It is time China open up her arsenal to Russia

The U.S. died tens of thousands of soldiers for the 38th parallel. The United States also never dared to cross the 17th parallel drawn by China in the Vietnam War.

China is the only country to have gone to war with all five permanent members after World War II and won the war.

Obviously, we have proved our courage and fighting ability with facts.

Also, I would suggest Modi to be brave enough to say the word "China" first. Your government does not even have the courage to accuse us.
Did I say China lacks guts against India???

Why drag India into this?? Or are you running out of arguments when America is mentioned????
Yes it will be a stupidity but you have to agree you lack guts to offend Americans..... be it Taiwan be it providing weapons to Russians..... Iran north Korea are much poor compared to you still they show guts to offend USA but you can't.....
The strategies when it comes to geopolitical conflict is different between regional powers and true global peer competitor.

Same as it was during the cold war, where the US and USSR would avoid direct confrontation, but compete violently in every other front possible - direct conflict brings uncertainty, instability, and a loss of management over the course of the competition.

Make no mistake, even if China is the only peer competitor to the US, and combining its industrial and economic prowess, a overall greater challenge than the USSR ever was, in terms of global presence and power projection, China is still firmly in second place.

The other regional powers seeking to undermine the US led world order need to make noise, shed blood, plunge their own country into war and conflict to draw US' attention. China draws sufficient attention simply by existing. These players collaborate in keeping the US distracted in different fronts, never truly able to focus on any singular theatre, and gnawing at its influence one step at a time.
As long as you do not cross your red line by ignoring American orders to not to even touch Taiwan I don't think USA cares about your tiny 37th and 17th parallels.....

I remind you that only a country like India needs to prove its mettle with stupidity. China is a country that proved itself a long time ago and China does not need to prove itself.

For example, we could easily force Britain to surrender Hong Kong. Even if Britain had just won the war on the Falkland Islands at the time.

As for India, our navy had just leased Kyaukphyu harbour in Burma for 99 years. Our naval base is less than 400 kilometres from Kolkata and the Indian media doesn't even have the courage to discuss the matter.
I agree that for the most part, it is completely unnecessary for China to involve in direct arms export, even if it does wish to support Russia in this conflict.

However, if there's something that Chinese arsenal can offer, it is her vast supply of modernized 122mm caliber self propelled howitzers. Following the collapse of the USSR, the cut in funding meant that it is no longer economically viable to service all of the vast number of self propelled platforms in Soviet Service. Russia chose to preserve 152mm systems like 2S3 and 2S19 as a priority, retiring all 2S1 systems, either scrapping, mothballing, or selling them for export.

This have exposed significant weaknesses in the current theatre of war. Compared to 152mm systems, 122mm system have much lighter logistics load, have higher munition capacity and generally more effective against exposed, advancing enemy formation and as forward suppression shelling weapon. The Russians were supposed to replace their lost 122mm systems with novel 120mm gun mortar systems like 2S34 Hosta, but not only is it not realistic to restart its production in short order, it also means they cannot benefit from the old soviet 122mm stockpile.

Right now, the primary user of 122mm ammunition on the Ukraine theatre is the D-30, which have all the disadvantages of a towed gun, a distinct parity with PLA which uses modern 122mm SPH as their mainstay artillery piece for their integrated brigade templates, from the more simplistic PCL-09, to truck based PCL-161, and even PCL-171 based on Mengshi LTV platform. All of the above features automatic gun slewing and are equipped for integration into digitally connected units, which I believe the Russians would very much appreciate.
agreed, underestimated amunition, what is attempt by usa to replace rifle amunition with 6,9 caliber, same could be said for that artillery round, still it delivers hard punch but without disadvantages of 152/155 ammunition in terms of logistic and production, altough russians mastered production of it but burrels are gauge. it is tough decision for them to transfer and focus on that caliber within already conducted efforts to gain supremacy in numbers over ukraina in that aspect of attrition war.
As a Chinese, I recognize it as Russian land. You are in no position to make an official statement.

The Chinese Government has not recognised Russia's sovereignty over the East Ukraine region and will never recognise that.

Any regional independence must follow the East Timor model, which requires three conditions to be met. Firstly it needs the consent of the central government. Secondly, it needs the consent of the UN Security Council. Thirdly, it would need to be put to a vote and have the consent of the majority of the local population.
I remind you that only a country like India needs to prove its mettle with stupidity. China is a country that proved itself a long time ago and China does not need to prove itself.

For example, we could easily force Britain to surrender Hong Kong. Even if Britain had just won the war on the Falkland Islands at the time.

