Military retired officers getting civilians jobs

care to elaborate?
if are the same cookie monster from old forum and if i remeber correctly you were never a **** defending such allocation of jobs to faujis!
if are the same cookie monster from old forum and if i remeber correctly you were never a **** defending such allocation of jobs to faujis!
U misunderstood then. I’m not defending an allocation to faujis specifically. I’m not saying that these jobs should be reserved for them and civilians be turned away…
…this would be equally as wrong as giving these jobs strictly to civilians and turning away veterans(which is kind of what I’m saying)…

But to be very specific…what I am saying is any job can be done by anyone who is qualified for it(as in merit based)…it’s fine if they happen to be veterans…or civilians…so long the job is properly “earned”(whether through the right education or through experience or both). I’ll paste below what I originally said for u to read again(perhaps u will understand it better this time).

“There’s nothing wrong with hiring veterans…provided that they are competent and not just being handed the job under any preferential treatment.“
U misunderstood then. I’m not defending an allocation to faujis specifically. I’m not saying that these jobs should be reserved for them and civilians be turned away…
…this would be equally as wrong as giving these jobs strictly to civilians and turning away veterans(which is kind of what I’m saying)…

But to be very specific…what I am saying is any job can be done by anyone who is qualified for it(as in merit based)…it’s fine if they happen to be veterans…or civilians…so long the job is properly “earned”(whether through the right education or through experience or both). I’ll paste below what I originally said for u to read again(perhaps u will understand it better this time).

“There’s nothing wrong with hiring veterans…provided that they are competent and not just being handed the job under any preferential treatment.“
in Faujistan wardi is a sign of competence and these jobs will be handed to any idiot wearing khaki! your argument is valid where merit is valued more than wardi!
in Faujistan wardi is a sign of competence and these jobs will be handed to any idiot wearing khaki! your argument is valid where merit is valued more than wardi!
I never argued to be in favor of handing out jobs based on preferential treatment(there are plenty of civilians in Pakistan as well who have gotten jobs due to sifaarish). This is not the point.

The point I’m making is that just bcuz someone served in the military…there shouldn’t be any stigma or discriminatory behavior towards them during the hiring process…hiring process should evaluate a candidate based on merit and not their influence or sifaarish or family connections.
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I am not sure what can be a good title. However, I am just making this thread to emphasize that the Amry doesn't use just 6% of our budget.
I am not going to defend this practice - but the role of Monitoring and Evaluation "Intelligence" it is only fair that people with an Intelligence background be recruited - this is because of the required security clearance and also knowledge of being able to interface with the intelligence services apparatus in Pakistan.

The US and the UK also advertise jobs that require people to either be ex-military or have specific courses/security clearance that is simply impossible for anyone outside those special circles to obtain.

But having said this, I personally am totally against this practice of prioritizing "ex-military" folk for roles that can easily be fulfilled by someone with a BA or MBA. Some examples below:


Now tell me, how are graduates and talent with MBA who are lowly civilians meant to compete when they are automatically barred from application because they are not part of a "special club".
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@RescueRanger I am not debating anything. Just saying, tehy are getting the jobs in civilian's sectors.
I agree with what @RescueRanger just said, but in Nadra's case there have been serious issues, which warrant someone close to the military.

I have no idea who this gent is, but I'm actually surprised that a 3star is being appointed in this position.
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@RescueRanger I am not debating anything. Just saying, tehy are getting the jobs in civilian's sectors.
Nahi Nahi brother, you are entirely allowed an opinion and I can see why you are angry. But on this occasion they need specialists in Nadra because there are a number of problems that need rooting out, for that you need people who can interface with the military.

Overall I am completely in agreement with you, this practice of "officer" and "retd ex-forces" quota needs to end, there are plenty of sarkari support mechanisms for ex-forces which civi's don't have access to and this only breeds resentment.
Nahi Nahi brother, you are entirely allowed an opinion and I can see why you are angry. But on this occasion they need specialists in Nadra because there are a number of problems that need rooting out, for that you need people who can interface with the military.

Overall I am completely in agreement with you, this practice of "officer" and "retd ex-forces" quota needs to end, there are plenty of sarkari support mechanisms for ex-forces which civi's don't have access to and this only breeds resentment.
By all that holy, I was not angry when I commented that. As I didn't dig deeper into that, so I just kept spreading the news without my own analysis/opinion. The OP comment also stated somewhat that.

The desired quota is apart from the existing 10% quota for officers of the armed forces​

Don't get me wrong, I am all up for letting relevant professionals do their work but criticising a proposal for war wounded veterans to get prefential treatment is unfair imho. These dudes, mostly in their 20s or 30s are missing limbs or suffering from physically debilitating injuries just because they fought for their country, are entitled to be gainfully employed. This is the least the state and nation is indebted to do. What does anyone expect, that these guys be left high and dry and start begging at intersections?
Don't get me wrong, I am all up for letting relevant professionals do their work but criticising a proposal for war wounded veterans to get prefential treatment is unfair imho. These dudes, mostly in their 20s pr 30s are missing limbs or suffering from physically debilitating injuries just because they fought for their country, are entitled to be gainfully employed. This is the least the state and nation is indebted to do. What does anyone expect, that these guys be left high and dry and start begging at intersections?
All fair but then the Military mustn't claim they just take 6% of the Budget. They should acknowledge this, be open and carry on.
All fair but then the Military mustn't claim they just take 6% of the Budget. They should acknowledge this, be open and carry on.
I don't think the budget has anything to do with wounded army lads being employed and its not like its hush hush, the proposal did appear in the news afterall. I don't mean it as a blanket statement but my only point is that anyone who has gotten shot up or blown up for his country is obligated to be taken care of by the state. Veterans, wounded more so, even in the west are prefentially employed by the state particularly in the security apparatus or even the corporate sector.
I don't think the budget has anything to do with wounded army lads being employed and its not like its hush hush, the proposal did appear in the news afterall. I don't mean it as a blanket statement but my only point is that anyone who has gotten shot up or blown up for his country is obligated to be taken care of by the state. Veterans, wounded more so, even in the west are prefentially employed by the state particularly in the security apparatus or even the corporate sector.
I already said it is fair. Just military should acknowledge that across its statement whenever it makes a statement. It is good that there is news and an official request was made.

Otherwise, it says it serves the country with a minimal portion of GDP. Like, it doesn't consider the pension of retired officers as military spending but federal. Surprisingly, it doesn't consider retired officers as civilians when comes to jobs, CMH treatments, or when summoned, etc.
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Don't get me wrong, I am all up for letting relevant professionals do their work but criticising a proposal for war wounded veterans to get prefential treatment is unfair imho. These dudes, mostly in their 20s or 30s are missing limbs or suffering from physically debilitating injuries just because they fought for their country, are entitled to be gainfully employed. This is the least the state and nation is indebted to do. What does anyone expect, that these guys be left high and dry and start begging at intersections?
not being insensitive but they are rewarded fpr their service they get all the perks and privileges for losing their body parts! dha plots etc

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