Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes

I suspect 50 years from now people will be arguing that the Palestinians are citizens of Isreal and are free to practice their religion.

Everywhere we seen Muslims be crushed and conquered by non Muslims, we pretty much see most of the Islamic world not only coming to terms with it, but actively defending it.

So any non-Muslim knows, he can crush Muslims eventually they will accept it and support the master, as is the case with Russia.

Proper peasant mindset. Malcolm X would call them the "house n". Rushing to save his masters home from any attack.

It's the other way around because Islam was so successful it spread far and wide everywhere

You have Multiple Muslim majority states across the world, but you have multiple Muslim populations across the world in multiple countries, often minorities

Now if those minorities are targeted, you can try to use influence to try and support them
Or the risk of conflict
Or threat of persecution of minorities in Muslim countries
Ultimately YOU REMEMBER A ENEMY and we have time and numbers to gradually put our populations.ina position that they can defend and preserve themselves
They as other groups are free to practice their religions. They have to conform to Chinese laws and identity.

Great, they are free to practice their faith, that's important

When it comes to identity, if you mean follow laws and understand language and Chinese laws,, sure

But these people are unique and have their own cultural identity that is important to them, at the end of the day they are not han
Great, they are free to practice their faith, that's important

When it comes to identity, if you mean follow laws and understand language and Chinese laws,, sure

But these people are unique and have their own cultural identity that is important to them, at the end of the day they are not han
They are Muslims as far as they are free to practice their religion. Chinese Muslims have to conform to the Chinese national identity as in every other country people there have to conform to their national identity such as being patriotic. Every group in China also has its own unique culture. What China won't tolerate is to create small nations of different groups within the Chinese nation. And outsiders should stop interfering in Chinese affairs.
I suspect 50 years from now people will be arguing that the Palestinians are citizens of Isreal and are free to practice their religion.

Everywhere we seen Muslims be crushed and conquered by non Muslims, we pretty much see most of the Islamic world not only coming to terms with it, but actively defending it.

So any non-Muslim knows, he can crush Muslims eventually they will accept it and support the master, as is the case with Russia.

Proper peasant mindset. Malcolm X would call them the "house n". Rushing to save his masters home from any attack.

I don't think so.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

If during the next 50 years there's a setback, it's because the next generations are less religious compared with today's generation.

It's happening all religions around the world, not just Muslims.

The sign of the End Times.

The only way to save the world is to teach our next generation to be a good person, have high moral value, be compassionate, peaceful, and avoid any conflicts at all cost (because just a small conflict can lead to a big war).

Usually we are soft people, but on this one we should be hard, bold, and firm to our next generation, it's a matter of emergency to save the world.
Using terms like "bend ova" is cringe for me.
Most people are totally cringe man. Anybody watching hendi filumm or erthaghrool drama is cringe to me……😝…..cringe on steroids!
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Why? What is the state of religious freedoms in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc., How many churches, synagogues and temples are in those places? Can the people freely convert to Buddhism, Christianity or Judaism.
Look at the topic of this thread then take your whataboutry somewhere else.
To the Pakistanis commenting here….. be careful what you type here…..our Chinese friends are reading everything.

Thank you🙏
A good friend is always honest and wants only the best for their friends. Criticism is part of that. If we criticise our brothers, sisters, family members its mostly because we care for them. Its the same here.
Have you never seen or met the Hindu *****,, dopiest cringiest mofo's you will ever see

China is not like India

The Chinese political system is harsh and it has shit upon its population, ALL ITS POPULATION, from enforcement one child policy to it's own detriment, to cultural and religious persecution that goes back decades from the cultural revolution
The number one victim has been the general Chinese population

So to a Muslim anywhere in the world when a Muslim is harmed it gets a response, if you can do nothing now, you remember and pay back as soon as you can in the future,, so Jews, Hindus Burmese etc are all hated for good reason

The same goes for China,, EXCEPT when you look at China, they aren't specifically picking on Muslims
Their entire population, culture, multiple religions within China have been absolutely shit upon for ages

Look it up
Temples, Buddhist temples, churches, even han cultural practices the communist party didn't agree with all stamped upon

As a result you can be absolutely infuriated, but have to admit Chinese Muslims are not being singled out like Indian Muslims are

Now Islam has spread amongst a number of Chinese ethnicities and it's in our interest to protect them and it's in Chinas interest not to act stupid to the point where it becomes a enemy for a majority of the world

At the moment the west is eager for Chinas downfall, the Muslim world isnt but that can change it China doesn't grasp that Chinese Muslims have their own identity, culture and they are not Han and never can be

china breaks ugly muslim domes and replaces them with nice looking chinese architecture. i like it, and judging by length of your essay you like it too.

im not reading the rest of that cope

You bend ova for Ijhraheel no? That’s your cringe moment….

Bbba be kherphull….
we openly cooperate with their enemies

its not the same as having chinas nuts your ponjabbi mouth.

"d-don't talk about china"

"y-yes sir china sir"

"here is our port city sir, we will pay for it plus interest sir"

no wonder you all converted.
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Look at the topic of this thread then take your whataboutry somewhere else.
It is not 'whataboutery'. It is 'Glass houses and stones' or 'Sauce for the goose' AKA consistency.
china breaks ugly muslim domes and replaces them with nice looking chinese architecture. i like it, and judging by length of your essay you like it too.

im not reading the rest of that cope

we openly cooperate with their enemies

its not the same as having chinas nuts your ponjabbi mouth.

"d-don't talk about china"

"y-yes sir china sir"

"here is our port city sir, we will pay for it plus interest sir"

no wonder you all converted.

