Myanmar’ Rakhine State is likely going to become Independent very soon!!!!

Very Good News for India

This will give us enormous leverage , should things with Bangladesh go Bad and Downhill

They are Buddhists

we can help Them with Money and weapons

Do you know who made them Budhists?

Lets just say it wasnt someone from the cow belt or gujarat…..
Do you know who made them Budhists?

Lets just say it wasnt someone from the cow belt or gujarat…..
Arakan army is part of the three brotherhood alliance alongside MNDAA and TNLA. They are all supplied by the United Wa states army.
Arakan army,TNLA and Mndaa are all considered terrorist groups by the junta lol cause they were the most successful against the government forces. MNdaa is basically Chinese Burmese kokang militia.
Arakan army is part of the three brotherhood alliance alongside MNDAA and TNLA. They are all supplied by the United Wa states army.


It was our indian friend here who proposed the Biddhist independent Arakan be used to balance Bangladesh.

How did the Arakanese and Burmese become buddhist is the question then
The Christian groups control kayah state bordering Thailand.

It was our indian friend here who proposed the Biddhist independent Arakan be used to balance Bangladesh.

How did the Arakanese and Burmese become buddhist is the question then
They are Chinese backed militia indirectly funded by United Wa State army the largest rebel group in the country. The situation in Myanmar is complicated. The majority barmar population regions are still in control of the junta and the terrain fits them more than those hilly places in the north.
Good for BD ultimately.

We need to split the savages up next door and in time BD can gobble up the north of this province, to both repatriate the Rohingya and then also make the land a protectorate of BD.
The reason muse is still in control of the junta is because Chinese told them to stop fighting lol cause they don't want refugees flooding into china.
Good for BD ultimately.

We need to split the savages up next door and in time BD can gobble up the north of this province, to both repatriate the Rohingya and then also make the land a protectorate of BD.
The rohinyas need to form their own militia because pretty much every group is trying to carve up their own piece of the pie.
The rohinyas need to form their own militia because pretty much every group is trying to carve up their own piece of the pie.

When the time is right, BD can arm and train the Rohingya to take back their territory.

BD special forces, artillery and air strikes can help them rout these new savages down to the south of the province.

Excellent things are happening in "savage land" down south!
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Does China back the Arakan army (I know not publicly, but does it secretly)?
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Does China back the Arakan army (I know not publicly, but does it secretly)?
Not as much as the Mndaa or TNLA since china main concern is in the Shan state border region to China yunnan province. Rakhine state is still very strategic for china because of ports and many investment there so china will deal with whoever is in charge regardless of junta or AA.china will not allow India to make in road in rakhine state so it makes sense to support arakan army since they have more power than the junta.
I am assuming China backs the junta. The rebels are western alliagned, their shadow government is operating in the west but as some members are saying its complicated, too many rebels groups. China/Russia sells military equipment to the junta, Jf17s, su30s etc.

Not really only the Christian groups are western aligned but they don't really pose that much of a threat to China interest. China doesn't want to see the collapse of the junta because all they want is stability so china can continue pouring in investment to achieve its goal. The rebels groups still have to listen to China warning or else china can cut off electricity and power in those regions. That's why they don't attack muse the only city left under control of the junta in northern Shan state.right now United Wa State army is the biggest player in Shan area. They pretty much allied themselves with all the rebel groups except Rcss and the Christians in kayah state. Rcss is also formerly known as mongtai army led by Khun sa the biggest drug lord in the golden triangle back then.
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