Kashmiri Struggle Activities Updates !

Putting the entire Kashmiri in IOK in a cage or concentration camp. Killing there families, humiliating rapes, on them on a daily basis should be prepared for consequences here is your answer you Dumb F@ck.
Let the kashmiri civilians worry about these consequences.

What matters to Pakistan should be making IOJK ungovernable for India. If they continue dumping development funds into it then at some Kashmiris will sit down and decide that they're ok with living in India as Indians and lose interest in independence or even possibly joining Pakistan.
Of course it will not affect anything, but it keeps the backdoor open for us.
again! I will suggest learning from the china. how they keep the issue alive but work with the same country for their benefit. Chinese are very smart on this - issues still hold there with other countries. but it is a win-win situation for them.

This method & policies that Pakistan is following - Pakistan will get nothing!
again! I will suggest learn from the china. how they keep the issue alive, but work with the same country for their benefits.

This method - Pakistan will get nothing!
I am not saying it is a good or right thing to do. This is just how 'Cold Wars' go.

I don't doubt for a minute that India has its hand behind TTP and I wouldn't want Pakistan to let go of Kashmir either.
I am not saying it is a good or right thing to do. This is just how 'Cold Wars' go.

I don't doubt for a minute that India has its hand behind TTP and I wouldn't want Pakistan to let go of Kashmir either.
Sorry, I don't want to go to that discussion, but I will just add below.

Once Hilary Clinton said, "You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors,"

Pakistan was dragged into this situation in 1979, due to its love for US weapons and dollars... and yeah, there were border issues.... taliban, TTP or whatever challenges facing Pakistan in Pakistan—its own mistakes and wrong policies.

Even if I agreed with you that India is involved (I don't believe it, Personally), what's wrong!! What Pakistan did in India and Kashmir by supporting the armed struggle from 1989—isn't India's right to pay back? just saying...

Anyway, TTP does not matter for most of India. India never usually talks about Pakistani parts of Kashmir, only India talks when Pakistan does start every time on almost every platform...... Kashmir talks on international platforms - just as Tit for tat.

Once Pakistan will stop talking about Indian parts, most likely, India will stop talking about Pakistani parts.... TTP and others are nothing matters!!!
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According to British Raj partition plan, and Louis Mountbatten said the Princely states should hold a plebiscite. This is reaffirmed by the United Nations Resolutions that India agreed with.

And don't give me that crap that UN resolutions are not binding. India agreed to them as Nehru said it himself.
We agreed, we didn't agree, you agree, you didn't agree, does it matter.. we will do what's right for us, let Pakistan do what it can.. my guess is, Pakistan will continue down the same path that's brought it ruin in the last many decades...
1. Carry out ethnic cleansing of Pandits.
2. Change demographic
3. Start an Islamic jihad
4. Security forces respond
5. Whine about being abused.
I completely agree with your all points.

But, I am giving my opinion; maybe I could be wrong too.

it all depends on the national interests that all countries follow today. Kashmir - its national interests of Pakistan, Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh - its national interests of Pakistan, Xinjiang - interested by the Western world, etc

The Kashmir case has gone on for too long after independence. The armed insurgency began in Kashmir with help from Pakistan in 1989 and lasted until the early 2000s.

There was a situation where Kashmir believed that they could get separated from India in the 1990s. Since the Indian army acted strongly against those armed people and some unfortunate incidents happened where innocent Kashmiris became victims, including women, some army personnel were involved. During the era, Air was totally against India. Most Kashmiris wanted to separate from India.

After years also, many things happened - but frankly, if you ask a common Kashmiri now, they have accepted the reality that they will stay part of India, they now want a good future for their kids, and they want earn more for the family.

one last: development is happening too rapidly in Kashmir, that also changing their view of India because, previously, governments were not forcing people to improve their lives; today, some development is happening and started:

I strongly believe that development is the key to success. If no developments, jobs, businesses, or other facilities in Kashmir - and people are unable to feed their families, They will demand separation from India,

In another case - if all is well, they would not go against India. They will be happy to stay with India.

In spite of my disagreement with Modi, I support the development work he has done in Kashmir, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya etc, etc.—states neglected for 60 years by the Congress party. Because, as said, development is key, it means that a common person can earn enough for his family, which is more important than any other.

Just example:

I agree - Modi made some serious initial missteps in the hardline approach but the overall impact of development will work out. Partly because of the reason you quoted - if a resident of Shopian can start up apple production, expand to warehouses in Dehli - contracts - hire more locals and so on. Is able to drive a decent car - get everything their kids need.. who wants to have “identity”?

It’s not like “Kashmiri” was ever denied as an identity but it was more reactionary of Indian LE as a start to lump anyone asking for independence or more rights as pro-Pakistan or worse Pakistani.

Fulfill the needs - and stop quashing the culture or values - no one will lead an insurgency in India. Be it Kashmiris or Maoists or otherwise.
1. Nukes is not relevant in our proxy war with India
2. CPEC is not relevant in our proxy war with India
3. Large population means potentially more recruits for certain activities but what we actually lack nowadays are funds
Nuclear weapons are relevant against India, who have a numerical superiority over Pakistan.
CPEC is relevant.

Large population is good for the economy.

Don't know where you are getting your information.
Nuclear weapons are relevant against India, who have a numerical superiority over Pakistan.
CPEC is relevant.

Large population is good for the economy.

Don't know where you are getting your information.
The nukes provide a cover, and keep us away from conventional war with India. However they do not directly help you if you want to arm and train any sort of resistance.

CPEC again is for developing Pakistan, not for fighting for Kashmir

Anyways, none of this matters. Things aren't getting better anytime soon for us economically.
In an encounter in Doda's Kastigarh area, at least 2 Indian Army soldiers have suffered severe injuries.

The troops were deployed at a temporary military camp in a government school when they were targeted with 2 grenades.


12:51 AM · Jul 18, 2024
New Delhi: ‘Kashmir Tigers’, a front of Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), which claimed responsibility for the attack in Jammu’s Doda this week, has released purported footage of the aftermath of the ambush in which an Army officer and three other soldiers were killed.

The video, being circulated on social media, purportedly shows the terrorists, believed to be of Pakistani origin, trying to behead a dead soldier. The terror group claimed this was in retaliation to soldiers dragging a terrorist’s body in another encounter.

We have To be more alert

July has been a bad month

Fortunately only 1 death today

Other soldiers are out of danger

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