Islamic architecture is superb

China has its authoritarian problems, but it's a equal opportunities offender when it comes to oppression and it's biggest victim right since the cultural revolution has been it's own majority population

The mosque is standing and Chinese Muslims go to pray

China and the Muslim world have cordial relations and it's up to China to be sensible and understand the importance of cultural identity for the Chinese Muslim community

Other then that,, China can be a great ally to the Muslim world and South Asia against mutual enemies like India

India itself is different,, it's communal shit hole with the state supporting general mob violence and chaos and the Indian Muslim population being a massive 200 million plus in need of independence

Conversion was simple,, Islam is great

Hinduism was disgusting to us, worthless, pointless, idol and animal worship steeped in superstition and ignorance and utterly utterly stupid

Dumping Hinduism was the superior choice and one hundreds of millions happily made
I don't buy into all the hype about fasting growing this or that. 6 million jews show you the real power of 1.5 billion Muslims. Part of me feels that the narrative of "fasting growing religion" is partly a Zionist plot to make the westerners perceive Islam as a bigger threat.

There can be 20 billion muslims but if your all divided, all pulling in different directions, all being used by non-Muslim actors, Islamic civilisation won't amount to anything. In fact it will constantly be set against itself, used to ruin itself as can be seen across much of the Muslim world.

Then you got the problem for the most part Muslims don't invent or produce anything of note. Of the 50 Muslim majority nations you got maybe 5 trying to do something technologically.

Also it may very well be the "end times" but you cannot live life like that because you will stagnate and then regress. The rest of the world is rapidly adancing. The USA doesnt say whats the point building a 6th gen fighter jet because its the "end times". Nor does China, Russia or Japan. The Indians don't think what's the point landing on the moon because the end times are coming.

Actually Muslims are self defeatist by believing in the end times are now. Lets say it isnt the end times, well you lost decades maybe hundreds of years because you stopped advancing thinking their was no point.
china breaks ugly muslim domes and replaces them with nice looking chinese architecture. i like it, and judging by length of your essay you like it too.

im not reading the rest of that cope

we openly cooperate with their enemies

its not the same as having chinas nuts your ponjabbi mouth.

"d-don't talk about china"

"y-yes sir china sir"

"here is our port city sir, we will pay for it plus interest sir"

no wonder you all converted.
You talk a lot of BS. China has strategic relations with Muslim countries.
Just because you suffer from inferiority complex and were ruled by others for generations you think everyone is like you ?
As for conversions most people converted due to Sufi missionaries. Otherwise why don’t you explain why Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Ghana, Senegal, and even in China there are millions of Muslim’s when no Islamic army ever invaded those areas ?
People left Hinduism in droves in Bengal and Pakistan because many of our rulers converted themselves, the universality and lack of caste system demonstrated by slaves such as aibak, khilji etc becoming rulers, lack of barbaric practices such as beastiality, temple prostitution, child sacrifices etc
Islamic architecture is superb

China has its authoritarian problems, but it's a equal opportunities offender when it comes to oppression and it's biggest victim right since the cultural revolution has been it's own majority population

The mosque is standing and Chinese Muslims go to pray

China and the Muslim world have cordial relations and it's up to China to be sensible and understand the importance of cultural identity for the Chinese Muslim community

Other then that,, China can be a great ally to the Muslim world and South Asia against mutual enemies like India

India itself is different,, it's communal shit hole with the state supporting general mob violence and chaos and the Indian Muslim population being a massive 200 million plus in need of independence

Conversion was simple,, Islam is great

Hinduism was disgusting to us, worthless, pointless, idol and animal worship steeped in superstition and ignorance and utterly utterly stupid

Dumping Hinduism was the superior choice and one hundreds of millions happily made
Conversion was simple because you bent over. Just like you are doing now.

A history of bending over.

CHina AND the US will break your country and you will welcome it. Payments are due and IMF wants reforms.

I will enjoy watching.
You talk a lot of BS. China has strategic relations with Muslim countries.
Just because you suffer from inferiority complex and were ruled by others for generations you think everyone is like you ?
As for conversions most people converted due to Sufi missionaries. Otherwise why don’t you explain why Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Ghana, Senegal, and even in China there are millions of Muslim’s when no Islamic army ever invaded those areas ?
People left Hinduism in droves in Bengal and Pakistan because many of our rulers converted themselves, the universality and lack of caste system demonstrated by slaves such as aibak, khilji etc becoming rulers, lack of barbaric practices such as beastiality, temple prostitution, child sacrifices etc
stop posting get back to stitching nobody is talking about you lol

you can have relationship with whoever you want okay kang? 1000 years LMAO
I don't buy into all the hype about fasting growing this or that. 6 million jews show you the real power of 1.5 billion Muslims. Part of me feels that the narrative of "fasting growing religion" is partly a Zionist plot to make the westerners perceive Islam as a bigger threat.

There can be 20 billion muslims but if your all divided, all pulling in different directions, all being used by non-Muslim actors, Islamic civilisation won't amount to anything. In fact it will constantly be set against itself, used to ruin itself as can be seen across much of the Muslim world.

Then you got the problem for the most part Muslims don't invent or produce anything of note. Of the 50 Muslim majority nations you got maybe 5 trying to do something technologically.

Also it may very well be the "end times" but you cannot live life like that because you will stagnate and then regress. The rest of the world is rapidly adancing. The USA doesnt say whats the point building a 6th gen fighter jet because its the "end times". Nor does China, Russia or Japan. The Indians don't think what's the point landing on the moon because the end times are coming.

Actually Muslims are self defeatist by believing in the end times are now. Lets say it isnt the end times, well you lost decades maybe hundreds of years because you stopped advancing thinking their was no point.

Times change, cultures go through periods of highs and lows

Weak cultures disappear like incans or Aztecs

Muslims are more numerous then ever, if you exist and live you can always change and improve

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