Learn Why Most Asian Americans Wouldn't Be In America Without Black Civil Rights Work

Bro, a lot of people may not agree with me saying this but even if you bang on about how great your culture and country is, if you go out of your way to please another race and seek their approval it means you have a SEVERE sense of self-loathing and self-hatred that is extremely disturbing. Yes, I have seen this a lot in indian hindu and sikh females who go out of their way to denigrate and insult their own fellow indian men and are supremely proud about wanting to breed and procreate with white men and in some cases even with black men too.

Just reeks of self loathing bro, trying to please others, sadly we do have it among our own as well but no way near. I've seen folks degrade Mirpuris, Pashtuns just to get in the 'good books' of white folk.
Yes that trend of these girls mostly gen Z and some millennials, going on about how great their relationships withe white guys are. What a shambles.
Like what? Do they get quotas in jobs and Universities?
"The minority boost" is imaginary and feelings based thingy, boosts Indians recieved are earned or every other minority must have had an easy life in the US.
Every university, corporate job, government job has a provision for affirmative action in some form.

If you think you are so superior to the very people who had to suffer for this provision then be decent, excuse yourself from it.
Every university, corporate job, government job has a provision for affirmative action in some form.

If you think you are so superior to the very people who had to suffer for this provision then be decent, excuse yourself from it.
There isn't. Education is the key, it doesn't matter where you get educated. A disproportionately higher number of Indians got a college degree so it's easier for them to find a job, I'm talking about second or third generation Indians, the ones born in the US. What's stopping a Vietnamese or Black person to get a college degree using the same affirmative action?! But then you have to look for other problems, familial stories and what not. Indians don't even make up much in numbers, less than 2%.
There isn't. Education is the key, it doesn't matter where you get educated. A disproportionately higher number of Indians got a college degree so it's easier for them to find a job, I'm talking about second or third generation Indians, the ones born in the US. What's stopping a Vietnamese or Black person to get a college degree using the same affirmative action?! But then you have to look for other problems, familial stories and what not. Indians don't even make up much in numbers, less than 2%.

You start by saying affirmative action does not exist, you then talk as if it does exist.

The simple point is affirmative action only exists due to the historical struggles of black Americans.

So people who had no historical struggle at all in the us are able to benefit in the present

This is standard obvious part of usa
Pardon my ignorance but why the hell do these people feel the NEED to be accepted by white europeans and have their approval? Why the hell do they want to be merged into the white european race? Do they hate who they are? Are they disgusted by themselves? What is the reason?
Aaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaa........... :p

There is no hope bhai for Indians. I say it to Doc here that yous just 0.00001% of India's population ruling over 99.9999999999999% of the badbakht and have enslaved them like cattle. Parsi alone own half of India and the other half owned by gujju Ambani, Adani Advani and Nehruites.

And they say its a democracy and what not. :p

India is a total oligarchy.

ایران کو چاہیے کے پارسی کو برین واش کرنے کے بعد انڈینز کی گانڈ مار دے اور ان کو ٹیک اوور کر لے چپ چاپ

ایران چھوٹیا ہے......اس کو سمجھ نہیں آتا کیا کرنا چاہئیے اس وقت

آدھا پیسہ پارسی کے پاس ہے ہندوستان کا

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The usa is a superpower because of white european people. If they become a minority and lose power with non-whites becoming a majority, the americans will cease to be a superpower and will be massively surpassed by the Chinese many times over.

Are you saying the white and Chinese people are the only ones smart enough to become superpowers?
These Indian brahmins migrated to USA as doctors, engineers etc from British laid school system. They started as middle class Americans from get go.

Problem is USA doesnt have caste system and these Indians will never be accepted as white Americans no matter how much they insult blacks.

Well at $150K they aren't exactly crying in their nice homes and cars either...
Are you saying the white and Chinese people are the only ones smart enough to become superpowers?

Name me another group apart from the 2 above who have shown strong evidence in the last 50 years of being able to become a superpower?
Aaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaa........... :p

There is no hope bhai for Indians. I say it to Doc here that yous just 0.00001% of India's population ruling over 99.9999999999999% of the badbakht and have enslaved them like cattle. Parsi alone own half of India and the other half owned by gujju Ambani, Adani Advani and Nehruites.

And they say its a democracy and what not. :p

India is a total oligarchy.

ایران کو چاہیے کے پارسی کو برین واش کرنے کے بعد انڈینز کی گانڈ مار دے اور ان کو ٹیک اوور کر لے چپ چاپ

ایران چھوٹیا ہے......اس کو سمجھ نہیں آتا کیا کرنا چاہئیے اس وقت

آدھا پیسہ پارسی کے پاس ہے ہندوستان کا


Yes but that does not explain the utter self-loathing, self-hatred and zealous obsession to be accepted and approved by white people. Not to mention the obsession to be merged with the white european races. Why is that?
Yes but that does not explain the utter self-loathing, self-hatred and zealous obsession to be accepted and approved by white people. Not to mention the obsession to be merged with the white european races. Why is that?

