‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

BD members should not think that China would be some saviour.

Turning away from India would make BD even more dependent on China and they would take advantage for sure.

At this moment BD economy is not great(Covid-19 and Ukraine war mainly with some mismanagement and looting of course) so the focus must be on getting the data 100% reliable and also political and institutional reforms to put in place the ingredients to kickstart the economy again.

BD now has good infrastructure on a macro-scale but needs to utilise this to grow its economy.

India is not reliable partner for infrastructure development and so most of the burden will fall on the Chinese and Japanese here. However BD needs to look at the medium to long-term and maintain amicable relations with India order to carry on its India-China-US balancing act.

This "India influence" obsession needs to stop in order for BD to move on. As was recently demonstrated, India has next to no influence on who governs BD. It never did in the past and won't do in the future.
India is not reliable partner for infrastructure development and so most of the burden will fall on the Chinese and Japanese here. However BD needs to look at the medium to long-term and maintain amicable relations with India order to carry on its India-China-US balancing act.
Apart from this passage, that is correct only in a specific crony capitalist context today, and would not apply to the real performers within the Indian engineering industry, I really liked your note.

Thanks for the balance.
If the source of your 2x increase in real terms is from Hasina administration, then there is no reason for anyone to believe that.

In the coming days, we will see the history of economic data fudging come to light. We will then have a discussion.

You simply won't give up when the data is crystal clear that living standards for the poorest like garment workers have doubled at least.

OK, let us simplify this even further.

Salary in TK has risen 6 times from 2009-2024.

Now tell me a single basic necessity like rent, transportation, rice etc. that has risen by more than 3 times in the last 15 years?

Yes Hasina was not perfect and the economy was struggling ever since Covid-19 struck but the living standards of all BD'shis rose significantly during her reign.
Apart from this passage, that is correct only in a specific crony capitalist context today, and would not apply to the real performers within the Indian engineering industry, I really liked your note.

Thanks for the balance.

I should have been clearer that I was referring to the macro-scale and not individual projects that Indian private industry is well capable of helping BD with and has already demonstrated.

As a side note, BD owes India around 1 billion US dollars in unpaid energy bills and India is still being patient and not cutting the supply off. Payra power plant had to be shut down over the last year as Indonesia cut the coal after 4 months of not being paid.

India has demonstrated goodwill to BD when its forex reserves have been low and hope that BD appreciates this.
As a side note, BD owes India around 1 billion US dollars in unpaid energy bills and India is still being patient and not cutting the supply off.
It hurts all decent Indians to read this; someday, some time, a properly set up government of India will, I sincerely hope, apologise to Bangladesh for the scam. For further details, contact Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, whose career has been smashed under a road-roller due to his exposure of an Indian business house that depends on trickery for its head to reach the levels of the world's richest individuals.

Yes keep banking
Indian state hasn't disappointed me yet. Slowly China is reclaiming its territory and modis GoI will not acknowledge this. But, testimony of local villagers says otherwise... 😆
we will wait till the time BD students destabilize your new Govt
You know that current government was installed by the revolutionary students right?
as well and ruin BD further.... Im sure BD students will not disappoint me...
Lets see...
It will be a project paid by Bangladeshi tax payers. you can either directly fund it or borrow a loan from China and pay it back
For river management noobs like us. Chinese loan and expertise is the best option. If we can negotiate a good deal...
Apart from this passage, that is correct only in a specific crony capitalist context today, and would not apply to the real performers within the Indian engineering industry, I really liked your note.

Thanks for the balance.
So a communist India will be a more reliable competent partner for infra development??
You are really delusional! :ROFLMAO:

India's first and foremost issue is that of competence. Fix that and then talk about this ism and that ism. People do not doubt intents of Indians as much as being able to do anything at all.
Yes Hasina was not perfect and the economy was struggling ever since Covid-19 struck but the living standards of all BD'shis rose significantly during her reign.

Let's talk about the 12500 taka minimum wage. The minimum wage of 12500 taka is only for garment workers, not everyone in BD, so don't be mistaken. There are people living with far less wage in other sectors.

It was a result of garment worker protests as they could not live anymore due to rising expenses. It wasn't because everyone suddenly got richer and wage increase happened organically. Go and check for garment worker protests in 2023. There was a weeklong protest with complete shutdown. The govt and the businesses were forced to increase it or else face billions of dollars in losses.

Was there an improvement in life standards? Sure, it did improve slightly and there are various factors involved not just government policies. But it absolutely wasn't day and night difference as you have been propagating here, and that is exactly what I have objection with.

As I said earlier, let Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya's white paper come out in couple of months time, we will know how much improvement there has actually been. We can resume our discussion then.
It hurts all decent Indians to read this; someday, some time, a properly set up government of India will, I sincerely hope, apologise to Bangladesh for the scam. For further details, contact Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, whose career has been smashed under a road-roller due to his exposure of an Indian business house that depends on trickery for its head to reach the levels of the world's richest individuals.


