It is time China open up her arsenal to Russia

(April-July 1949) CCP dared to open fire on the British Royal Navy entering the Yangtze River and heavily damaged the warship (amethyst incident) during the duel with KMT to decide the ownership of China.

(Oct 1950-July 1953) PRC, just 1 year after the founding of the country, dared to send troops to Korea to fight a major war at the level of millions of soldiers against the US-led UN forces, and won(Korean War).

(July-September 1950) While fighting the Korean War with the US, the PRC responded to the VCP's request by sending General Tran Gung to lead a PLA advisory mission to Vietnam to expel the French colonialists. In less than six months, Tran Gung commanded the Vietnamese army, driven to the brink of extinction on the Chinese border, to wipe out seven battalions of French troops, severely damage two battalions, and destroy more than 8,000 enemies, with 1,720 casualties of his own. The French colonial army was expelled from Vietnam.

India, 1962. I won't explain this war. You know it.

(15 October 1964-15 March 1969). China breaks off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union while hostile to the United States. There were 4,189 incidents of exchange of fire on the border between China and the Soviet Union and at least four local wars.

(1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975) Vietnam War, China warned the United States that it would not be allowed to cross the 17th parallel or it would send frontline infantry into the war. China also sent 320,000 logistical and air defence troops into the war.

(January 1974) Four Chinese Navy minesweepers encountered four South Vietnamese American-made frigates (the difference in tonnage between the ships was more than 10 times), and the Chinese minesweepers sank one frigate and heavily damaged three frigates through gangway warfare and grenades. Unlike the U.S. Navy, which has only fought Somali pirates, the Chinese Navy is the only post-World War II navy with experience fighting regular navies. Until the 1980s, the Chinese Navy still had a record of fleet-level engagements.

After the Korean War, the U.S. has never been at war with an army ranked in the top 10 in terms of national power. China, on the other hand, has always fought the top 10 nations. China has defeated all five permanent members. China has been hostile to two superpowers at the same time. Now you see, China no longer needs to prove its mettle.
About Korean war in 1950 I still remember reading an article in local language newspaper when I was just 11 years old how China intervened in behalf of Korea and inflicted a huge damage on American troops......

Huge guts when China was not even nuclear power those days and world had just seen the nuclear weapons capacity when it was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....
China almost wiped out Turks completely off the face of the map. The ones that managed to run and survive eventually became 'ottomans' and others.

About Korean war in 1950 I still remember reading an article in local language newspaper when I was just 11 years old how China intervened in behalf of Korea and inflicted a huge damage on American troops......

Huge guts when China was not even nuclear power those days and world had just seen the nuclear weapons capacity when it was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....

North Korea and Viet Nam have special significance for China. Invasion of these two countries was bound to result in a strong reaction from China.

In fact, there are two Chinese dynasties that insisted on rescuing North Korea even though they knew it would cost them their dynasties. the PRC's rescue of North Korea was in fact an inevitable response, and regardless of the victory or defeat and the cost, the PRC was bound to send troops.

In 1592, Japan invaded Korea. At the time, the Chinese Ming Dynasty was in a dire economic situation, and the Ming Emperor already knew that rescuing Korea would inevitably lead to complete financial ruin, but still insisted on sending an army to defeat Japan. Subsequently, the Ming Dynasty eventually fell due to the financial bankruptcy leading to a nationwide blowout.

In 1894, Japan invaded Korea. At that time, China's Qing Dynasty faced strong pressure from Western colonial powers, and the emperor already knew that the war to rescue Korea would probably fail, but the Qing emperor still sent troops. In the end, the Qing government was defeated and lost its major military capability, and in 1912, the Qing dynasty fell.

Successive Chinese imperial dynasties were willing to pay a huge price for Korea and Vietnam. Its reason is that China is surrounded by oceans in the east, ice fields in the north, deserts in the north-west, the Tibetan Plateau in the west and virgin forests in the south-west, and that there are only two corridors through which China can be invaded, namely, Viet Nam and North Korea.
China almost wiped out Turks completely off the face of the map. The ones that managed to run and survive eventually became 'ottomans' and others.

Modern Turks are actually Greeks of the Islamic faith.

The real Turks are in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Sakha Republic in Russia.
North Korea and Viet Nam have special significance for China. Invasion of these two countries was bound to result in a strong reaction from China.

In fact, there are two Chinese dynasties that insisted on rescuing North Korea even though they knew it would cost them their dynasties. the PRC's rescue of North Korea was in fact an inevitable response, and regardless of the victory or defeat and the cost, the PRC was bound to send troops.

In 1592, Japan invaded Korea. At the time, the Chinese Ming Dynasty was in a dire economic situation, and the Ming Emperor already knew that rescuing Korea would inevitably lead to complete financial ruin, but still insisted on sending an army to defeat Japan. Subsequently, the Ming Dynasty eventually fell due to the financial bankruptcy leading to a nationwide blowout.

In 1894, Japan invaded Korea. At that time, China's Qing Dynasty faced strong pressure from Western colonial powers, and the emperor already knew that the war to rescue Korea would probably fail, but the Qing emperor still sent troops. In the end, the Qing government was defeated and lost its major military capability, and in 1912, the Qing dynasty fell.

Successive Chinese imperial dynasties were willing to pay a huge price for Korea and Vietnam. Its reason is that China is surrounded by oceans in the east, ice fields in the north, deserts in the north-west, the Tibetan Plateau in the west and virgin forests in the south-west, and that there are only two corridors through which China can be invaded, namely, Viet Nam and North Korea.
Bro is Vietnam still that important to China especially after war in 1979? Are you saying if tomorrow some foreign power attacks Vietnam will China intervene?
Then China -> Kazakhstan -> Russia -> Finland
Or Via Kazakhstan across the Caspian to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey, and then on to Europe via the rail network.
Bro is Vietnam still that important to China especially after war in 1979? Are you saying if tomorrow some foreign power attacks Vietnam will China intervene?
I think China will still get involved.