In my experience it is the exact opposite.

Amongst South Asians, Indians are the most likely to be proud of Indian heritage and Indian culture, followed by Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis. Pakistanis are towards the bottom.

You can see it on this very forum. There are any number of Pakistani-Americans who cynically mock Pakistan and Muslims at every opportunity, and who defend almost everything the US does. They even defend what Israel does in a desperate bid to 'act white'.

Compare that to Indians on this forum and you will find hardly any Indians who behave that way about India or Hindu interests.
In my experience it is the exact opposite.

Amongst South Asians, Indians are the most likely to be proud of Indian heritage and Indian culture, followed by Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis. Pakistanis are towards the bottom.

You can see it on this very forum. There are any number of Pakistani-Americans who cynically mock Pakistan and Muslims at every opportunity, and who defend almost everything the US does. They even defend what Israel does in a desperate bid to 'act white'.

Compare that to Indians on this forum and you will find hardly any Indians who behave that way about India or Hindu interests.

My experience here in the UK is the EXACT opposite. In fact, in the UK many right-wing politicians and political commentators always complain about how UK Pakistanis stick to their own culture, religion and heritage too strongly compared to other ethnic minorities. That we do not assimilate in to white english culture like other ethnic minorities do. Even in the recent uk race riots, it was UK Pakistanis who absolutely battered, destroyed, thrashed and humiliated the white racists. In australia, perhaps things are different as the Pakistani community there is nowhere near as strong and established as the UK Pakistani community.
My experience here in the UK is the EXACT opposite. In fact, in the UK many right-wing politicians and political commentators always complain about how UK Pakistanis stick to their own culture, religion and heritage too strongly compared to other ethnic minorities. That we do not assimilate in to white english culture like other ethnic minorities do. Even in the recent uk race riots, it was UK Pakistanis who absolutely battered, destroyed, thrashed and humiliated the white racists. In australia, perhaps things are different as the Pakistani community there is nowhere near as strong and established as the UK Pakistani community.

I was talking more about what I saw in the US but there are three main aspects to integration:
  1. Integration in schools
  2. Integration in the workplace
  3. Integration in housing
#1 is non-negotiable: many Muslim parents want their kids, especially the daughters,, to go to an Islamic school and the racists should be ignored. Many Catholics go to Catholic schools and nobody makes a big fuss about it. Indians typically go to regular schools, so they are seen as better integrated.

#2 is something where Pakistanis (and Muslims in general) can improve a lot. Aiming for more professional, high paying fields will lift their integration profile along with their incomes and political power. Many Turks in Germany still live in ghettos and make their living from kebab shops and car repair shops even after generations. That's just sad.

#3 is related to #1 and #2. People usually want to live close to their kids' schools, which usually means a Muslim neighborhood, but they also want to live in the best neighborhood they can afford, which comes with higher paying jobs.
I was talking more about what I saw in the US but there are three main aspects to integration:
  1. Integration in schools
  2. Integration in the workplace
  3. Integration in housing
#1 is non-negotiable: many Muslim parents want their kids, especially the daughters,, to go to an Islamic school and the racists should be ignored. Many Catholics go to Catholic schools and nobody makes a big fuss about it. Indians typically go to regular schools, so they are seen as better integrated.

#2 is something where Pakistanis (and Muslims in general) can improve a lot. Aiming for more professional, high paying fields will lift their integration profile along with their incomes and political power. Many Turks in Germany still live in ghettos and make their living from kebab shops and car repair shops even after generations. That's just sad.

#3 is related to #1 and #2. People usually want to live close to their kids' schools, which usually means a Muslim neighborhood, but they also want to live in the best neighborhood they can afford, which comes with higher paying jobs.

Full 100% agreement with number 2.
Also, Muslim children/youngsters need to learn martial arts/mma so we can better protect ourselves from racists. We need to be the best we can be.
What's the decent thing to do?

Do Indians not benefit from the minority benefits created by and for Black's?

At work? University? Personal minority narrative?

They obviously do, they benefit from the minority boost
The decent thing to do is obviously acknowledge the struggle the black community has been through, and how this struggle has pawed the way for everyone else. Acknowledge that the issues faced by blacks are not necessarily faced by new immigrants. And obviously, do not throw the black population under the bus, be a little grateful.

All in all I agree with the black dude.
The decent thing to do is obviously acknowledge the struggle the black community has been through, and how this struggle has pawed the way for everyone else. Acknowledge that the issues faced by blacks are not necessarily faced by new immigrants. And obviously, do not throw the black population under the bus, be a little grateful.

All in all I agree with the black dude.
Or atleast not mock them, whilst simultaneously earn some indirect benefit

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