As for India, our navy had just leased Kyaukphyu harbour in Burma for 99 years. Our naval base is less than 400 kilometres from Kolkata and the Indian media doesn't even have the courage to discuss the matter.

Absolutely wrong on Britain Hong Kong part..... Britain had that city under their control till 1997 from 18th century and they gave it to you only after the term was over in 1997.... in fact China asked Britain to allow Chinese troops one day prior to enter Hong Kong to maintain law and order but Britain strictly said NO to China..... you never at all forced them to surrender Hong Kong.....

About India when I'm clearly mentioning you lack guts to offend USA why are you dragging some poor south Asian country into an argument..... this shows your weakness and you running out of arguments when I mention then name America 🇺🇸
Absolutely wrong on Britain Hong Kong part..... Britain had that city under their control till 1997 from 18th century and they gave it to you only after the term was over in 1997.... in fact China asked Britain to allow Chinese troops one day prior to enter Hong Kong to maintain law and order but Britain strictly said NO to China..... you never at all forced them to surrender Hong Kong.....

About India when I'm clearly mentioning you lack guts to offend USA why are you dragging some poor south Asian country into an argument..... this shows your weakness and you running out of arguments when I mention then name America 🇺🇸
China is smart not stupid. Old proverb "when your enemy is making a mistake, don't stop them". America is soon in next 15 years a white minority country ruled by wokeism and black lives matter and opiate/fentanyl addiction. In 25 years America will be like Brazil demographically. Why should China help America stop America from destroying themselves?

China is more than happy to watch America and Western Europe for that matter destroy their white population and replace it with wokeism and femboys. China is great because 1. Its smart and 2. Its patient.
Absolutely wrong on Britain Hong Kong part..... Britain had that city under their control till 1997 from 18th century and they gave it to you only after the term was over in 1997.... in fact China asked Britain to allow Chinese troops one day prior to enter Hong Kong to maintain law and order but Britain strictly said NO to China..... you never at all forced them to surrender Hong Kong.....

About India when I'm clearly mentioning you lack guts to offend USA why are you dragging some poor south Asian country into an argument..... this shows your weakness and you running out of arguments when I mention then name America 🇺🇸
Absolutely wrong on Britain Hong Kong part..... Britain had that city under their control till 1997 from 18th century and they gave it to you only after the term was over in 1997.... in fact China asked Britain to allow Chinese troops one day prior to enter Hong Kong to maintain law and order but Britain strictly said NO to China..... you never at all forced them to surrender Hong Kong.....

About India when I'm clearly mentioning you lack guts to offend USA why are you dragging some poor south Asian country into an argument..... this shows your weakness and you running out of arguments when I mention then name America 🇺🇸
The lease agreements between the Qing government and Britain were a 99-year lease of the New Territories and the cession of Hong Kong Island. Therefore, China recovered the leased New Territories on time and forced Britain to return the ceded Hong Kong Island.

Do you understand? It is the New Territories that is due for restitution, while Hong Kong Island is ceded in reverse.

Incidentally, in April 1949, the Chinese Communist forces did not hesitate to shell and heavily damage the British warship HMS Amethyst, which had entered the Yangtze River, while engaged in a final showdown with the Chinese Nationalist forces. That's why Britain was the first western country to recognise the PRC. Because it knew that the PRC would not hesitate for even a second to attack Hong Kong and other British colonies if it did not curry favour with the PRC immediately. Britain must at once demonstrate its political worth by being friendly.
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The Chinese Government has not recognised Russia's sovereignty over the East Ukraine region and will never recognise that.

Never say never. The British also vowed to never recognize US independence but in the end they had to suck it up, tuck their tails between their legs, and sign the Paris treaty.
Absolutely wrong on Britain Hong Kong part..... Britain had that city under their control till 1997 from 18th century and they gave it to you only after the term was over in 1997.... in fact China asked Britain to allow Chinese troops one day prior to enter Hong Kong to maintain law and order but Britain strictly said NO to China..... you never at all forced them to surrender Hong Kong.....

About India when I'm clearly mentioning you lack guts to offend USA why are you dragging some poor south Asian country into an argument..... this shows your weakness and you running out of arguments when I mention then name America 🇺🇸

The lease was only for Kowloon, not for Hong Kong.
Guts required to do this against USA will...... as a world factory do you also manufacture guts?

Guts is using single shot bolt action riftles to fight against 16" guns and Ma Deuces with unlimited ammo

What about Muricans and Brits running screaming from Yalu with shit running down the legs of their pants?

That did not happened?

What about 800++ Chinese saving the chestnuts at Yenangyaung of almost 7,000 British soldiers, and 500 prisoners and civilians were encircled by an equal number of Japanese soldiers from the
IJA 33rd Division and slaughtering those Japs of IJA 33rd Division?