Just because we kicked the Vietnamese once, doesn't mean we allow others to do the same.

Countries with no ambitions for China would not have invaded Vietnam and North Korea. If a war is destined to happen, instead of letting it happen in China, we should go to war in Vietnam and North Korea.

In fact, the 1979 war was essentially an attempt to avoid a Soviet invasion of China via Vietnam or the Indo-Chinese Confederation.
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Bro is Vietnam still that important to China especially after war in 1979? Are you saying if tomorrow some foreign power attacks Vietnam will China intervene?
100 percent.

China, no matter imperialist or communist, did intervene in Vietnam by almost any dynasty from the Qin, the Han, Song, Yuan, Ming, the Qing. Then Mao, Deng. There is no exception.
I am not optimistic that Chinese would not jump if any foreign power attack Vietnam or worse, luring Vietnam into a military alliance.

Chinese is much like an angry husband with his wife running into the arm of another man. He will risk his life and do everything.
100 percent.

China, no matter imperialist or communist, did intervene in Vietnam by almost any dynasty from the Qin, the Han, Song, Yuan, Ming, the Qing. Then Mao, Deng. There is no exception.
I am not optimistic that Chinese would not jump if any foreign power attack Vietnam or worse, luring Vietnam into a military alliance.

Chinese is much like an angry husband with his wife running into the arm of another man. He will risk his life and do everything.

China is just protecting itself.

If Vietnam is invaded and China sends troops to support Vietnam, then Vietnam should thank China.
If Vietnam joins the camp of hostile China, then why can't China kick Vietnam?

Before 1979, China didn't want to annex or invade Vietnam, China even aided Vietnam many times. Vietnam, however, was not even willing to remain neutral and must join the hostile camp of China.

Since it was Vietnam that chose to become China's enemy, doesn't China have the right to kick China's enemy?
Modern Turks are actually Greeks of the Islamic faith.

The real Turks are in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Sakha Republic in Russia.
They are still not really turks, They have some Turkish culture but their DNA is still mostly ancient Iranic peoples, Bactrians, Tocharians, Mongol/Turks etc. Real Turks are gone, some fragment of their culture/language survived
China is just protecting itself.

If Vietnam is invaded and China sends troops to support Vietnam, then Vietnam should thank China.
If Vietnam joins the camp of hostile China, then why can't China kick Vietnam?

Before 1979, China didn't want to annex or invade Vietnam, China even aided Vietnam many times. Vietnam, however, was not even willing to remain neutral and must join the hostile camp of China.

Since it was Vietnam that chose to become China's enemy, doesn't China have the right to kick China's enemy?
whole affair in 79 is an embarassment. Soviet Union became jealous of China who they saw will become global communist leader so they split and worked against China. Made their ally Vietnam attack Chinese ally Cambodia and China had to respond. Cambodia pol pot was a sh1thead and Vietnam was a sh1thead for betraying China for the Soviets but Chinese never treat Vietnam as 'equals' the way China treats Koreans either so there is a lesson to be learnt by everyone.
whole affair in 79 is an embarassment. Soviet Union became jealous of China who they saw will become global communist leader so they split and worked against China. Made their ally Vietnam attack Chinese ally Cambodia and China had to respond. Cambodia pol pot was a sh1thead and Vietnam was a sh1thead for betraying China for the Soviets but Chinese never treat Vietnam as 'equals' the way China treats Koreans either so there is a lesson to be learnt by everyone.

China did invade Vietnam several times in its history, but the PRC did not treat Vietnam harshly until 1979.

Even if Vietnam had been neutral between China and the Soviet Union, as North Korea was, this war would not have occurred.

Taking a step back, even if Vietnam joined the Soviet camp, China would not go to war as long as Vietnam did not invade Cambodia and Laos, and as long as Vietnam did not delude itself with the idea of forming an Indochinese federation to gain the power to threaten China.

From China's point of view, it had assisted and rescued Vietnam on many occasions from 1949 to 1979. Instead, Vietnam insisted on joining China's hostile camp, preparing to annex China's allies and threaten China's south. China pre-empted and rescued its Chinese ally. Is this not a natural behaviour?

Whether in the Korean War or the Sino-Indian War, China has always pursued the doctrine of pre-emptive war. Can't the Vietnamese even realise this?
Even before the massacre happened in 1978, the Khmer Rouge had violated Vietnam’s territory and committed numerous killings against Vietnamese people. Do you have any reliable sources or evidence that suggest Vietnam was on the verge of committing similar acts against China? But from my perspective, it was fortunate that the war between Vietnam and China occurred and with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, we were able to open up our country and improve relations with the US. The lives of Vietnamese people and students have been significantly improved, especially in the last decade.

This is your summary and assessment of the war. It's your freedom and right, and I have no intention of arguing about it.

As retaxis said, its the wrong war, but China has no choice. China is bound to focus on Vietnam and North Korea for its own security, no matter what the cost. There is no price too big to pay for the continuation of Chinese civilisation.
Yes when Pelosi visited Taiwan ignoring all the threats given by China all China could do was Tandaw dance by conducting naval exercises around Taiwan but never dared to capture..... wow what the guts against America.....
After making BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS TO BEHOLD for Pelosi to admire, she couldn't even afford rent after arriving in the UK, surviving on just one meal a day

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