Myanmar’ Rakhine State likely going to become Independent very soon

Being part of p5 has nothing to do with it. China just doesn't want to interfere in other countries business and they see how costly it's for the United states misadventures but as u said china still wield it's influence around in Myanmar and many other places.its just normal being a great power. The leaders today are more wise and just want to do business but I say Mao was better at dealing with foreign forces and make their lives a living hell just ask the Soviet in Afghanistan. Chinese weapons were flowing there through xinjiang in mass and US involvement in Vietnam.
Ik china has a non interference policy im just giving hypothetical scenario that China can use in times of conflict and it has nothing to do with china policy now.
I have a personal opinion, and it's just my own.
Analyze history. China has used force to conquer many places during its historical power, including the Indo-China Peninsula and the Korean Peninsula. However, most of the time these areas were highly autonomous. These regions were also the first to rebel whenever there was some problem within the Chinese court.
So, analyzing from the perspective of geostrategy. It is in China's best interest that these regions are always in a state of multiple power struggles. China can make full use of these power struggles to ensure the maximization of its own interests. However, if there is any possibility of unification, China is bound to intervene forcefully. The Korean War and the Sino-Vietnamese War were both based on this theory.
I have a personal opinion, and it's just my own.
Analyze history. China has used force to conquer many places during its historical power, including the Indo-China Peninsula and the Korean Peninsula. However, most of the time these areas were highly autonomous. These regions were also the first to rebel whenever there was some problem within the Chinese court.
So, analyzing from the perspective of geostrategy. It is in China's best interest that these regions are always in a state of multiple power struggles. China can make full use of these power struggles to ensure the maximization of its own interests. However, if there is any possibility of unification, China is bound to intervene forcefully. The Korean War and the Sino-Vietnamese War were both based on this theory.
Yes my theory about china using Myanmar airspace is based off a blockade of Malacca strait it's when china is being forced. Non interference can only last for as long.I don't think china will involve itself in foreign wars only war of survival or places close to home. But china does play a proxy war in Myanmar rn just not directly. Not only to punish the junta but keep tab of the US backed rebel groups.u always want your own to hold majority advantage so when the worst comes u whoop their azz back into shape.
Now do they believe in Karma ? It is all started after they run amok toward Muslim Rohingya....
Karma is a Hindu concept. If anyone believes in karma, he is a Hindu.
Karma is a Hindu concept. If anyone believes in karma, he is a Hindu.

No, it isn't. Only the name is.

'What goes around comes around' is a notion that developed in multiple cultures and languages independent of each others.
Being part of p5 has nothing to do with it. China just doesn't want to interfere in other countries business and they see how costly it's for the United states misadventures but as u said china still wield it's influence around in Myanmar and many other places.its just normal being a great power. The leaders today are more wise and just want to do business but I say Mao was better at dealing with foreign forces and make their lives a living hell just ask the Soviet in Afghanistan. Chinese weapons were flowing there through xinjiang in mass and US involvement in Vietnam.
All those Chinese weapons were imported from mainly Egypt and Pakistan by the CIA and supplied to the afghans via Pakistan CIA.
Chinese weapons were flowing there through xinjiang in mass and US involvement in Vietnam.
You don't seem to be aware of China's arms control measures.
China has the strictest arms restrictions in the world. The vast majority of Chinese people have never touched a firearm in their lives. I am a military fan. I shot 5 rounds in a militia training exercise 30 years ago. I have played with firearms many times outside of China.
In China, you go to jail for owning replica guns. Anyone who may have gun manufacturing capabilities has a record with the police department. I have knowledge of mechanical engineering and explosives and these skills are recorded in the police department files.

There are many light weapons workshops in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and manufacturing light weapons is very easy for them.

So, your assumption that Chinese light weapons are entering Afghanistan through Xinjiang is complete nonsense. China has not opened the Wakhan Corridor so far because it is worried about the flow of extremist ideas and weapons from Afghanistan into Xinjiang, China. How can China send weapons to Afghanistan through Xinjiang!
All those Chinese weapons were imported from mainly Egypt and Pakistan by the CIA and supplied to the afghans via Pakistan CIA.
China provided the mujahideen with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons during the Soviet-Afghan war, including anti-aircraft missiles, rocket launchers, and machine guns. China also trained the mujahideen, moving their training camps from Pakistan to China. Chinese military advisors and troops were present with the mujahideen during training.
The United states was the largest supplier to the Afghan taliban. US total aid was 3 billion in tax payer money.
You don't seem to be aware of China's arms control measures.
China has the strictest arms restrictions in the world. The vast majority of Chinese people have never touched a firearm in their lives. I am a military fan. I shot 5 rounds in a militia training exercise 30 years ago. I have played with firearms many times outside of China.
In China, you go to jail for owning replica guns. Anyone who may have gun manufacturing capabilities has a record with the police department. I have knowledge of mechanical engineering and explosives and these skills are recorded in the police department files.

There are many light weapons workshops in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and manufacturing light weapons is very easy for them.

So, your assumption that Chinese light weapons are entering Afghanistan through Xinjiang is complete nonsense. China has not opened the Wakhan Corridor so far because it is worried about the flow of extremist ideas and weapons from Afghanistan into Xinjiang, China. How can China send weapons to Afghanistan through Xinjiang!
Man u are talking none sense again we are talking about during Soviet Afghan war not the china today. Why can't u understand better lol u know china had a border conflict with the Soviets right. Do you even learn history about sino Soviet split dam Dude
China provided the mujahideen with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons during the Soviet-Afghan war, including anti-aircraft missiles, rocket launchers, and machine guns. China also trained the mujahideen, moving their training camps from Pakistan to China. Chinese military advisors and troops were present with the mujahideen during training.
The United states was the largest supplier to the Afghan taliban. US total aid was 3 billion in tax payer money.
We're at 2024.
Karma is a Hindu concept. If anyone believes in karma, he is a Hindu.

Budist belieft system centered on Karma. This is why I need to ask to Burmese as they are devoted Budish
China provided approximately three-quarters of the total military aid given to North Vietnam from 1949, with the Soviets providing the rest. China's aid included weapons, ammunition, trucks, tanks, artillery, and more.
Economic aid
China's economic aid to North Vietnam was estimated at $20 billion between 1950 and 1970.
Anyone who thinks the Viet Minh can win without china is foolish remember it was china that the Americans dared not to cross 13th parallel instead resort to indiscriminate bombing like what the Israelis have done but Viet Minh were much smarter and more powerful.they already beat the French at the time so they had lots of experience fighting guerilla warfare. What's funny is Vietnam ended up siding with the Soviets. without china, Americans would've won cause their troops would be landing in hanoi instead they can only fight a defensive war.history is one funny lesson. China already had over 1.5 million troops at Soviet border lol while also have to maintain present near tibet and other places during the cold war.
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Now do they believe in Karma ? It is all started after they run amok toward Muslim Rohingya....
Actually it is the Arakan that ran amok towards Muslim Rohingya. And they are the ones winning today. So talking of Karma would be wrong in this case.
Budist belieft system centered on Karma. This is why I need to ask to Burmese as they are devoted Budish
You are right. Karma is central to the Buddhist religion.
I don't know how Buddhist Muslim divide come about but they don't seem to have any cooperation against the junta. AA recruits were first trained by KIA in kachin state in 2009 with the hope to create a home land for arakan people.

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