Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes

China is an ally to Pakistan, and thus to the Muslim world.
aaho, aur itthaan indian aur turkey/ azeri guppu/ global jihadi type log chinese da mazaaq urrande ne. Left n right!
I can see in the comments that money matters for above everything.
The prophet of chinese islam is also a Chinese he is not Arab
A religion can have one prophet but many 'managers'. Even Islam has two main flavors and probably many sub flavors. Chinese Islam is just another variant. For example, there seems to be much difference between Saudi Arabian style and Iranian style Islam. And the Saudi style seems different from the SE Asian (Malaysia/Indonesia) flavors. China is such a large and diverse amalgam of cultures that they deserve their own flavors of all religions. There is little overlap between Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox and many flavors of Protestant Christianity. Nobody fusses over them.
To the Pakistanis commenting here….. be careful what you type here…..our Chinese friends are reading everything.

Thank you🙏
why do you bend over so far for china lol

"b-be careful.."

south asian muslims are the cringiest people to ever exist
Would you say the same if the Indians start dharmi style architecture 'templizing' mosques in India ?
Yes as long as inside the building there are no deities to worship with prayers mats everywhere. Concept of last prophet (PBUH) and oneness of God is practiced no issue. The design of a worshipping place doesn't mean a thing. Islam is a concept based religion that stands solely on what's in the heart and mind of believer.
But since you are from a pagan religion you can't understand that. You tend to attach religion with psychical objects.
Yes as long as inside the building there are no deities to worship with prayers mats everywhere. Concept of last prophet (PBUH) and oneness of God is practiced no issue. The design of a worshipping place doesn't mean a thing. Islam is a concept based religion that stands solely on what's in the heart and mind of believer.
But since you are from a pagan religion you can't understand that. You tend to attach religion with psychical objects.
Idgaf wth a place of worship looks like.. sabka ek unique style hai but.. hindu temples, mosques, churches .. one can usually tell just on first glance ki kis group ka house/place of worship hai

Mosques and Churches, being the most widespread systems around the world.. you can generally tell right away.
There are conflicting interests here, the primary ones are the Chinese Muslims and Chinese people.

The west seems to suddenly become pro Muslim on Chinese Muslims, yet attack Muslims domestically for sport. You have MPs going on Zionist marches one day then the next tears about the plight of Chinese Muslims suffering genocide or cultural destruction.

For the average Muslim where do you stand on this? Confusing one
why do you bend over so far for china lol

"b-be careful.."

south asian muslims are the cringiest people to ever exist

China is not like India

The Chinese political system is harsh and it has shit upon its population, ALL ITS POPULATION, from enforcement one child policy to it's own detriment, to cultural and religious persecution that goes back decades from the cultural revolution
The number one victim has been the general Chinese population

So to a Muslim anywhere in the world when a Muslim is harmed it gets a response, if you can do nothing now, you remember and pay back as soon as you can in the future,, so Jews, Hindus Burmese etc are all hated for good reason

The same goes for China,, EXCEPT when you look at China, they aren't specifically picking on Muslims
Their entire population, culture, multiple religions within China have been absolutely shit upon for ages

Look it up
Temples, Buddhist temples, churches, even han cultural practices the communist party didn't agree with all stamped upon

As a result you can be absolutely infuriated, but have to admit Chinese Muslims are not being singled out like Indian Muslims are

Now Islam has spread amongst a number of Chinese ethnicities and it's in our interest to protect them and it's in Chinas interest not to act stupid to the point where it becomes a enemy for a majority of the world

At the moment the west is eager for Chinas downfall, the Muslim world isnt but that can change it China doesn't grasp that Chinese Muslims have their own identity, culture and they are not Han and never can be
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Have you never seen or met the Hindu *****,, dopiest cringiest mofo's you will ever see

China is not like India

The Chinese political system is harsh and it has shit upon its population, ALL ITS POPULATION, from enforcement one child policy to it's own detriment, to cultural and religious persecution that goes back decades from the cultural revolution
The number one victim has been the general Chinese population

So to a Muslim anywhere in the world when a Muslim is harmed it gets a response, if you can do nothing now, you remember and pay back as soon as you can in the future,, so Jews, Hindus Burmese etc are all hated for good reason

The same goes for China,, EXCEPT when you look at China, they aren't specifically picking on Muslims
Their entire population, culture, multiple religions within China have been absolutely shit upon for ages

Look it up
Temples, Buddhist temples, churches, even han cultural practices the communist party didn't agree with all stamped upon

As a result you can be absolutely infuriated, but have to admit Chinese Muslims are not being singled out like Indian Muslims are

Now Islam has spread amongst a number of Chinese ethnicities and it's in our interest to protect them and it's in Chinas interest not to act stupid to the point where it becomes a enemy for a majority of the world

At the moment the west is eager for Chinas downfall, the Muslim world isnt but that can change it China doesn't grasp that Chinese Muslims have their own identity, culture and they are not Han and never can be
Chinese Muslims are Chinese, not some citizens of your Muslim empire or world.
why do you bend over so far for china lol

"b-be careful.."

south asian muslims are the cringiest people to ever exist
You bend ova for Ijhraheel no? That’s your cringe moment….

Bbba be kherphull….
But they have their own culture and identity, you don't seem to understand or appreciate that
They as other groups are free to practice their religions. They have to conform to Chinese laws and identity.
But they have their own culture and identity, you don't seem to understand or appreciate that
sahi hai wo kaindde na

I suspect 50 years from now people will be arguing that the Palestinians are citizens of Isreal and are free to practice their religion.

Everywhere we seen Muslims be crushed and conquered by non Muslims, we pretty much see most of the Islamic world not only coming to terms with it, but actively defending it.

So any non-Muslim knows, he can crush Muslims eventually they will accept it and support the master, as is the case with Russia.

Proper peasant mindset. Malcolm X would call them the "house n". Rushing to save his masters home from any attack.

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