J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

Oh bhai 100 say zyada choppa are gone! 35 Su-24/25 gone! 30 k qareeb Su-27/30/35 gone! 2000 Tanks T-72/ 90 and probably double that assorted APC's are also gone plus an estimated 50k Russian troop deaths (admitted) and many times that number injured casualties. And Ukrainian losses are many times these Russian losses, including 500k troops killed.......whole country reduced to rubble. I believe this is the fourth time Uki's have raised a new army. Russia is fighting NATO.
Why are you telling something that's already known to most? The fault doesn't lie with the systems, fault lies in their operators and how they use it.
India does not need to purchase 5th Generation fighter from another country because they are making their own Jet. By the time PAF will be inducting two Platforms of 5th Generation, India will be able to complete detailed analysis of 5th Generation. Then it will be just matter of few decades to make a new one
By the time India inducts a 5th Gen fighter, PAF would already have inducted, operationalized and developed tactics involving them. Too late to the party eh? 😉
I got the dates with question marks from your previous table.

If the first flight did take place in September 2023 for J-31, it could be possible there might be 2 other prototypes already built for static load and flight testing.

I'm basing my assumptions on how quickly the first 3 JF-17 prototypes were built and put to tests. Totally guess work at this point.

31-05-2003 PT-01 - Flight Performance Prototype
FC-1 / Super-7 Designation
  • 31-May-2003 - Roll Out
  • 27-June-2003 - Low Speed Taxiing
  • 25-Aug-2003 - 2 Maiden Flights
JF-17 Thunder Designation
  • 2-Sept-2003 - Official Maiden Flight with JF-17 Thunder markings
??-??-2003 PT-02 - Static Load Test Prototype
09-04-2004 PT-03 - Flight Performance Prototype

Wasn't it 2019 for the flight that we know of---.

Being on the back burner---out of mind out of sight kind of program---but don't let that fool you.

A shocking news of around 6 units on the assembly line may pop up somewhere and all the guys will be running around in circles over here---.

Looking at the time frame of the hack / leaks and prison sentences of scientists in the US---pretty much all the electronics would have been manufactured, proved and tested and implemented on this aircraft awhile ago---.

Also if you look at the most advanced bvr missile in the market---the PL15 tops the list---and if it does---why the ew package can be as superior---.

The west is desperately trying to put put down the J31 / J20 aircrafts capabilities---just to hide their embarrassment of letting technology go to china---trying to downplay the capabilities of these two aircraft---.

I think the world is in for a big surprise---.

The USA knowing what it knows---their current policies towards china show that the chinese industrial complex has crossed over that fine line of technology and its usage to where it has become a very very serious threat---.

The USA is desperately trying to find ways to confront china---inciting it to start a war so that it can counter chinese advancement now rather than wait for a few more years where they become invincible---.

Very trying times for the west---.
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what about point defense systems, like the RAMs and CIWS employed by the navies worldwide?

if a low-level radar can observe and track such systems, maybe the oerlikon type AA guns and FM90 missiles, that the PA has, can counter these threats...
Swarm tactics overwhelm the defenses, if properly used in conjunction with ballistic/ cruise/ micro-Quadcopter or ideally using CBU warheads and degrade defenses in a large area.
Swarm tactics overwhelm the defenses, if properly used in conjunction with ballistic/ cruise/ micro-Quadcopter or ideally using CBU warheads and degrade defenses in a large area.

What you are suggesting in arsenal, needs to be added, not replaced. Things are not changed over-night. Advance versions of Tanks and other goodies you are referring as junk is still in development in US and China both.
If the past is anything to go by, the first news we will hear about PAF J-31s is when they actually land at a Pakistani airbase to be greeted by senior leadership.

When that happens, 2026 or 2030 is anyone's guess really, none of us can be sure. We do know that China can work incredibly fast, that PAF projects with regards to fighter inductions are always kept under wraps, no years of "negotiations", "Cabinet clearances", "approvals" etc like who know who.

As someone pointed out, why would China, possibly at a big cost to itself, equip PAF with such a strategic game changing system? Well the benefits are many.

1) A stealth fighter will be a MAJOR headache for IAF. Especially if AMCA is 20 years away from service and F-35 is no go for India. PAF May be able to strike Indian targets with almost impunity.
2) Pakistan takes it's fighter purchases incredibly seriously. J-31 in PAF service sends a signal that China can and will export Stealth. This message will not be lost of the host of muslim countries denied F-35.
3) A PAF support infrastructure across various bases for J-10s and J-31s suits China just fine.
4) Effectively puts an end to any enduring relationship between the Pakistan Military and the US. By 2035, bar a few F-16s that are new, it is very likely no major US weapon system will be in Pakistani service. Again, this suits China just fine.
Sir people are expected in sooner like me because Air Chief mentioned. I don't remember any plane which our Air Chief in the past mentioned and it took more than 1.5 to 2 years for that to be inducted.
Sir people are expected in sooner like me because Air Chief mentioned. I don't remember any plane which our Air Chief in the past mentioned and it took more than 1.5 to 2 years for that to be inducted.

Dear They were not in development. This one is.
2028 is the possible time frame at earliest.

But I do wish i found wrong and it appear in PAF colors much earlier 😇
Dear They were not in development. This one is.
2028 is the possible time frame at earliest.

But I do wish i found wrong and it appear in PAF colors much earlier 😇
That is the question. But China is good at keeping things under the wrap, so maybe Air Chief knows something which general public doesn't
Depends on the move from Bharat at the orders from the Pentagon.....

India is left behind in the race. Modi make indian people delusional. For them tejas is good enough to counter 5th gen. The best thing PAF do is that they always strive for qualitative edge over India. PAF has better planning minds.
That is the question. But China is good at keeping things under the wrap, so maybe Air Chief knows something which general public doesn't
China is good at keeping things under the wrap, so maybe Air Chief knows something which general public doesn't

And This is just an assumption with less chance of being true. We can hope for the best but should not believe it as fact.
Sir people are expected in sooner like me because Air Chief mentioned. I don't remember any plane which our Air Chief in the past mentioned and it took more than 1.5 to 2 years for that to be inducted.

Let the posters cry out loud---. They will be screaming murder when the J31 flies in pakistani colors---.

They are clueless---as a matter of fact they have no understanding or comprehension of what has transpired between the year of the leaked data till now.

It has been 15 years since the major major leak happened in 2009---. Other leaks had happened prior to that as well---and china is no slouch---when it comes to copy---.

Some had talked about the design of the F35---F22's---to the FC31. They had no understanding and have no understanding that all manned 5th gen aircraft will be very very similar in design because of the limitation of STEALTH GEOMETRY---. STEALTH only happens in a certain geometric configurations---.

Some physical changes made on the J31 from FC31---basic general modifications are being touted as if they are a big deal---.

Others are talking about maybe a great change will happen on the land version---which is not going to happen---. Why is a change needed---. Commonality reduces costs and makes maintenance easy to perform---.
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China is good at keeping things under the wrap, so maybe Air Chief knows something which general public doesn't

And This is just an assumption with less chance of being true. We can hope for the best but should not believe it as fact.
This is not assumption but facts. China is not a democracy so they don't announce every weapons deal or can keep pictures of development hidden for years. Something could be flying for two years without any news on social media or mainstream media.
This is not assumption but facts. China is not a democracy so they don't announce every weapons deal or can keep pictures of development hidden for years. Something could be flying for two years without any news on social media or mainstream media.
Ok. Let's hope for the best. (y)

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