Mehdi Hassan strikes again : After kicking Noonie spokeswoman Ms Hina Butt to the moon

I remember once you called yourself a poodle, which you indeed are. An ignorant poodle, that is.

So, what that liar charsi khota says in his interview from prison with Mehdi? That he is confined to a death cell. Isn’t it a lie, a blatant lie, by a habitual liar, the liar charsi khota?

Yes, his filthy poodles will blindly support his lies. Enjoy his lies. A fly likes to live on shit.

AI bot? Cant make any sense of the dribbles.

@Musings yeh kia shay hai? Does it look normal to you?
So, what that liar charsi khota says in his interview from prison with Mehdi? That he is confined to a death cell. Isn’t it a lie, a blatant lie, by a habitual liar, the liar charsi khota?

you again missing the point,,

why is he in jail?..

all cases against have been dismissed by the courts

can you a military tout like you explain that?.. keep in mind even the UN bodies have stated that this is a illegal imprisonment

PS how is Khan getting drugs in jail?.. are soldiers guarding him incompetent or corrupt?.. like the organization they represent?
AI bot? Cant make any sense of the dribbles.

a combination of low grade schooling and donkey naan has made him the dodo he is today.... no one ever accused noonies as being intelligent.
I remember once you called yourself a poodle, which you indeed are. An ignorant poodle, that is.

coming from you that is funny....

so tell us about Maryum Nawaz properties.....
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coming from you that is funny....

so tell us about Maryum Nawaz properties.....
Such filth is always expected from a filthy youther.

You have no brain to argue in a logical manner.

A filth is always a filth. Now go back to your hide-out, a gutter.

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