BD also has its agency in accepting this from Adani/Indian side....Hasina or no Hasina. Just like it has its agency in accepting and proceeding with projects/provisions from China and other big countries....or even from entities within itself wherever big money is required to get ball rolling on something critical base input related or infrastructure related.....all has erosive barganing power dynamic in the end that attaches a premium.

World is not a scam free place. India suffers from Adani/Ambani and such corporates for same reason....given govt and media are in cahoots with them to unacceptable degree i.e the big boy club gleichschaltung effect and no one really wanting to deal with getting elephant out of the room. It is in its worse relative state compared to say developed world, as the room is physically much smaller in India's case (given backlog consequence of not developing cohesively with the opportunities at hand since independence)....so the effect is all the more pronounced.

Then BD likewise with Hasina 15 year tenure got its portion of spillover of this...with its own rawer setting of less heavy capital corporates (but needing heavy capital, thus outsized role govt executive/autocrat plays with juggling that).

I will say this however, the bhakts on this thread stink to high heaven. They want to throw baby out with bathwater so bad as usual....and condemn all of Bangladesh to satisfy their selfish feelings.

When according to pew, its quite interesting to see the reality:

54% of BD muslims view India favourably, when 44% view SL favourably and 39% view Pakistan favourably.

Regd the overall BD population, it is maybe concerning that total favourability toward India has dropped from 70% (in 2014) to its current 57% (in 2024)....but this also might be driven by increase to DK/refuse to answer (from 1% in 2014 to 24% in 2024)....as the unfavourable rating also dropped from 29% (in 2014) to 19% (in 2024).

BD population, you need to break bread with them to understand things seriously, they are not some crazy anti-India population with Hasina keeping it all contained/suppressed. If you are fair to BD, it will be fair back to you. You are unfair to it, it will remember and be unfair back to you. It really isn't hard, it is like any other country and people in end, they all have their spread in sentiment/memory and ongoing exchange and practicalities regarding neighbour.

It is not unknown here in Canada....I told vcheng long time back about the canal fortifications here built to delay US forces (if deterrence proved insufficient) after 1812 experience till the RN could show up....i.e the strategic planning and faithful implementation regd the St lawrence to the great lakes.....Kingston being a lynchpin fulcrum....the move from York (now called Toronto) to Ottawa as capital (and its vital Rideau canal).....for that very reason as well (and also satsifying a quebecer qualm regd capital city, two birds with one stone)....some small strategic depth being better than literally none at all....

....but other than main canal waterways today, lot (feeder canals, defensive nodes etc) have now simply left to get silted up and grassed over and abandoned....making interesting exploration objects/areas for summer picnic activity or canal cruise....over passage of time generations moved on and sentiments moved with it (putting aside the drastic effect the US civil war had on itself later and its thinking that changed from it)....bigger human activities grew to occupy time and thinking, to intrude into and erode previous hostility....and rather larger threats from other continents grew in comparison than ones posed here to each other.

You have to be a 1% weirdo history + outdoors trek guy like me to find the old traces from before.... that mark a contrast forgotten by most today. One of my best buddies grew up very close to Niagara and likewise told me a lot about the Welland Canal history too, its competition with the American Erie canal network.....it wasnt all for fun and games trade/commerce....there was a strategic component that marked the 19th century, especially the early half given the war of 1812....and really how that came about due to the American 1776 revolution to begin with...given Canada was after all British till confederation happened in 1867 (accelerated in some part to again strategic consolidation needed locally w.r.t politics..... from US acquring Alaska..."uh oh civil war over, they're looking this way again!" etc etc.)

But bhakts, forum one-line blab type or otherwise don't know or dont care how to make friends outside of their circles....regd their own countrymen to begin with.....so what chance Bangladeshis have?

Goodwill that Dr. Shetty does, gets trampled on by fatass shah remarks, and all the other craphead sanghi gremlins trying to take everything down with them.

Then you have to rely on larger BD population sticking to better current and ignoring the nasty idiots....and positions of power they occupy.

BD itself is an immensity population wise and India is 7 times larger than that. This phenomenon is going to do its thing as to who is open minded and who is close minded in their % rates in each population.....lot of it is baked in. It just makes me sigh....and hope for best.
Really hopes BD does a BD version of CPEC deal with China.. and clearly keeps India out of everything, should also seal al borders and not allow any movement including trucks that carry cement, steel etc etc.. I'm sure China can ship it all cheaper
BD also has its agency in accepting this from Adani/Indian side....Hasina or no Hasina. Just like it has its agency in accepting and proceeding with projects/provisions from China and other big countries....or even from entities within itself wherever big money is required to get ball rolling on something critical base input related or infrastructure related.....all has erosive barganing power dynamic in the end that attaches a premium.

World is not a scam free place. India suffers from Adani/Ambani and such corporates for same reason....given govt and media are in cahoots with them to unacceptable degree i.e the big boy club gleichschaltung effect and no one really wanting to deal with getting elephant out of the room. It is in its worse relative state compared to say developed world, as the room is physically much smaller in India's case (given backlog consequence of not developing cohesively with the opportunities at hand since independence)....so the effect is all the more pronounced.

