Military retired officers getting civilians jobs

Specifically Colonel Sahibs and up, that's where all the rot is. The nest of Dajjal. Pot bellied, knock kneed duffers.
True but I agree it starts with the captain..they are trained how everyone is beneath you...
Officers is the issue in this country's going to go downhill from here... civil war is less likely given one dominant population but still a possibility if things are messed up in kpk
Balochistan civil war is going on for decades and will continue to wage slowly
True but I agree it starts with the captain..they are trained how everyone is beneath you...
Officers is the issue in this country's going to go downhill from here... civil war is less likely given one dominant population but still a possibility if things are messed up in kpk
Balochistan civil war is going on for decades and will continue to wage slowly
Yes no doubt the culture of entitlement and class superiority starts with Captain and it is a huge problem in itself, but the vast majority at the lower officer ranks still value service to the motherland until they realize the schemes and scams that can enrich them, which usually starts around Colonel rank. Merit and talent pushes you up to Lt. Colonel but after that if you aren't a bootlicker you don't go up the ladder.

The US did not become a super power without a civil war and liquidating their troglodyte duffers who carried themselves the same way as our martial ruling class. I can name a dozen other examples from history.

Fittay mun. So, what kind of leadership role he had in his past experience that he was made a chairman?

Just last year, not since 76 years.

And then the military gives back, been paying taxes since 76 years or so which Pakistanis haven't. Now with new projects undertaken by military that tax bracket has enhanced multifold.
kakul economy loot everything give someback and brag about it!
View attachment 21987

I am not sure what can be a good title. However, I am just making this thread to emphasize that the Amry doesn't use just 6% of our budget.
and no educated youths are for this jobs?

Until these useless dotards are removed, nothing will change.... another pifraoon colonials pet dogs
I think every country has placement services for retired military personnel. :coffee:
I got no issues with military retired officers getting civilian jobs.
I don't like the army in its current form and how they stole public mandate.
But military retired officers still got a lifetime of management experience and a higher integrity "bilaady civvies".
They usually aren't installed there by a political party. Most of civilian high ranking officers are just that. Pawns of a certain political party.
What do you mean?
I meant even polictis? or there is line. Otherwise, a perfect recipe to remain in power, especially if a PM is a dummy.
I got no issues with military retired officers getting civilian jobs.
I don't like the army in its current form and how they stole public mandate.
But military retired officers still got a lifetime of management experience and a higher integrity "bilaady civvies".
They usually aren't installed there by a political party. Most of civilian high ranking officers are just that. Pawns of a certain political party.
bro.. what experiencee that Capt has?
Thing is , someone who retired as a captain and couldn't progress, or left , is lame and a Lallu panjoo.
Why would such a person be appointed to such an important position?
Not much news in that article. The name suggests he is not a relative to Asim or is incomplete. Or related to PMLN etc. Other than that, after FSc and then 3-4 years in the Army cannot make anyone a leader, skilful, etc to lead a Pan-Pak industry.

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