"NVIDIA" overtakes Apple and Microsoft to become the most valuable company in the world

Its hypercapitalism 101
Companies that makes biggest profits reigns supreme.
This has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism, it's an act of state regulation. To be precise, it is an act of control of “country risk”.

The United States approach, when there is no major “country risk”, the benefits are very high and the costs are very low. When the big “country risk” comes, but also the most easy to collapse.
How AI technology could affect India software export ?

Now with AI, we dont need many programmer any more to create coding.......

Does US companies need to outsource it to India with now they have AI technologies ? 2 years from now AI will likely become very clever. Chat GPT has already prepared the launch of Chat GPT 5

Twitter has already fired many of Indian programmers residing in India
With the development of AI technology and precision machinery technology, a lot of mechanical repetitive labor of human beings will be slowly replaced. All countries are facing this problem.
China's manufacturing industry is beginning to shift from labor-intensive to smart manufacturing, causing many people with low education to lose their jobs. This is painful, but necessary. We must adapt to the progress of the times.
The same is true for the software foundry industry in India.
This has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism, it's an act of state regulation. To be precise, it is an act of control of “country risk”.

The United States approach, when there is no major “country risk”, the benefits are very high and the costs are very low. When the big “country risk” comes, but also the most easy to collapse.

Point wasnt socialism vs capitalism. Its that in American unregulated hypercapitalism which is Reganism, the money flows to the most profitable companies. Thats why industrial sector is in decline over there. Blue chip companies are making huge profit margins.
With the development of AI technology and precision machinery technology, a lot of mechanical repetitive labor of human beings will be slowly replaced. All countries are facing this problem.
China's manufacturing industry is beginning to shift from labor-intensive to smart manufacturing, causing many people with low education to lose their jobs. This is painful, but necessary. We must adapt to the progress of the times.
The same is true for the software foundry industry in India.

I would say we dont need as many programmer in the AI era as we had couple years ago. Not only twitters, even Indonesian tech company like Gojek, Tokopedia, Efishery laid off many of their workers.

Consultant bisnis will also be the other most effected industry.

While for business in general, AI will likely bring many efficiency and very positive for them
I would say we dont need as many programmer in the AI era as we had couple years ago. Not only twitters, even Indonesian tech company like Gojek, Tokopedia, Efishery laid off many of their workers.

Consultant bisnis will also be the other most effected industry.

While for business in general, AI will likely bring many efficiency and very positive for them
I work in design. What we do has been massively simplified by AI and requires less and less expertise from designers. This has resulted in a large number of designers with insufficient expertise being forced to switch careers. Many designers have been forced to become salesmen.
I reoriented my profession early on, transitioning from conventional design to analytical design. This is the kind of work that AI can't replace. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive in the design industry.
I would say we dont need as many programmer in the AI era as we had couple years ago. Not only twitters, even Indonesian tech company like Gojek, Tokopedia, Efishery laid off many of their workers.

Consultant bisnis will also be the other most effected industry.

While for business in general, AI will likely bring many efficiency and very positive for them

I don't think that is the reason why they were fired.

Most tech companies simply hired too many with the boom of the 2010s and during the Covid-19 era and so they needed to get rid of the excess after the bubble burst.

Even now hiring is at 75% of what it was during the AI boom. That is a huge number in absolute terms. It is just hard to get a job now as there is an excess now due to all those that got fired recently and those that learned how to programme over the last few years.

AI programming assistants are actually over-rated as they cannot even fully write anything but the most basic code samples. You still need that software engineer to make use of them and a lot of developers say they are not that much quicker at their jobs than they were before AI came along due to the amount of prompting and mistakes that the AI needs and makes.

Also we are coming to the limit at what generative AI can do and so future versions will not get much better at tasks like coding.
I work in design. What we do has been massively simplified by AI and requires less and less expertise from designers. This has resulted in a large number of designers with insufficient expertise being forced to switch careers. Many designers have been forced to become salesmen.
I reoriented my profession early on, transitioning from conventional design to analytical design. This is the kind of work that AI can't replace. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive in the design industry.

Yup only those in the top like senior level programmer that will likely survives, while junior level could be replaced.

Man is now more on ideas production. For design, in the aerospace sector AI has been implemented years ago. Chat GPT just make AI easily accessed by general public.

AI is bad for some industries workers, but for business in general is good. If you have expertise in design, better make your own business. With AI technology, you can start your own business with much less capital
I don't think that is the reason why they were fired.

Most tech companies simply hired too many with the boom of the 2010s and during the Covid-19 era and so they needed to get rid of the excess after the bubble burst.

