Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes

Conversion was simple because you bent over. Just like you are doing now.

A history of bending over.

CHina AND the US will break your country and you will welcome it. Payments are due and IMF wants reforms.

I will enjoy watching.

stop posting get back to stitching nobody is talking about you lol

you can have relationship with whoever you want okay kang? 1000 years LMAO

Conversion was easy because Hinduism was goofy and disgusting
Conversion was simple because you bent over. Just like you are doing now.

A history of bending over.

CHina AND the US will break your country and you will welcome it. Payments are due and IMF wants reforms.

I will enjoy watching.

stop posting get back to stitching nobody is talking about you lol

you can have relationship with whoever you want okay kang? 1000 years LMAO
No body bent over. Maybe that is a RSS thing.
We converted because we wanted nothing to do with barbaric practices of Hinduism at the time.
Why don’t you explain how Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia etc converted to Islam when no Muslim army ever invaded there ?
Fun fact: Most of these "Arab style" mosque did not exist in China before 1980's. This was a direct result of allowing Salafist preachers from Saudi Arabia to set up religious schools, by stupid ass Hu Yaobang.

Islam has been in China since the 7th century, and was almost as ingrained in Western China as Buddhism. The trouble only started in the past 50 or so years.
I don't buy into all the hype about fasting growing this or that. 6 million jews show you the real power of 1.5 billion Muslims. Part of me feels that the narrative of "fasting growing religion" is partly a Zionist plot to make the westerners perceive Islam as a bigger threat.

There can be 20 billion muslims but if your all divided, all pulling in different directions, all being used by non-Muslim actors, Islamic civilisation won't amount to anything. In fact it will constantly be set against itself, used to ruin itself as can be seen across much of the Muslim world.

Then you got the problem for the most part Muslims don't invent or produce anything of note. Of the 50 Muslim majority nations you got maybe 5 trying to do something technologically.

Also it may very well be the "end times" but you cannot live life like that because you will stagnate and then regress. The rest of the world is rapidly adancing. The USA doesnt say whats the point building a 6th gen fighter jet because its the "end times". Nor does China, Russia or Japan. The Indians don't think what's the point landing on the moon because the end times are coming.

Actually Muslims are self defeatist by believing in the end times are now. Lets say it isnt the end times, well you lost decades maybe hundreds of years because you stopped advancing thinking their was no point.

Also, it’s not really about the buildings. In the 90s, many people came over to the US from the former Soviet Union, and in a generation went back to their religious roots. Equally, many people in the Central Asian republics could then practice their religion freely.

I also meet a guy from Xinjiang (East Turkestan) some 20 years ago, he was more Turkish in mindset than religious, so that is a greater danger in my opinion, then someone being Muslim but still accepting themselves as part of China.

Many streams of identity endures in the diasporas. Heck, my Fujianese friend still wants to marry a Fujianese girl, so even provincial identities endure in Eastern China.

So many remember the Soviet experience, and China is probably well versed in not repeating those mistakes.

Chinese fertility being what it is, and Xinjiang being a less desirable area for Han people to live in, I’m sure the native people will endure. Just as the Soviet’s had to moderate to maintain good ties with the Muslim world, as China tries to take on the mantle of the other superpower, global scrutiny will increase on them as the US increases competition (and propaganda).

Indeed. The Muslim majority countries have to get off their @$$ and be of some use to the global economy if they are to be taken seriously.

Enough people amongst those 15 million have the mindset, that they have made enough of a contribution, that they get to have an outsized say.

Also, there are many Muslims in name only or become lapsed because of the hypocrisy in their society. There is much responsibility on the leaders of many Muslim countries, and much to answer for in this regard.

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What a pathetic western lie, this is an ancient mosque and for the most part of history it was in Chinese traditional style, it was destroyed during the cultural revolution and was rebuilt in 1980's and 1990's with gulf country's funds, that was the time when extremist islamic elements gained unrestricted access to China which wrecked havoc soon after their entry.
China just was just restoring the original architecture of this ancient mosque, many old destroyed building had been restored mimicking their original style in China, many in Beijing too, like city gate Yongding men 永定门。

Old photo of Shadian before it was destoryed.

It is not 'whataboutery'. It is 'Glass houses and stones' or 'Sauce for the goose' AKA consistency.
Don't know what your going on about, but its clear whataboutery. Deflection tactics are pretty poor try and stick to the topic at hand. If you want to raise other issues make another thread.
Conversion was easy because Hinduism was goofy and disgusting
im not religious so i cant really hve a spiritual debate.

i could just never believe god talked to an arab, and i had to pray in arabic, and i had to face the arabs when i prayed.

just like i cant cuck for china. you can do these things, and thats the difference.

No body bent over. Maybe that is a RSS thing.
We converted because we wanted nothing to do with barbaric practices of Hinduism at the time.
Why don’t you explain how Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia etc converted to Islam when no Muslim army ever invaded there ?
i dont know how maldives, indonesia, and malaysia did. i do know how you did lol.

by bending over
im not religious so i cant really hve a spiritual debate.

i could just never believe god talked to an arab, and i had to pray in arabic, and i had to face the arabs when i prayed.

just like i cant cuck for china. you can do these things, and thats the difference.

i dont know how maldives, indonesia, and malaysia did. i do know how you did lol.

by bending over
Haha so you can’t back up your “forced conversion” crap. Here is how Bangladesh became Muslim; learn some real history, not RSS WhatsApp propaganda.

china breaks ugly muslim domes and replaces them with nice looking chinese architecture. i like it, and judging by length of your essay you like it too.

im not reading the rest of that cope

we openly cooperate with their enemies

its not the same as having chinas nuts your ponjabbi mouth.