That did not happened?

To refresh your pathetic memory.
If you can remember, or chose to remember

How difficult would it be for China to invade Taiwan? Peter Zeihan

The world have seen how west sanctions work on russia in ukrainian war. It's utterly useless,the russian ruble even rise to a new height in years. The world have seen the utter cowardness of the west in ukraine war too. The whole west hide behind the borderline of the ukraine and their...


Folks forgotten how China can fight and did fight.


USA had military advantage and fire power at least 100 times that of China in 1950

In 1950, the weakness of China very very real and not imaginary at all. Armed largely with single shot bolt action rifle a noch above black powder muzzle loader.

How can China ever hoped to prevail against battleships with 16 inch guns and planes and artillery and Ma Deuces with unlimited ammo supply and the claimed battle savy of USA army and Marines?

Dugout Doug and his generals laughed at those chink laundrymen and promised that they be crushed to red paste with firepower and laughed at the China warning not to approach Yalu river.

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by
David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter

Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.



It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.


And for the Sino Japan war, Japan was so confident that Japan will need only 3 months to smash and conquer whole of China. Especially considering the arms Japan got and the almost no arms China got.

That was enforced by the rape of China from the Imperial powers that of course not allow China to manufacture weapons, major or minor.

Did the Japanese win in CHina?
Could the Japs win in China?
I thought they were stuck in a quagmire and sucked deeper and deeper in China and being killed and injured by the millions in the Sino Japanese war despite the Chinese having pathetically little arms.
I think the German Army stuck and surrounded in Stalingrad got more arms and supplies send to them than what was send in all entirety to the Chinese in China during the Sino Japanese war.
Japan got sucked into quicksand in China despite overwhelming military advantage and 4 to 5 times as many Japanese died at the hands of Chinese than they did in the islands of Pacific at the arms of the USA Marines and Army and Navy.
That the Japanese soldiers were very well trained can be seen in their earlier victories against British and USA.
The Japanese could fight very very well.
As to how Japs could fight, do recall 36,000 Japanese invaded Malaya , forced and fought their way down and utterly defeated 86,000++ British troops capturing Singapore. So do not think Japs could not fight.
About 130,000 Indian, Australian and British troops became prisoners of war when Singapore was surrended to General Yamashita. The 130,000 Brits and Allied forces with artillery and tanks and planes and guns and lots of ammo surrended to 36,000 Japs who rode down on fucking bicycles fighting with guns and hardly any arty .
Neither could the Americans hold off the Japanese at the beginning because the Japanese fought extremely well against USA as seen in Corregidor.
The defensive arsenal on Corregidor was formidable with 45 coastal guns and
mortars organized into 23 batteries, some seventy-two anti-aircraft weapons assigned to thirteen batteries and a minefield of approximately 35 groups of controlled mines.
The two
12-inch (305 mm) guns of Batteries Smith and Hearn, with a horizontal range of 29,000 yd (27,000 m) and all-around traverse were the longest range of all the island's artillery.
Caballo Island, with Fort Hughes—just south of Corregidor—was the next largest in area. At about 160 acres (65 ha), the island rose abruptly from the bay to a height of 380 ft (120 m) on its western side. Commander Francis J. Bridget was in charge of its beach defenses with a total of 800 men, of whom 93 were Marines and 443 belonged to the Navy, by the end of April 1942. Coastal artillery numbered some 13 assorted pieces, with its anti-aircraft defenses tied in with those of Corregidor.
Fort Drum—which lay about 4 mi (6.4 km) south of Fort Hughes—was the most unusual of the harbor defenses. Military engineers had cut away the entire top of El Fraile Island down to the water-line and used the island as a foundation to build a reinforced concrete "battleship", 350 ft (110 m) long and 144 ft (44 m) wide, with exterior walls of concrete and steel 25–36 ft (7.6–11.0 m) thick. The top deck of this concrete battleship was 40 ft (12 m) above the low-water mark and had 20 ft (6.1 m) thick walls. Equipped with four 14-inch (356 mm) guns in armored turrets facing seaward, a secondary battery of four casemated 6-inch (152 mm) gunsguns, and two antiaircraft guns, the fort with its 200-man garrison was considered impregnable to attack.
And the 13,000++ USA and Filipino soldiers left on Corregidor with all those hardware and lots of military goodies were ran over and surrendered to 2,400++ Japs in three landings made by the Japs on the island.
And that Gen McArthur ran away from his troops in Corregidor for which he was awarded MOH for his glorious act of running away.
As for China at the time of the Sino Japanese war, China was defenseless.
China had little industry in China being raped and pillaged by Western powers all set to divide and dismembered her and selling opium to China prior to the Sino Japanese war from July 7, 1937, to September 2, 1945
And for that purpose, the Western Powers were not going to let China have the means to produce armaments which could be used to stop the West from enjoying what they could from China.

Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia
Japanese had a very strong military and armaments , from the steel USA happily sold to her for that purpose, together with the oil . Going on until almost before Japan decided to attack Pearl harbour because the Japanese were very unhappy USA not selling to Japan as much steel and oil as they want to beat and loot China in the way the Japanese want to.
China ports were all taken by Japanese so nothing could get through and for that matter, USA was not going to do that as USA had this great friendship going on with Japan.
Until Japan attacked Pearl Harbour that USA decided perhaps USA needed to supply arms to China except USA main focus was to supply arms to Europe as China was a bastard child. China did not even get 1% of the armaments supplied to UK, Russia and other Allied forces in other theatres of war.
The much ballyhooed military lift over the Hump was a fucking joke as that primarily was to try to get fuel and bombs over to bases for USA planes to bomb Japan and not arms for China. And at that, the fuel required to fly over the hump, and to fly back meant only a pittance could be brought over.
Chinese had to take on 80% of the Japanese Armed strength in China itself and 20% of the Japanese in the Pacific fighting the Americans
From Jamie Wong answer to
How powerful is the Chinese military?
As a matter of fact, a lot of PLA soldiers didn’t even have a rifle. For major battles, each soldier got 1 rifle, 100~200 bullets, and 2~3 grenades. As for the guerrillas who was fighting in the Japanese occupied ares, half of them didn’t even have a rifle or pistol. Each battle, 5 rounds were the standard equipment. Others had to use blades and spears.

↑ This picture shows the common situation of PLA guerrillas.

]↑ And this was already a major division, but in the tough area.[

↑ This is how the 8th route army looked like. It was the major division of PLA. Still no armored vehicle.[

E]This was how Chinese went into battle in 1941
Those Chinese lucky enough to have rifles would have five rounds for each rifle. The rest using swords and spears against Japanese machine guns, tanks and artillery.
Yet they fought and killed Japanese invaders.
Even though the Chinese had no experience with fighting, and Japanese very well armed and with enormous experience in war and killing, Chinese took them on. (so those that always harp and crow that Chinese got no experience, please remember this and take note)
And Chinese killed over 1.5 million Japanese soldiers. Chinese did it by strapping explosives to their bodies to rush at tanks and machine guns and Japanese concentration of troops in suicidal charges.
Except the chinese being chinese, never ever will call their charges as banzai charges.
This not only killed Japanese, this terrified them as to how Chinese with so few arms could take on the Japanese. This was when the Japanese copied the Chinese in Japanese Pacific war against USA.
Why should the Japanese use Banzai attacks on Chinese in China? Japanese got machine guns and artillery and tanks and planes to kill the Chinese without having to go Banzaiiing!
Japanese learned Kamikazi and Banzai attacks from Chinese.
From the Chinese who had little arms and no other choices to their killing of Japanese in China.
Chinese paid with 14 ++ million of their Chinese soldiers dying . And another 14++ million Chinese civilians slaughtered and murdered by the Japanese soldiers in attempts to terrorised and intimidate China into surrendering.
For the Americans it was very different in their later fight with Japanese.
USA did not have to strap explosives to their bodies like the Chinese soldiers to rush the Japanese.
USA had battleships with 16″ guns and planes and bombs and Ma Deuces and artillery , tanks flame throwers and unlimited ammo and kitchen sink to help them take on the remaining 20% of the Japanese on islands like Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Guam, Okinawa maybe taking out 200,000 Japanese troops in the entire Pacific islands campaigns.[

]Now we look at how the Chinese fought when they had adequate arms.

Battle of Yenangyaung - Wikipedia
And in Burma, at the battle of Yenangyaung, almost 7,000 British soldiers, and 500 prisoners and civilians were encircled by an equal number of Japanese soldiers from the
IJA 33rd Division at Yenangyaung and its oil field. The 33rd Division had cut the Magwe road between Slim's two divisions, who were now about 50 miles (80 km) apart.
General Sun instead led his 113th Regiment with only 1,121 men, of which only 800 were combat personnel, in the rescue mission.

