Lebanon | Military Capabilities

200 rockets and 20 drones to kill 1 person is a bad ratio of success.

So if Hezbollah launch all they have against Israel, they would achieve less casualties than Hamas in Oct 7 attacks.
who said they tried to kill people? they fired mostly at evacuated settlements. 200 cheap grad rockets to deplete Iron Dome, cause large fires, cause insecurity and panic and disturb Israeli lives, damage buildings, and liquidate a company commander is not bad. Hamas killed people in land invasion not from rockets. if Israel launches ground invasion of Lebanon it will be easier to liquidate them. don't pollute this thread with political theories.
February 1999: Hezbollah ambushes IDF base, liquidates 3 IDF terrorists and captures their equipment

(24 Feb 1999) Arabic/Nat

Hezbollah fighters involved in an ambush that killed three Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon have paraded Israeli army weapons captured during the gun battle.

At a secret location close to the frontline position of Berkit Jabour, the Hezbollah fighters described how they attacked the elite Israeli commando unit.

Reporters were taken by Hezbollah on Tuesday to a mountain cave less than five kilometres (three miles) from Berkit Jabour. Inside the cave - which serves as a base near the battlefront - fighters involved in the ambush showed reporters guns, communication equipment and clothing captured from the Israeli soldiers.One fighter - who identified himself only as commander of the guerrilla squad - showed off a captured Israeli assault rifle, a military wireless radio, a black facial mask and a blood-soaked soldier's shirt torn by bullets.

The commander, in his mid-20s, had his left cheek covered with a blood-stained bandage - an apparent shrapnel cut sustained in battle.

He and about half a dozen guerrillas, carrying assault rifles, had covered their faces with dirt camouflage to conceal their identities. The elated guerrilla commander explained on a map how his fighters ambushed the Israelis.


Here’s What We Know About Hezbollah’s Elite Unit, Radwan Force​


Hezbollah Readies Elite Radwan Unit To Take On IDF, Flexes Military Prowess​

The Radwan Force, previously a relatively unknown Hezbollah military unit, has gained renewed attention in recent months.

Israel demanded that the elite unit withdraw more than 30 kilometers from the Lebanese-Israeli border, and threatened to remove it by force if Hezbollah did not do so voluntarily.

Rumors spread about the unit's deployment to the Syrian Golan Heights, and analysts said that this deployment might open a new front with Israel.

But military unity is not new.


The special forces unit is trained to conduct small raids in Israel, and has been in existence since at least 2006, when it carried out the capture of Israeli soldiers – the catalyst for the July 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah.


Meanwhile, the New York Times said in its report that Radwan took the lead in Hezbollah's long-running conflict with Israel, and in cross-border attacks that escalated in the months when Israel and Hamas were at war.

Israeli military analysts say that Radwan is adopting the mission of occupying the Galilee region in northern Israel.

“The Radwan Force is committed to repeating in the north what happened on October 7 in southern Israel,” Tamir Hayman, a retired general who led Israeli military intelligence until 2021, said in an interview.

“For this very reason, it is unacceptable for Israel to allow its fighters to remain in the border area.”

Israeli military intelligence estimates that during wartime, Radwan units will be assigned to cross-border raids, aimed at attacking civilian settlements and taking hostages.

The former commander of Israeli forces in the north facing Lebanon said that Hezbollah has expanded its offensive capabilities.

Local Israeli media quoted General Shlomi Bender as saying that there is a need for constant vigilance on the northern front, as the army cannot rely solely on intelligence information to know about its opponent’s possible sudden movements.

He said that in recent years, Hezbollah has moved its special forces known as the Radwan Unit to the Israeli border region and expanded its firepower, with a greater ability to conduct major offensive operations.
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Hezbollah reveals "Imad Mughniyeh-4" underground missile base ("our mountains are our treasures" video)

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 09.26.13.pngScreenshot 2024-08-16 at 09.26.19.pngScreenshot 2024-08-16 at 09.26.24.pngScreenshot 2024-08-16 at 09.26.31.pngScreenshot 2024-08-16 at 09.26.36.pngScreenshot 2024-08-16 at 09.26.47.png
impressive concealment, i hope that firing positions are not close to the facility itself, otherwise it could be crippled after initial barrage.
video shows some kind of pulley system at 3.10 of the video

indicating the storage areas are far below and away from the launch areas. also shows the facility is huge, with 10+ large trucks passing through (I counted 11) one area and multiple motorbikes driving through likely kilometres of passages

this is also base number 4, so there are at least 4 of these bases
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video shows some kind of pulley system at 3.10 of the video

indicating the storage areas are far below and away from the launch areas. also shows the facility is huge, with 10+ large trucks passing through one area and multiple motorbikes driving through likely kilometres of passages

this is also base number 4, so there are at least 4 of these bases
probably, the planners are smarter then me and ensured what is within technical capacity to provide second, third, fourth...etc strike options.
Hezbollah surprises everyone with an underground city


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