Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Operation Black Thunderstorm (2009)

Operation Black Thunderstorm, also in 2009, focused on eliminating TTP elements from Buner, Lower Dir, Swat, and Shangla. The operation not only restored stability but also contributed to the return of tourism in these areas.


Operation Rah-i-Nijat (2009)

Conducted in 2009, Operation Rah-i-Nijat targeted TTP bases in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The mission's success led to a significant reduction in terrorist activities and established relative stability.

Operation Brekhna (2009)

In 2009, Operation Brekhna was carried out in the Mohmand Agency against the TTP. The operation effectively curbed terrorist operations in the area, resulting in a period of relative stability.

Operation Koh-i-Safaid (2011)

Operation Koh-i-Safaid, launched in 2011, targeted TTP insurgents in Kurram Agency. The successful operation brought about a phase of relative stability, reducing the threat posed by militant activities
Operation Zarb-e-Azb (2014)

Operation Zarb-e-Azb commenced in 2014, targeting a nexus of terrorist groups including TTP, Al-Qaeda, IMU, and LeJ in North Waziristan. The operation significantly degraded the capabilities of these groups and ushered in relative stability.
Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad (2017)

In 2017, Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad was a countrywide initiative against TTP, BLA, and BRAs. The comprehensive operation aimed to eliminate terrorist threats across Pakistan, achieving relative stability nationwide.
Operation Azm-e-Istehkam (2024)

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, launched in 2024, is a countrywide effort against TTP, BLA, extremist elements, and anarchists. This ongoing operation seeks to maintain and enhance the relative stability achieved in previous years.

Since you have time on hands to write essays - explain how to find and target the terrorist (TTP) from within the public ? This is the war Pakistan Forces are fighting, an unseen enemy.

ISI take massive budget, It's budget is even bigger than Pakistan's Navy. Fighting unseen enemy is their job. If they are unable to do it then its basically accepting that they are unable to do their job. If you can't do your job and for terrorism everytime you have to bring regular troops then its an utter failure of ISI and what's really purpose of ISI to keep it going. You asked me how to do it, its not my job, They should do it, Infiltrate into their ranks, use local assets, use technology, or whole load of stuff but give results. I am not a spy, and I am not being paid for it, I don't have budget of billions, I don't control so many assets. The ones who are in charge with all that should know their job and defeat those terrorists & religious fanatics. If they can't exterminate those low tech, uneducated folks of TTP then imagine how they will fight a sophisticated enemy.
Enemies have to be created for the justification of capture on resources and power grab. WOT is bread and butter for many high ups not just in Pakistan but western establishment as well. Tony generals in Pakistan army have already bend over for yanks and India is no more an enemy nation for them because that is the wish of the overlord uncle Sam. Time and over again, during American occupation of Afghanistan when India was using that territory as lunch base to spread terrorism in Pakistan, these generals didn't even raise a finger against India. Many of us on old forum were highlighting that rather treacherous behaviour of Army generals at that time.

Old wine in new bottles. Pakistan should rather focus its energy and time in making an example of these traitors in GHQ. Must be done rather quickly before they throw Pakistan is another mindless war just to please yanks and ofcourse for their own petty personal interests.
That's the daftest excuse I've heard for afghans repeatedly attacking Pakistan

If you guys can control the afghand then do so, if you can't and they keep causing fassad and deshatgardi, then what the **** do you thinka going to happen

You going to war with these traitors in GHQ at helm who are openly hostile to the will of Pakistanis? You out of your mind?
Wouldn't it be better to allow free and fair elections, let the people chosen government come in power, give them full authority to negotiate with Afghanistan and TTP for a final solution, meanwhile upgrade your police and rangers in tribal areas, make connections with the locals who want peace (the lashlars and anti ttp militias). If the negotiations fail and ttp wants a war, then finish them off, replace their power with the tribal lashkars and anti ttp militias. In Afghanistan the Taliban will know ttp is finished in Pakistan and it's no point protecting them, or else Pakistan will start special operations in Afghanistan and finish off ttp or final solution make relations with the uzbekhs, tajikis, hazaras, turkmen, and establish close relations with Iran, Tajikistan and Turkey, bring the Taliban down. The only issue with this final solution is northern alliance government will be back and they hate Pakistan more.
Pakistan has to do a North Korea/South Korea thing with Afghanistan and its Pashtun regions. Allow Afghanistan to remain under one government (to minimize the number of potential actors that can be co-opted by outside powers). Allow or don’t do anything to end Afghanistan’s international pariah status, while at the same time wall off the border and build up our Pashtun areas to be a decent place to live. Education for all, investment into rural development and industrial development, jobs, etc. let the forces of economics do their thing.
On top of this, if it’s just theatrics to appease the Chinese, the military should be careful not to inflame the public (not the militants) to open rebellion. The Pashtun are a proud people, so affronts to their honor, especially if they are innocent civilians would compel them to respond should the military come in the middle of the night and kill a few civilians.

It was the night raids and drone strikes that turned neutral Afghans against the regime in Kabul. Before that, most just wanted to be left alone.

This is why dealing the border and carefully sifting through the population in the course of normal police work, coupled with development and a government the public respects is the only real solution.

Pakistan has to do a North Korea/South Korea thing with Afghanistan and its Pashtun regions. Allow Afghanistan to remain under one government (to minimize the number of potential actors that can be co-opted by outside powers). Allow or don’t do anything to end Afghanistan’s international pariah status, while at the same time wall off the border and build up our Pashtun areas to be a decent place to live. Education for all, investment into rural development and industrial development, jobs, etc. let the forces of economics do their thing.

What about the 10,000s of pastun who have relatives on both side of borders, they make their living trading with afghan pashtun, they visit them, get married with their relatives etc. I don't see the possibility of completely shutting the border. Pakistan policy makers still see Taliban, Haqqani Network as an ally, whilst the Taliban leader calls himself as Amir ul Muhmineen, the leader of all the ummah. He wants the border open for the pashtuns free movement, he wants Pakistan to negotiate with ttp for a settlement. Taliban is already finding alternatives to Pakistan port, the Iranian chahabar port. What do we have to influence them?
You going to war with these traitors in GHQ at helm who are openly hostile to the will of Pakistanis? You out of your mind?

¿?????? So we shouldn't kill the Afghan terrorists?????????
What about the 10,000s of pastun who have relatives on both side of borders, they make their living trading with afghan pashtun, they visit them, get married with their relatives etc. I don't see the possibility of completely shutting the border. Pakistan policy makers still see Taliban, Haqqani Network as an ally, whilst the Taliban leader calls himself as Amir ul Muhmineen, the leader of all the ummah. He wants the border open for the pashtuns free movement, he wants Pakistan to negotiate with ttp for a settlement. Taliban is already finding alternatives to Pakistan port, the Iranian chahabar port. What do we have to influence them?

What about them?

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