British veteran expresses thanks to descendants of China Expeditionary Force
And those 800 chinese saved the Brits. And those 800 Chinks pulled the chestnuts of the 7,000 valiant brits out of the fucking fire and slaughtered the IJA 33rd Division.
In China, Chinese with kungfu and spears and swords and hardly any guns hold the Japs and fought the Japs killing 1.77 million of the Japs and wounding 1.9 million Japs with suicidal charges strapping explosives to take out Jap tanks and machine guns and artillery.
But Chinese when given adequate arms could fight far better than the Japs.
Imagine now if Chinese had been given sufficient arms in China to fight the fucking Japanese there in China!
There might not even be a fucking TORA TORA TORA at Pearl Harbour. And no Japanese in Pacific at all for USA Army and Marines to fight as Japs will all be in China and being fucked and killed by Chinese in China.






USA dared not cross the parallel.

China told them if USA cross the parallel, China will put Chinese boots on the ground below the parallel in numbers that pale what China did when Dugout Doug approached the Yalu River.

USA remembered what happened when they encountered Chinese even though most of the Chinese had only single shot bolt action rifle against USA battleships and artillery and Ma Deuces and unlimited ammo.

USA blinked and blinked and tail between legs and did not have the cojones to cross.


As a matter of fact, a lot of PLA soldiers didn’t even have a rifle. For major battles, each soldier got 1 rifle, 100~200 bullets, and 2~3 grenades. As for the guerrillas who was fighting in the Japanese occupied ares, half of them didn’t even have a rifle or pistol. Each battle, 5 rounds were the standard equipment. Others had to use blades and spears.

↑ This picture shows the common situation of PLA guerrillas.

]↑ And this was already a major division, but in the tough area.[

↑ This is how the 8th route army looked like. It was the major division of PLA. Still no armored vehicle.[


E]This was how Chinese went into battle in 1941
Those Chinese lucky enough to have rifles would have five rounds for each rifle. The rest using swords and spears against Japanese machine guns, tanks and artillery.
Yet they fought and killed Japanese invaders.
lOl, our objective was to beat you back from our border, and since you can't even beat China in 1950 when PRC was estalished for less than a year, what makes you believe you can do it today?
Click to expand...

As so said in posting on

US hypersonic failure reveals a glaring weakness

Now Chinese public just see US politicians as entertaining clowns


everything America thought themselves to be very mighty over China from the days when China had to use single shot bolt action rifles to chase muricans with pee running down the legs of their pants from Yalu river to South of the parallel against planes and battleships and carriers and artillery and MaDeuces with unlimited ammo

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by
David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter

Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.


That lie of Chinese using human waves in Korean war and dying like flies in face of ‘American firepower and shells and bullets can be examined in the casualty statisics.


Korean War Casualty Stats

Bullshit to all those crap talk of Chinese human waves and sending of Chinese into the meat grinder.

Feeble excuses as to how ‘American and their gang forces got fxcked and kicked back south of parallel by single bolt action rifles.

China told you all to get south of parallel and China stopped there.

Or they drive all of you down South of Pusan.

See the table of casualties.

That war became largely a war between Chinese and the rest.

Chinese suffered less dead and wounded than the rest of the ‘Muricans and UN doggies not withstanding single bolt action rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and kitchen sinks and battleships with 16″ guns.

If Chinese used human waves as so often lied about, China would have casualties 10 times worse than the rest combined.

Go read Coldest Winter
The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War: David Halberstam: 9780786888627: Books

Or you telling me David Halberstam is a liar and fiction writer!

Tube artillery?

Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen

PLZ-45 Howitzers pound Houthis

The Saudi Army is deploying its best cannons, the NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer (SPH) to bombard Houthi rebels in western Yemen. This is the first time that a modern Chinese SPH has seen combat. While Saudi Arabia has bought primarily American weapons, recent advances in Chinese artillery technology has actually made Chinese artillery more capable in many respects over its American counterparts.

{!! $img_subtitle !!}
The PLZ-45 is the artillery workhorse of the Saudi Army, it can a range of nearly 40km and can fire American and Chinese made smart munitions guided by lasers and satellite navigation, as well as cluster munitions.
The PLZ-45 is a 33 ton artillery vehicle, with a 6.97 meter long cannon that fires guided and unguided 50kg 155mm shells up to 39 kilometers away (in contrast, the America M109A7 Paladin’s shorter cannon has a 30km maximum range). First developed in the 1980s, the PLZ-45 did not see widespread Chinese service, though its bigger descendant, the 50km ranged PLZ-04, is in widespread PLA service. The PLZ-45 comes with an ammunition supply vehicle that carries 90 shells, as well as sophisticated counterbattery and fire control radars, in addition to forward observation scouts.


you not seriously thinking America crappy HIMARs with reach of 70 km CEP 10 meters is of the same class as Chinese Firedragons reach 300++km and CEP 1 M

America Space technology that America tried to shut China out of?

