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According to British Raj partition plan, and Louis Mountbatten said the Princely states should hold a plebiscite. This is reaffirmed by the United Nations Resolutions that India agreed with.

And don't give me that crap that UN resolutions are not binding. India agreed to them as Nehru said it himself.
UN resolution void as China, India, and Pakistan started to rule Jammu and Kashmir (1962). UN resolution is not only binding with India to apply it.

The people of Jammu & Kashmir, not India or Pakistan, own Jammu & Kashmir.

Don't follow that route since it's a pointless discussion after Pakistan and India refused to grant Kashmiris the ability to vote for their own independent nation, as per the UN decision.

All the rest talks are sh*ts..
What you are saying is all nonsense. United Nations see Kashmir as disputed territory. It is yet to be resolved by a plebiscite as said by Louis Mountbatten of Burma.

This is reaffirmed again in the United Nations Resolutions.
Again! it's useless talk now.

Frankly, India has moved on - Pakistan is stuck with no use.

Pakistan will get nothing even after 100 years if stuck with it, Pakistan needs to find a workaround, keep the issue alive, but find a way to work with India. If Pakistan always puts the Kashmir topic on the first list - now India will just ignore Pakistan, as they have done in the past few years.
UN resolution void as China, India, and Pakistan started to rule Jammu and Kashmir (1962). UN resolution is not only binding with India to apply it.

The people of Jammu & Kashmir, not India or Pakistan, own Jammu & Kashmir.

Don't follow that route since it's a pointless discussion after Pakistan and India refused to grant Kashmiris the ability to vote for their own independent nation, as per the UN decision.

All the rest talks are sh*ts..
Wrong, what you are saying is nonsense.

Partition Plan and UN says hold a plebiscite.

Australian Sir Own Dixon blamed India for not holding a plebiscite.

China never accepted British boundaries. That is their argument.

Even Historians and Legal experts concede Kashmir is a territorial dispute according to the United Nations, hence the Kashmir matter is yet to be resolved. Its not a solved matter.
Considering the condition that Pakistan is in today. I am really surprised that such level of resistance is still ongoing in the Indian held Kashmir.

I wonder what it would be like if agencies had billions to throw away on groups like PAFF
Considering the condition that Pakistan is in today. I am really surprised that such level of resistance is still ongoing in the Indian held Kashmir.

I wonder what it would be like if agencies had billions to throw away on groups like PAFF
I don't know whether you are a Pakistani or an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani judging by your post count.

Pakistan is getting better by the day.
We have
1) Nuclear weapons
3) 250 million population

So Pakistan is only going to get better from here. Yes we are at the bottom, but atleast we can only go up from here.
Considering the condition that Pakistan is in today. I am really surprised that such level of resistance is still ongoing in the Indian held Kashmir.

I wonder what it would be like if agencies had billions to throw away on groups like PAFF
its almost nothing - around 100–200 armed people.

This is not called "resistance." This action is only to show their still presence. in Kashmir. It will not affect or change anything!
its almost nothing - around 100–200 armed people.

This is not called "resistance." This action is only to show their still presence. in Kashmir. It will not affect or change anything!
Then hold a plebiscite in Kashmir, and lets see what the Kashmiris want.
Do they want Pakistan or India?

Its really that simple isn't it?

But ofcourse the Indian government backed out of this. I don't blame the regular citizens, they are innocent folk, but the Indian government is not being honest about the Kashmir matter.
Wrong, what you are saying is nonsense.

Partition Plan and UN says hold a plebiscite.

Australian Sir Own Dixon blamed India for not holding a plebiscite.

China never accepted British boundaries. That is their argument.

Even Historians and Legal experts concede Kashmir is a territorial dispute according to the United Nations, hence the Kashmir matter is yet to be resolved. Its not a solved matter.
Seriously, man! I hope the Pakistani leadership will not have such a mentality in the future, because Pakistan will get nothing!

Going through situations will be loss-loss for Pakistan. At least learn something from China.
Thanks.. Sayonara_Good day
Then hold a plebiscite in Kashmir, and lets see what the Kashmiris want.
Do they want Pakistan or India?

Its really that simple isn't it?

But ofcourse the Indian government backed out of this. I don't blame the regular citizens, they are innocent folk, but the Indian government is not being honest about the Kashmir matter.
Invailed, request. Denied.. Thanks.. explained situations, earlier
Seriously, man! I hope the Pakistani leadership will not have such a mentality in the future, because Pakistan will get nothing!

Going through situations will be loss-loss for Pakistan. At least learn something from China.
Thanks.. Sayonara_Good day
China snatched a part of Kashmir from you Indians which is called Aksai Chin.

Chinese are smart people, they are developing their country first. Then they will strike India like a hot iron bar. ;)
Invailed, request. Denied.. Thanks
Sorry mate, According to the United Nations Kashmir dispute is unresolved business.
Historians and Legal experts will side with Pakistan and say Pakistan has a valid claim on the Kashmir region because of the plebiscite option.

You can believe whatever your government brainwashes you, but the facts remain that Kashmir needs to be resolved according to the plebiscite option.
Considering the condition that Pakistan is in today. I am really surprised that such level of resistance is still ongoing in the Indian held Kashmir.

I wonder what it would be like if agencies had billions to throw away on groups like PAFF

Putting the entire Kashmiri in IOK in a cage or concentration camp. Killing there families, humiliating rapes, on them on a daily basis should be prepared for consequences here is your answer you Dumb F@ck.
Sorry mate, According to the United Nations Kashmir dispute is unresolved business.
Historians and Legal experts will side with Pakistan and say Pakistan has a valid claim on the Kashmir region because of the plebiscite option.

You can believe whatever your government brainwashes you, but the facts remain that Kashmir needs to be resolved according to the plebiscite option.
I am practical, not brainwashed. Thanks

If I were brainwashed, then I could be saying that India will get Pakistan, Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan because they're legally part of India.
But I am more practical and believe in reality and facts.
I don't know whether you are a Pakistani or an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani judging by your post count.

Pakistan is getting better by the day.
We have
1) Nuclear weapons
3) 250 million population

So Pakistan is only going to get better from here. Yes we are at the bottom, but atleast we can only go up from here.
1. Nukes is not relevant in our proxy war with India
2. CPEC is not relevant in our proxy war with India
3. Large population means potentially more recruits for certain activities but what we actually lack nowadays are funds
its almost nothing - around 100–200 armed people.

This is not called "resistance." This action is only to show their still presence. in Kashmir. It will not affect or change anything!

Of course it will not affect anything, but it keeps the backdoor open for us.

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