"d-don't talk about china"

"y-yes sir china sir"

"here is our port city sir, we will pay for it plus interest sir"

no wonder you all converted.
oh bewquffan, china say fuzool k pangay na leen. Aram say bettha reh. Last time you guys screwed around with China, Nehru sahb died from depression. Don't screw around with big boyz like Humreeka, Russia or China. Aevain buss zabardasti k online pangay?
Conversion was easy because Hinduism was goofy and disgusting
ye hamain bend over bolta hae, aur khud di 8000 saala history is nothing but bending over. He only projecting say pangay lenay ka anjaam will be very unpleasant for them. China will hurt them bad.
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Also, it’s not really about the buildings. In the 90s, many people came over to the US from the former Soviet Union, and in a generation went back to their religious roots. Equally, many people in the Central Asian republics could then practice their religion freely.

I also meet a guy from Xinjiang (East Turkestan) some 20 years ago, he was more Turkish in mindset than religious, so that is a greater danger in my opinion, then someone being Muslim but still accepting themselves as part of China.

Many streams of identity endures in the diasporas. Heck, my Fujianese friend still wants to marry a Fujianese girl, so even provincial identities endure in Eastern China.

So many remember the Soviet experience, and China is probably well versed in not repeating those mistakes.

Chinese fertility being what it is, and Xinjiang being a less desirable area for Han people to live in, I’m sure the native people will endure. Just as the Soviet’s had to moderate to maintain good ties with the Muslim world, as China tries to take on the mantle of the other superpower, global scrutiny will increase on them as the US increases competition (and propaganda).

Indeed. The Muslim majority countries have to get off their @$$ and be of some use to the global economy if they are to be taken seriously.

Enough people amongst those 15 million have the mindset, that they have made enough of a contribution, that they get to have an outsized say.

Also, there are many Muslims in name only or become lapsed because of the hypocrisy in their society. There is much responsibility on the leaders of many Muslim countries, and much to answer for in this regard.

In my head there is an ideal way, but i think there is also the reality of the world and the pressures it creates.

In an ideal world all Muslims should be united against the oppressor when he commits transgressions against the Muslim. Truth be told all Muslims should be united against all injustices irrespective of whether it occurs to Muslims or Non-Muslims. But at the same time, pursing this policy at a state level isn't realistic.

Actually pursuing this sort of well intentioned policy will nearly always lead to complete ruin.

Muslim majority nations have to develop, this idea that Muslims should always be the technologically inferior side has to end. Palestinian resistance is brave, no doubts about it. But the idea that one side uses f35's and the other hides in tunnels is not a long term solution.

As long Muslims constantly see wars where they are the technologically inferior side, they will always endure hardships, terrible ones at that. For every victory they will endure 10 defeats as long as they remain the technologically inferior side.

I don't see Islam on its own as a strong unifying factor, everywhere we look Muslims undermine each other. When a Muslim raises the question of what's happening to Muslims in the Balkans, Russia, China etc, Muslims are the first to rush to the side of the oppressor.

Islamic identity on its on is not enough, nations/peoples need a strong tribal identity.

When we look at the past and today strong empires/nations nearly always revolved around a strong tribal entity usually based off ethnicity. Even today the strong nations are based on strong national/ethnic conscience.

This tells me that Muslims must first be united among their direct tribe. Raise their own people out of the gutter, then once in a position of ability they can work towards the wider Islamic civilisation.

Just like we see how we will support our direct families before the wider family and then after them friends.

Support your family, then your immediate tribe/nation and after that the wider Muslim world. If our nations are weak, we cannot support the wider world.
In my head there is an ideal way, but i think there is also the reality of the world and the pressures it creates.

In an ideal world all Muslims should be united against the oppressor when he commits transgressions against the Muslim. Truth be told all Muslims should be united against all injustices irrespective of whether it occurs to Muslims or Non-Muslims. But at the same time, pursing this policy at a state level isn't realistic.

Actually pursuing this sort of well intentioned policy will nearly always lead to complete ruin.

Muslim majority nations have to develop, this idea that Muslims should always be the technologically inferior side has to end. Palestinian resistance is brave, no doubts about it. But the idea that one side uses f35's and the other hides in tunnels is not a long term solution.

As long Muslims constantly see wars where they are the technologically inferior side, they will always endure hardships, terrible ones at that. For every victory they will endure 10 defeats as long as they remain the technologically inferior side.

I don't see Islam on its own as a strong unifying factor, everywhere we look Muslims undermine each other. When a Muslim raises the question of what's happening to Muslims in the Balkans, Russia, China etc, Muslims are the first to rush to the side of the oppressor.

Islamic identity on its on is not enough, nations/peoples need a strong tribal identity.

When we look at the past and today strong empires/nations nearly always revolved around a strong tribal entity usually based off ethnicity. Even today the strong nations are based on strong national/ethnic conscience.

This tells me that Muslims must first be united among their direct tribe. Raise their own people out of the gutter, then once in a position of ability they can work towards the wider Islamic civilisation.

Just like we see how we will support our direct families before the wider family and then after them friends.

Support your family, then your immediate tribe/nation and after that the wider Muslim world. If our nations are weak, we cannot support the wider world.
“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” -Thucydides.

Only 500 years ago, the Europeans were the weaker powers vis a vi the Muslim empires, and 100 years ago, China was a moth-eaten battlefield. Things can change, and with the positive demographics of the Muslim world, it’s not impossible, with the right reforms and good governance, the Muslim nations can’t be decent contributors to a common prosperity for the world, as they once were.

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