America space tech is a joke compared to China


China stopped entering China supercomputers as that embarrased America so much that using sanctions after sanctions in futile efforts to stop China. Like America taking part in track and field events after doping themselves silly AND USING GATLING GUNS TO BLOW OUT THE KNEES OF OTHERS THINKING OF RACING IN TRACK AND FIELD.



China will keep growing stronger and wealthier and that will be enough for China and that is what China will want and China will get.

China has the wisdom, intelligience and inner strength and courage of conviction to go her way and for the betterment of all Mankind.

Attributes that those who claimed to lead USA never possess.

China has not desire to start war with USA or any other countries even if China is very ready and capable to defend herself.

China will never start a shooting war with USA as China is just not that kind of country and civilisation.

HOWEVER, if USA intend to start that shooting war with China, China will bring an end to that war.


And this will be the way that war will go.

This will be the shape of that kind of war.

Please do not have war with China.
Do not even think of non nuclear war with China.
Guts is using single shot bolt action riftles to fight against 16" guns and Ma Deuces with unlimited ammo

What about Muricans and Brits running screaming from Yalu with shit running down the legs of their pants?

That did not happened?

What about 800++ Chinese saving the chestnuts at Yenangyaung of almost 7,000 British soldiers, and 500 prisoners and civilians were encircled by an equal number of Japanese soldiers from the
IJA 33rd Division and slaughtering those Japs of IJA 33rd Division?

That did not happened?

To refresh your pathetic memory.
If you can remember, or chose to remember

How difficult would it be for China to invade Taiwan? Peter Zeihan

The world have seen how west sanctions work on russia in ukrainian war. It's utterly useless,the russian ruble even rise to a new height in years. The world have seen the utter cowardness of the west in ukraine war too. The whole west hide behind the borderline of the ukraine and their...


Folks forgotten how China can fight and did fight.


USA had military advantage and fire power at least 100 times that of China in 1950

In 1950, the weakness of China very very real and not imaginary at all. Armed largely with single shot bolt action rifle a noch above black powder muzzle loader.

How can China ever hoped to prevail against battleships with 16 inch guns and planes and artillery and Ma Deuces with unlimited ammo supply and the claimed battle savy of USA army and Marines?

Dugout Doug and his generals laughed at those chink laundrymen and promised that they be crushed to red paste with firepower and laughed at the China warning not to approach Yalu river.

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by
David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter

Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.

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It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.


And for the Sino Japan war, Japan was so confident that Japan will need only 3 months to smash and conquer whole of China. Especially considering the arms Japan got and the almost no arms China got.

That was enforced by the rape of China from the Imperial powers that of course not allow China to manufacture weapons, major or minor.

Did the Japanese win in CHina?
Could the Japs win in China?
I thought they were stuck in a quagmire and sucked deeper and deeper in China and being killed and injured by the millions in the Sino Japanese war despite the Chinese having pathetically little arms.
I think the German Army stuck and surrounded in Stalingrad got more arms and supplies send to them than what was send in all entirety to the Chinese in China during the Sino Japanese war.
Japan got sucked into quicksand in China despite overwhelming military advantage and 4 to 5 times as many Japanese died at the hands of Chinese than they did in the islands of Pacific at the arms of the USA Marines and Army and Navy.
That the Japanese soldiers were very well trained can be seen in their earlier victories against British and USA.
The Japanese could fight very very well.
As to how Japs could fight, do recall 36,000 Japanese invaded Malaya , forced and fought their way down and utterly defeated 86,000++ British troops capturing Singapore. So do not think Japs could not fight.
About 130,000 Indian, Australian and British troops became prisoners of war when Singapore was surrended to General Yamashita. The 130,000 Brits and Allied forces with artillery and tanks and planes and guns and lots of ammo surrended to 36,000 Japs who rode down on fucking bicycles fighting with guns and hardly any arty .
Neither could the Americans hold off the Japanese at the beginning because the Japanese fought extremely well against USA as seen in Corregidor.
The defensive arsenal on Corregidor was formidable with 45 coastal guns and
mortars organized into 23 batteries, some seventy-two anti-aircraft weapons assigned to thirteen batteries and a minefield of approximately 35 groups of controlled mines.
The two
12-inch (305 mm) guns of Batteries Smith and Hearn, with a horizontal range of 29,000 yd (27,000 m) and all-around traverse were the longest range of all the island's artillery.
Caballo Island, with Fort Hughes—just south of Corregidor—was the next largest in area. At about 160 acres (65 ha), the island rose abruptly from the bay to a height of 380 ft (120 m) on its western side. Commander Francis J. Bridget was in charge of its beach defenses with a total of 800 men, of whom 93 were Marines and 443 belonged to the Navy, by the end of April 1942. Coastal artillery numbered some 13 assorted pieces, with its anti-aircraft defenses tied in with those of Corregidor.
Fort Drum—which lay about 4 mi (6.4 km) south of Fort Hughes—was the most unusual of the harbor defenses. Military engineers had cut away the entire top of El Fraile Island down to the water-line and used the island as a foundation to build a reinforced concrete "battleship", 350 ft (110 m) long and 144 ft (44 m) wide, with exterior walls of concrete and steel 25–36 ft (7.6–11.0 m) thick. The top deck of this concrete battleship was 40 ft (12 m) above the low-water mark and had 20 ft (6.1 m) thick walls. Equipped with four 14-inch (356 mm) guns in armored turrets facing seaward, a secondary battery of four casemated 6-inch (152 mm) gunsguns, and two antiaircraft guns, the fort with its 200-man garrison was considered impregnable to attack.
And the 13,000++ USA and Filipino soldiers left on Corregidor with all those hardware and lots of military goodies were ran over and surrendered to 2,400++ Japs in three landings made by the Japs on the island.
And that Gen McArthur ran away from his troops in Corregidor for which he was awarded MOH for his glorious act of running away.
As for China at the time of the Sino Japanese war, China was defenseless.
China had little industry in China being raped and pillaged by Western powers all set to divide and dismembered her and selling opium to China prior to the Sino Japanese war from July 7, 1937, to September 2, 1945
And for that purpose, the Western Powers were not going to let China have the means to produce armaments which could be used to stop the West from enjoying what they could from China.

Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia
Japanese had a very strong military and armaments , from the steel USA happily sold to her for that purpose, together with the oil . Going on until almost before Japan decided to attack Pearl harbour because the Japanese were very unhappy USA not selling to Japan as much steel and oil as they want to beat and loot China in the way the Japanese want to.
China ports were all taken by Japanese so nothing could get through and for that matter, USA was not going to do that as USA had this great friendship going on with Japan.
Until Japan attacked Pearl Harbour that USA decided perhaps USA needed to supply arms to China except USA main focus was to supply arms to Europe as China was a bastard child. China did not even get 1% of the armaments supplied to UK, Russia and other Allied forces in other theatres of war.
The much ballyhooed military lift over the Hump was a fucking joke as that primarily was to try to get fuel and bombs over to bases for USA planes to bomb Japan and not arms for China. And at that, the fuel required to fly over the hump, and to fly back meant only a pittance could be brought over.
Chinese had to take on 80% of the Japanese Armed strength in China itself and 20% of the Japanese in the Pacific fighting the Americans
From Jamie Wong answer to
How powerful is the Chinese military?
As a matter of fact, a lot of PLA soldiers didn’t even have a rifle. For major battles, each soldier got 1 rifle, 100~200 bullets, and 2~3 grenades. As for the guerrillas who was fighting in the Japanese occupied ares, half of them didn’t even have a rifle or pistol. Each battle, 5 rounds were the standard equipment. Others had to use blades and spears.
View attachment 12518

↑ This picture shows the common situation of PLA guerrillas.

]↑ And this was already a major division, but in the tough area.[

↑ This is how the 8th route army looked like. It was the major division of PLA. Still no armored vehicle.[

E]This was how Chinese went into battle in 1941
Those Chinese lucky enough to have rifles would have five rounds for each rifle. The rest using swords and spears against Japanese machine guns, tanks and artillery.
Yet they fought and killed Japanese invaders.
Even though the Chinese had no experience with fighting, and Japanese very well armed and with enormous experience in war and killing, Chinese took them on. (so those that always harp and crow that Chinese got no experience, please remember this and take note)
And Chinese killed over 1.5 million Japanese soldiers. Chinese did it by strapping explosives to their bodies to rush at tanks and machine guns and Japanese concentration of troops in suicidal charges.
Except the chinese being chinese, never ever will call their charges as banzai charges.
This not only killed Japanese, this terrified them as to how Chinese with so few arms could take on the Japanese. This was when the Japanese copied the Chinese in Japanese Pacific war against USA.
Why should the Japanese use Banzai attacks on Chinese in China? Japanese got machine guns and artillery and tanks and planes to kill the Chinese without having to go Banzaiiing!
Japanese learned Kamikazi and Banzai attacks from Chinese.
From the Chinese who had little arms and no other choices to their killing of Japanese in China.
Chinese paid with 14 ++ million of their Chinese soldiers dying . And another 14++ million Chinese civilians slaughtered and murdered by the Japanese soldiers in attempts to terrorised and intimidate China into surrendering.
For the Americans it was very different in their later fight with Japanese.
USA did not have to strap explosives to their bodies like the Chinese soldiers to rush the Japanese.
USA had battleships with 16″ guns and planes and bombs and Ma Deuces and artillery , tanks flame throwers and unlimited ammo and kitchen sink to help them take on the remaining 20% of the Japanese on islands like Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Guam, Okinawa maybe taking out 200,000 Japanese troops in the entire Pacific islands campaigns.[

]Now we look at how the Chinese fought when they had adequate arms.

