J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

What you are suggesting in arsenal, needs to be added, not replaced. Things are not changed over-night. Advance versions of Tanks and other goodies you are referring as junk is still in development in US and China both.
ye vohi baat hae of the 1983 era A-5 acquisition. We knew the A-5 is just barely legitimate, but we took it anyway no? Hoping on our low level/ hit n run tactics saving da day.

Ye saaray APC/ MRAP/ F-sola/ VT-4/ T-90/ Bumerang/ Stryker/ F-35/ etc. US/ Russia/ China nay ghareebon ko day denay hain within da decade. Fire sales luggni hain.

Aur khud ye android/ drone/ AI air defenses bana ray hain, whilst they totally retool/ re-configure their defense industries.
ye vohi baat hae of the 1983 era A-5 acquisition. We knew the A-5 is just barely legitimate, but we took it anyway no? Hoping on our low level/ hit n run tactics saving da day.

Ye saaray APC/ MRAP/ F-sola/ VT-4/ T-90/ Bumerang/ Stryker/ F-35/ etc. US/ Russia/ China nay ghareebon ko day denay hain within da decade. Fire sales luggni hain.

Aur khud ye android/ drone/ AI air defenses bana ray hain, whilst they totally retool/ re-configure their defense industries.

Can you please post in English or at least in a readable coherent text?
Can you please post in English or at least in a readable coherent text?
Apologies bro……I wuz just talking to our boys…..

Will try better in da future.

Pak PM and military chief in china---.

Is the deal being signed for the J31's---or has it already been signed---?.
Sir no clue but that for sure would be on the table plus a lot more things. I also praying for Destroyers for Navy. Those are much needed for offensive punch.
Sir no clue but that for sure would be on the table plus a lot more things. I also praying for Destroyers for Navy. Those are much needed for offensive punch.
I politely disagree.

The primary method for surface combatants to deliver "offensive punch", by which I assume you mean anti-surface firepower, is launching cruise missiles/AShMs.

Compared to air-launched cruise missiles, naval methods severely lag behind, as naval ships cannot quickly transition to a new firing position to react to time-sensitive targets, have less favourable launch conditions for said cruise missiles (air-launched missiles start with greater speed in thinner air), and are obviously restrained by the capacity of VLS cells per sortie.

What destroyers, especially Chinese DDGs may bring to Pakistan is not direct offensive capability, but true long-range aerial surveillance and denial cover, which would either establish a more comprehensive AD bubble for coastal cities or cover for other surface combatants to conduct operations, especially ASW, away from shore fighter/SAM cover.

Yet given the economic restraints facing Pakistan, the requirement for operations further offshore is of lesser importance, littoral fighter and SAM coverage would have to do for the time being, and larger more expensive platforms focused on power projection, endurance, and sea-worthiness might have to wait.
Sir no clue but that for sure would be on the table plus a lot more things. I also praying for Destroyers for Navy. Those are much needed for offensive punch.

Pak PM and military chief in china---.

Is the deal being signed for the J31's---or has it already been signed---?.

Per my source, who's a Pakistani-American currently in China as part of this crap show (his words). Right now, they are in a desperate attempt to jump-start the economy. The Chinese aren't moving from several positions, and Pakistan needs to decide on several key policy points sooner rather than later.

He advised me to keep an eye on the Brazilian delegation, which is also in China; the treatment and money on the table are vastly superior to what's on Pakistan's table.

When I last spoke to him, he said Pakistanis tend to create hype about China, which will always remain hype. He said this gathering feels more so forced on the Chinese from our side than anything.
This is not assumption but facts. China is not a democracy so they don't announce every weapons deal or can keep pictures of development hidden for years. Something could be flying for two years without any news on social media or mainstream media.

That is my point that China does not give a running commentary on planes in development like the US does.

I think it is reasonable to assume that J-31 would be ready to start service when the Fujian carrier starts operations in 2026/2027 with PLAAN.
Per my source, who's a Pakistani-American currently in China as part of this crap show (his words). Right now, they are in a desperate attempt to jump-start the economy. The Chinese aren't moving from several positions, and Pakistan needs to decide on several key policy points sooner rather than later.

He advised me to keep an eye on the Brazilian delegation, which is also in China; the treatment and money on the table are vastly superior to what's on Pakistan's table.

When I last spoke to him, he said Pakistanis tend to create hype about China, which will always remain hype. He said this gathering feels more so forced on the Chinese from our side than anything.
It’s not surprising if that’s true. The previous government's handling of the CPEC could have caused the other side to back out completely if it weren’t for the Chinese. The biggest stakeholder to suffer the greatest loss from such a back-out would be the Pakistani military. Therefore, the new military command (after Bajwa's departure) initiated the damage control process. Things are improving now, but it will certainly take some time for the Chinese to regain the same level of confidence as before. They will undoubtedly assess the likelihood of Pakistan returning to the tumultuous days of the Imran Khan era. However, it is encouraging that things have started moving in the right direction.
Several X handles are claiming China has agreed for integration of PL-15 BVRs to JF-17C as Pakistan has fulfilled both conditions of inducting J-10CP & J-31 in future.The commonality of Sub - Systems, Primary BVR & improvement in thrusts in future power plant upgrades is a goal.
Swarm tactics overwhelm the defenses, if properly used in conjunction with ballistic/ cruise/ micro-Quadcopter or ideally using CBU warheads and degrade defenses in a large area.
defense tactics also keep on evolving. while a swarm may overwhelm defenses, such defense systems will not be operating alone. they will be integrated with dozens of other systems: awacs, low-level radars, high level radars, maybe even EW systems, other air-def systems etc. all of these will be used together to paint a complete picture where resources can be utilized efficiently to counter any significant threats.
Sir no clue but that for sure would be on the table plus a lot more things. I also praying for Destroyers for Navy. Those are much needed for offensive punch.
Additional destroyers as well as acquisition of Jinnah Class warships at the same time?

In my humble opinion if the Army Chief has gone that would imply acquisition of Z-10 helicopters, tanks, radars and howitzer as well as drones.

For the potential purchase of J-31 or just additional J-10s, I would've imagined the Air Chief accompanying the PM.

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