Even now hiring is at 75% of what it was during the AI boom. That is a huge number in absolute terms. It is just hard to get a job now as there is an excess now due to all those that got fired recently and those that learned how to programme over the last few years.

AI programming assistants are actually over-rated as they cannot even fully write anything but the most basic code samples. You still need that software engineer to make use of them and a lot of developers say they are not that much quicker at their jobs than they were before AI came along due to the amount of prompting and mistakes that the AI needs and makes.
Most programmer is now using Chat GPT. I can do coding as well.
AI programming assistants are actually over-rated as they cannot even fully write anything but the most basic code samples. You still need that software engineer to make use of them and a lot of developers say they are not that much quicker at their jobs than they were before AI came along due to the amount of prompting and mistakes that the AI needs and makes.
It's a trend that can't be avoided. We can only adapt to it.
The current AI tools are not mature enough for it to completely replace ordinary people. However, it will continue to move forward and replace ordinary people in these repetitive tasks or simplify them altogether. It is coming soon, and we must prepare for it well in advance. If we misjudge or ignore this trend, we are doomed to be eliminated.
Most programmer is now using Chat GPT. I can coding as well.

Yes I use it and I am an amateur and even with my 400-500 line projects it is useless for anything but the most basic coding tasks.

Good for "boiler-plate" code but you still need to write the complex algorithms yourself - the actual time consuming part of coding that requires "thinking".

Does it save some time? Maybe a little and I have seen professional developers that say it maybe saves them 10-15% at most than without.
It's a trend that can't be avoided. We can only adapt to it.
The current AI tools are not mature enough for it to completely replace ordinary people. However, it will continue to move forward and replace ordinary people in these repetitive tasks or simplify them altogether. It is coming soon, and we must prepare for it well in advance. If we misjudge or ignore this trend, we are doomed to be eliminated.

This bit is important in my post:

"Also we are coming to the limit at what generative AI can do and so future versions will not get much better at tasks like coding."

We are hitting the limits of what generative AI can do and need GI to really make a difference and replace programmers.
How AI technology could affect India software export ?

Now with AI, we dont need many programmer any more to create coding.......

Does US companies need to outsource it to India with now they have AI technologies ? 2 years from now AI will likely become very clever. Chat GPT has already prepared the launch of Chat GPT 5

Twitter has already fired many of Indian programmers residing in India

AI won’t replace software developers. Software development is not just about coding. In fact, with proliferation of AI - there will be a huge demand for automation - so we might actually need more developers.

However, we are already seeing massive cull and wage stagnation in application support and testing. India currently dominates this sector. It is to India what garment is to BD. Except AI won’t replace garment workers in our lifetime.
AI won’t replace software developers. Software development is not just about coding. In fact, with proliferation of AI - there will be a huge demand for automation - so we might actually need more developers.

However, we are already seeing massive cull and wage stagnation in application support and testing. India currently dominates this sector. It is to India what garment is to BD. Except AI won’t replace garment workers in our lifetime.

I understand you are a software developer right?

Well I program as an amateur and to tell you the truth AI sometimes makes my coding tasks longer as it leads me in the wrong direction.

Now I mainly use it for syntax rather than anything else. It can do sorting arrays into highest to lowest with ease but this is rarely used in the real world and is more an academic exercise.

Generative AI cannot "think" as it is just based on prediction of the next letter and all AI companies have pretty much said they are reaching the plateau of what Generative AI is capable of.
I understand you are a software developer right?

Well I program as an amateur and to tell you the truth AI sometimes makes my coding tasks longer as it leads me in the wrong direction.

Now I mainly use it for syntax rather than anything else. It can do sorting arrays into highest to lowest with ease but this is rarely used in the real world and is more an academic exercise.

Generative AI cannot "think" as it is just based on prediction of the next letter and all AI companies have pretty much said they are reaching the plateau of what Generative AI is capable of.

You got Gen AI wrong dude! That’s not how it works.

In essence, Gen AI has the ability to extrapolate and deduce things. More data you give it - the more it can infer.

Previous versions of AI could only follow a programmable path. Call centre stupid chatbots are a classic example.

My company is doing some clever stuff with Gen AI.

As for coding - it has a habit of over engineering. I use it mainly to get an idea of how a particular SDK works. Especially, if I am new to it.

Think of Gen AI like a highly intelligent autistic child 😂
It is to India what garment is to BD. Except AI won’t replace garment workers in our lifetime.
If you visit those large modern garment factories in China, you will find that there are not many workers left. A large number of automated machines and equipment have replaced them, with only a handful of highly educated people monitoring and maintaining these machines. These factories also produce far more garments per day than the old factory models of the past.


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