Battle of Yenangyaung - Wikipedia
And in Burma, at the battle of Yenangyaung, almost 7,000 British soldiers, and 500 prisoners and civilians were encircled by an equal number of Japanese soldiers from the
IJA 33rd Division at Yenangyaung and its oil field. The 33rd Division had cut the Magwe road between Slim's two divisions, who were now about 50 miles (80 km) apart.
General Sun instead led his 113th Regiment with only 1,121 men, of which only 800 were combat personnel, in the rescue mission.

British veteran expresses thanks to descendants of China Expeditionary Force
And those 800 chinese saved the Brits. And those 800 Chinks pulled the chestnuts of the 7,000 valiant brits out of the fucking fire and slaughtered the IJA 33rd Division.
In China, Chinese with kungfu and spears and swords and hardly any guns hold the Japs and fought the Japs killing 1.77 million of the Japs and wounding 1.9 million Japs with suicidal charges strapping explosives to take out Jap tanks and machine guns and artillery.
But Chinese when given adequate arms could fight far better than the Japs.
Imagine now if Chinese had been given sufficient arms in China to fight the fucking Japanese there in China!
There might not even be a fucking TORA TORA TORA at Pearl Harbour. And no Japanese in Pacific at all for USA Army and Marines to fight as Japs will all be in China and being fucked and killed by Chinese in China.






USA dared not cross the parallel.

China told them if USA cross the parallel, China will put Chinese boots on the ground below the parallel in numbers that pale what China did when Dugout Doug approached the Yalu River.

USA remembered what happened when they encountered Chinese even though most of the Chinese had only single shot bolt action rifle against USA battleships and artillery and Ma Deuces and unlimited ammo.

USA blinked and blinked and tail between legs and did not have the cojones to cross.


I respect your guts as warriors and this is the reason when another 2 respected senior members detailed me on this I disengaged..... yes Chinese are real fighters not only in modern times but they have glorious history since 1000s of years..... sorry for my immature post....
I respect your guts as warriors and this is the reason when another 2 respected senior members detailed me on this I disengaged..... yes Chinese are real fighters not only in modern times but they have glorious history since 1000s of years..... sorry for my immature post....

(April-July 1949) CCP dared to open fire on the British Royal Navy entering the Yangtze River and heavily damaged the warship (amethyst incident) during the duel with KMT to decide the ownership of China.

(Oct 1950-July 1953) PRC, just 1 year after the founding of the country, dared to send troops to Korea to fight a major war at the level of millions of soldiers against the US-led UN forces, and won(Korean War).

(July-September 1950) While fighting the Korean War with the US, the PRC responded to the VCP's request by sending General Tran Gung to lead a PLA advisory mission to Vietnam to expel the French colonialists. In less than six months, Tran Gung commanded the Vietnamese army, driven to the brink of extinction on the Chinese border, to wipe out seven battalions of French troops, severely damage two battalions, and destroy more than 8,000 enemies, with 1,720 casualties of his own. The French colonial army was expelled from Vietnam.

India, 1962. I won't explain this war. You know it.

(15 October 1964-15 March 1969). China breaks off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union while hostile to the United States. There were 4,189 incidents of exchange of fire on the border between China and the Soviet Union and at least four local wars.

(1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975) Vietnam War, China warned the United States that it would not be allowed to cross the 17th parallel or it would send frontline infantry into the war. China also sent 320,000 logistical and air defence troops into the war.

(January 1974) Four Chinese Navy minesweepers encountered four South Vietnamese American-made frigates (the difference in tonnage between the ships was more than 10 times), and the Chinese minesweepers sank one frigate and heavily damaged three frigates through gangway warfare and grenades. Unlike the U.S. Navy, which has only fought Somali pirates, the Chinese Navy is the only post-World War II navy with experience fighting regular navies. Until the 1980s, the Chinese Navy still had a record of fleet-level engagements.

After the Korean War, the U.S. has never been at war with an army ranked in the top 10 in terms of national power. China, on the other hand, has always fought the top 10 nations. China has defeated all five permanent members. China has been hostile to two superpowers at the same time. Now you see, China no longer needs to prove its mettle.

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