the Egyptian port of Suez, the Israeli port of Haifa, and the Turkish port of Istanbul. Do you think these actions are in jest, just for the US?

China has made our strategic goal very clear in B&R's manifesto, which is to revive the Silk Road trade, which lasted thousands of years, from China to the Arab Empire to the Roman Empire, by both land and sea at the same time.

You could argue that China might give up the Americas or Africa, but not the Middle East or the Indian Ocean. What's more, now that we've secured 99-year leases and fleet stationing rights to the Burmese ports of Bo Sang and Sittwe, we've been able to access the Indian Ocean directly from Yunnan Province through Burma. Why do you think we're giving up the Middle East?
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Oct 24, 2012
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Why do you think China wouldn't care about Palestine if it defeated the US?

The Middle East is about China's energy security and trade routes for B&R, while China's core interests are clearly in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. China has a myriad of reasons to maintain peace and stability in these regions if its strength allows it to do so.
First of all, as @Hamartia Antidote said, you don't care when you are in direct competition of the US, why do you think China will care if and when they have defeated the US?

Second of all, again, in what metric do you think China will directly get involved, I am not talking about "Supporting Two State solution" or whatever, I am talking about direct intervention in the matter, by either go to war with Israel to establish peace or sending Chinese Peacekeeper to maintain peace.

And finally, the entire thesis of B&R is to establish a land trade route as a fall back on the naval route, if China is going to intervene with the regional peace of the middle east, China will not promote B&R at all as it does not at all affect B&R, which is a land based, the security of Middle East is always about the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. The only way you would want to extend that far into the middle east for B&R is that China has substantial trade to protect with Palestine, otherwise touching that far (near the med) with B&R does not make any sense at all.


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Dec 24, 2023
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First of all, as @Hamartia Antidote said, you don't care when you are in direct competition of the US, why do you think China will care if and when they have defeated the US?

Second of all, again, in what metric do you think China will directly get involved, I am not talking about "Supporting Two State solution" or whatever, I am talking about direct intervention in the matter, by either go to war with Israel to establish peace or sending Chinese Peacekeeper to maintain peace.

And finally, the entire thesis of B&R is to establish a land trade route as a fall back on the naval route, if China is going to intervene with the regional peace of the middle east, China will not promote B&R at all as it does not at all affect B&R, which is a land based, the security of Middle East is always about the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. The only way you would want to extend that far into the middle east for B&R is that China has substantial trade to protect with Palestine, otherwise touching that far (near the med) with B&R does not make any sense at all.
China can force the U.S. out of the Middle East by expanding its navy to seize U.S. sea power. Then force Israel to the negotiating table. If Israel is without US support, they won't want to continue this war that has been going on for decades.


Oct 24, 2012
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China can force the U.S. out of the Middle East by expanding its navy to seize U.S. sea power. Then force Israel to the negotiating table. If Israel is without US support, they won't want to continue this war that has been going on for decades.
First of all, how? I mean US currently dominate the sea; can it force the Chinese off South America? let alone the middle east. Why do you think China can force the US out of the middle east even if China is on top?

Second of all, What does that even do? I mean Gaza is NOT a giant obstacle Israel facing, it's not a country that have numerous resource that can even mount an existence threat on Israel, I am pretty sure even without US support Israel can deal with Gaza. Which mean even if China can force US out of the Middle East. It would do nothing.

Finally, how do you actually force the US out of Middle East without any direct confrontation with the US? I mean if you are going to do that, don't you think you are better off going to war with Israel than to the United States?
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Full Member
Jun 10, 2023
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Are you serious?

The premise of god's word is "His son died for our sin" he knew it was his destiny and have his faith to accept that fate. He was crucified by the non-believer. That "cross" he bared in order to save us all from our sin is the faith that the Christianity believe.

Again, this is not about the wooden cross, it's about the symbolism of faith.

View attachment 51214

That's why Christian don't call it a cross (the thing that Jesus being crucified on) but called it a crucifix.

load of puerile bullshit!

For giving idiots that believe, the Jews put words into mouth of GOD that they, the Chosen Ones, and gotten Promised Land regardless if land belonged to others



Oct 24, 2012
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load of puerile bullshit!

For giving idiots that believe, the Jews put words into mouth of GOD that they, the Chosen Ones, and gotten Promised Land regardless if land belonged to others


We aren't even talking about the Jews here........

I guess some people don't read before commenting.........

On the other hand, can you point out where Gaza is from this world map??


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