Then BD likewise with Hasina 15 year tenure got its portion of spillover of this...with its own rawer setting of less heavy capital corporates (but needing heavy capital, thus outsized role govt executive/autocrat plays with juggling that).

I will say this however, the bhakts on this thread stink to high heaven. They want to throw baby out with bathwater so bad as usual....and condemn all of Bangladesh to satisfy their selfish feelings.

When according to pew, its quite interesting to see the reality:

54% of BD muslims view India favourably, when 44% view SL favourably and 39% view Pakistan favourably.

Regd the overall BD population, it is maybe concerning that total favourability toward India has dropped from 70% (in 2014) to its current 57% (in 2024)....but this also might be driven by increase to DK/refuse to answer (from 1% in 2014 to 24% in 2024)....as the unfavourable rating also dropped from 29% (in 2014) to 19% (in 2024).

BD population, you need to break bread with them to understand things seriously, they are not some crazy anti-India population with Hasina keeping it all contained/suppressed. If you are fair to BD, it will be fair back to you. You are unfair to it, it will remember and be unfair back to you. It really isn't hard, it is like any other country and people in end, they all have their spread in sentiment/memory and ongoing exchange and practicalities regarding neighbour.

It is not unknown here in Canada....I told vcheng long time back about the canal fortifications here built to delay US forces (if deterrence proved insufficient) after 1812 experience till the RN could show up....i.e the strategic planning and faithful implementation regd the St lawrence to the great lakes.....Kingston being a lynchpin fulcrum....the move from York (now called Toronto) to Ottawa as capital (and its vital Rideau canal).....for that very reason as well (and also satsifying a quebecer qualm regd capital city, two birds with one stone)....some small strategic depth being better than literally none at all....

....but other than main canal waterways today, lot (feeder canals, defensive nodes etc) have now simply left to get silted up and grassed over and abandoned....making interesting exploration objects/areas for summer picnic activity or canal cruise....over passage of time generations moved on and sentiments moved with it (putting aside the drastic effect the US civil war had on itself later and its thinking that changed from it)....bigger human activities grew to occupy time and thinking, to intrude into and erode previous hostility....and rather larger threats from other continents grew in comparison than ones posed here to each other.

You have to be a 1% weirdo history + outdoors trek guy like me to find the old traces from before.... that mark a contrast forgotten by most today. One of my best buddies grew up very close to Niagara and likewise told me a lot about the Welland Canal history too, its competition with the American Erie canal network.....it wasnt all for fun and games trade/commerce....there was a strategic component that marked the 19th century, especially the early half given the war of 1812....and really how that came about due to the American 1776 revolution to begin with...given Canada was after all British till confederation happened in 1867 (accelerated in some part to again strategic consolidation needed locally w.r.t politics..... from US acquring Alaska..."uh oh civil war over, they're looking this way again!" etc etc.)

But bhakts, forum one-line blab type or otherwise don't know or dont care how to make friends outside of their circles....regd their own countrymen to begin with.....so what chance Bangladeshis have?

Goodwill that Dr. Shetty does, gets trampled on by fatass shah remarks, and all the other craphead sanghi gremlins trying to take everything down with them.

Then you have to rely on larger BD population sticking to better current and ignoring the nasty idiots....and positions of power they occupy.

BD itself is an immensity population wise and India is 7 times larger than that. This phenomenon is going to do its thing as to who is open minded and who is close minded in their % rates in each population.....lot of it is baked in. It just makes me sigh....and hope for best.

With this sane post of yours, I conclude my activity on this thread. This forum hasn't been kind to my sanity or manner so far. (Some folks continuously provoke you to go down to their level. Not something I am proud of.) So thank you.
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Indian state hasn't disappointed me yet. Slowly China is reclaiming its territory and modis GoI will not acknowledge this. But, testimony of local villagers says otherwise... 😆

You know that current government was installed by the revolutionary students right?

Lets see...
Keep believing in such nonsense..... both India and China are just blocking each other on patrolling points between finger 4 and 8 in NML ....

Previously we used to patrol upto finger 8 now it's restricted till 4.... simultaneously China can't patrol beyond 4 towards 3 or down.... whatever minor incursion they did they were forced to retreat when India did incursion on the night of 29th August 2020... a well known fact..... and whatever the testimony you're talking about villagers, a paid groups organized by opposition parties nobody apart from opposition gave a hoot about..... it's as simple as paying a group of people and making them vimmit nonsense propaganda..... even a newbie youtubers can do it..... such videos are made to fool illiterate masses or people who are in non skilled intellectual jobs..... Bangladesh with people full of sewing jobs perfectly fits in this category....

I am not saying India is powerful than China but don't worry end of the day India is a nuclear power with SSBN and ICBM and is capable of taking care of herself.....

You should be worried about what Bangladesh army next strategy to handle next revolution by deadly BD students..... in my opinion BD army actually realized they lack muscles to stop students so they decided to become saints and said we cannot fire on our own students..... but what if same happens again??? And keep me quoted on this.... it will repeat... BD students never disappoint....

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